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PROPERTIES TOR SALE. VICTORY ESTATK VICTORY ESTATE. SlTr-Tiri. n. O .J! INinN ,!n - TERMINUS. MllAlKl) DOMINION HI). TERMINUS. ONE OF THE FINEST EST ATI'S IN AN\ SI I'.riiH OF AUCKLAND. CHOICE F RECTI OLD RESIDENTIAL ALSO BUSINESS SITES. FRONTIXU , dominion road. VICTORY ESTATE. One of ihe Finest Investments offering '"-day ,s an invcslmeiil In vacant bind, ami Sections such ns ar-- offering on this tine osiaie, commanding good positions, and on such easy tcniin. are hard lo secure in and around Auckland. Therefore invest in Ihe VICTORY ESTATE. MAGNIFICENT EXTENSIVE VIEWS. ELEVATED POSITIONS. RICH GRASSY SLOPES, And GREAT PROSPECTIVE VALUES. TERMS: 10 per Cent. Deposit, in per Cent. Six Months, and in per Cent. 12 Mouths. Balance in three years at 0 per cent. Plans and further particular*, TOZER AND TOZER, LAND AXD ESTATE AGENTS. IWMI'NION ROAD TRAM TERiMINUS. j Telephone A2-T.l. S
REMUERA. FIRST-CLASS POSITION. HANDY TO CAR. '-CI'TAA-CAPITAL MODERN VILLA, fi cWa - 'v" very fine rooms; hot nnd cold iwater to bath, basin, shower, sink, etc , scullery and pantry, built-in wardTobes, Itaen and every up-to-date cony. 'House recently painted anxl renovuted. Varua-le i-aere section, iawnfi. shrubs, flower and vegetable garden. The house is vacant and immediate possession can he given. (3_o) _ "TyEVONTORT, SPLENDID SITUATION. VALUABLE CORNER LOT. _R9Wf_l — FIRST-CLASS 0-ROOMED o**UtJ\JV RESIDENCE, drawineroom 20 1 "»• dlnlngroom 24 x 23J6, verandah on two Bides and at back: electric light throughout, every cony. Excellent corner sectiou Of tend, 100 by 160 ft. laid out in lawn, vegetable garden and orchard. For immediate sale at £2500. (7-1) . _~ ' J£O_TMAI_VMA. BEAUTIFUL POSITION. GRAND WATER VIEW. _?"9f_^A—ARTISTIC MODERN BTJ-N- - 6 very fine rooms, ball, scullery, pantry, storeroom, linen cupboards, meat safe, plate rack, etc.: avnshhouse, bathroom (pore, batin, hot and cold wirtcr, basin, p.w.c; drainage nnd concrete 6eptic tank; wide verandah, sleeping Torch, window seats, sideboard, bookcase, war—roibcß. House is .built of heart of kauri, beautifully situated on rising srotmrl. Nearly one acre good land, ■$■__re in orch arA, ba'Uinoe In shrubs, flowers and vegetable garden. £800 cash. (107b)
T. MANDENO JACKSON, LAND, AND ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS. ETC. CUSTOMS STRiBET EAST, AUCKLAND. C SUBURBAN HOMES. HANDY TO -RAMS. GARDENS. LAWNIS, ORCHARD, MOTOR GARAGE., Etc. And. nibove all, Outlook and Fresh Air. .We have TWO of these Exceptionally /""'HOIOE TTOMISS, Each 7 ROOMS, on Stone Foundations. Built of Heart of Kauri, under architects. Ere-ry comfort and convenience, and at Prices asked—£2,soo--you must lei us show you them. V HARROP AND MEDLEY, 15, SHORTLAND STREET. D Parnell. 9 minutes to car and ■or_t_n a-a handy to City—WELL ou « BUILT HOUSE of six rooms and convs, gas and water, bath ; washhouse, c. and t. In good order throughout. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. House is now empty. Leasehold property. 13 years to run •i—» • nt £11 ground rent. Or«»v T.vnn booms and KIT- \_\- CHBNETTE> bnth - X'CpOSlt, room; washhouse. c. and S\fX, " t.; p.w.c, sewer drainage. 7*-".,? .... Clean, perfect order ''■",'' throughout. Sec. 4Q by •i; 100. Price £675 for quick sale, as owner is going • •■- ■<*-. -, farming. IMMEDIATE ;■■ ~. ~ POSSESSION. P-nainpfnp Tft minutes to stax apaxoeioe. jij TloN _ ove _. ;t chalnß 2 AcreSj road frontage, 1 acre vegeiMlQfl table garden (including *■"'"' ~-,-! 4000 onion plants), bal- » "* .. ■si-ii: nnce In grass. New Dwel- ' ' "-'''' ling ot 3 rooms and kit- .;' 1 ":-::3 chenette, Jyst completed. "•' ' * IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Dominion cjound B-roomea houm, ■n _i J recently painted Inside TvOafl, and out, papers nil in good £ll f SO order. All large rooms, ' range and gns stove. Section, 50 by 320; 1 minute to car. POSSESSION IN 14 DAYS. Cash £520. Mt 'Alhprt KAURI BUNGAModern rooms and kitciien-•Riin-'ilmxr ETTB, very pretty deXJUngaiOW, Blg __ f fitted up with all x modern convß.; open brick -replace, pore. b. and b.. califont, window seats, cosy corners, linen presses, glass-fronted dresser, gas stove; all modern papers. In perfect order. Corner section, 02 by 148. Elevated position. Good views. Close to car. Reduced to £1075 for urgent disposal. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION.
TOM HADFIELD & SONS, 44, QUEEN STREET, IMPERIAL BUILDINGS (Opp. Smeeton's). CHARMING BUNGALOW IN ONE OF AUCKLAND'S PRETTIEST MARINE SUBURBS. iNO TRAMS TO WORRY ABOUT. ALWAYS A COMFORTABLE SEAT. X LOVELY ROOMS AND KITCUiBNETT—'. Nice reception hall off verandah. Dlnlngroom. beam ceiling, large corner window, window seats. Best bedroom, plaster ceiling, plaster grate with gas fire. Two other nice bedrooms well finished in rimu. Breakfastroom, riled grate, etc. Pantry off same xvith patent ventillatlng shutter, etc. Kitchenette with gas stove and ventilator,-sink, cupboards, etc. Bathroom, porcelain bath and basin, califont. etc. Washhouse. copper and tubs. Base _lent used ns workshop, etc. Paths aud yard all larred and sanded, and posts of fence all set in concrete. This Bungalow is guaranteed to be constructed of ilrst-class timber. and all interior finishings are of first-class rimu. P RICE £1500. CASn £500. BALANCE 5 YEARS AT G PER CENT. MAKE URGENT INQUIRY AND SECURE THIS HOME. The Land Department has several nice SfgS. information given. ul FRANK m7~WINSTONE, LAND 'DEPARTMENT _*, 40, 41, CWMJ^j^
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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817Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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