For mc the miner hews the coal Ami little recks of gain or loss. For to that altruistic soul Ills dally wage Is but as dross. He sometimes gets a rise maybe. 'But still he chiefly thinks of mc. For mc the miner plans a strike, And -lakes himself a holiday. , So kind he 1- be does not lite To think of what I nave to pay. Therefore he plans a new device To hide the economic price. For mc the miner chokes the source Of light and fuel, heat and power. He does It all without remorse, 'Renie_~eriii£ that the darkest hour Precedes the dawn, and, should I die. Doubtless a tear xvould dim his eye. Bereft of warmth, of light and food, ■Life seems to mc a dreary game. And though he does It for my good. I wish he wouldn't, all the same. I can but hope that ere the end The State will save mc from my friend! —TOUOH-TOJi-, in the "Daily Mall.",
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 18
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 18
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