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RISING TIDE OF COLOUR. WORLDS GREATEST PROBLEM The world-wide ascendancy of the white races, apparently so unshakable, is in reality threatened by the coloured races. "Such, in a sentence, is the thesis of a new and startling book entitled 'The Rising Tide of Colour (Scribner), by Lothrop Stoddard. "Mr. Stoddard gives warning not only of a yellow peril, but of red, black, and brown perils as well. He agrees with Madison Grant, author of 'The Passing of the Great Kace,' who contributes an introduction to the present volume, that the baeie factor in human affaire is not politics, but race. To believe the reverse is to harbour a dangerous 1 delusion. "The war," Mr. Stoddard says, "was nothing short of a headlong plunge into white-race suieido, and 'the white world stands to-day at the eroes-voads of life and death.' JAPAN AND CHINA. "In support of these statements, Mr. Stoddard points to the plight of the world at the present time, and links up what he regards as the various phases of the coloured menace. "Japan," he cays, "following her military triumphs over China in 1804 and over Russia a decade later, is more and more asserting her ambition to become ihegemon of a Far East in which white influence shall have been reduced to a 'vanishing point. ""The (Ireat War automatically made i Japan supreme in the Far East by temporarily reducing all Kuropean Powers in ciphers in Oriental affairs. China while temporarily under the heel of [Japan, is capable," in Mr. Stoddard's view, "of being galvanised into aggressive nationalism, and might conceivably form a 'sacred union,' with Japan lor the purpoee of expelling the white man from eveTy foothold in Eastern Asia. "India, Asiatic Turkey, Persia, Egypt, Arabia, and Africa are all seething with revolt. THE REAL WHITE WORLD. "To those who see no menace or who regard it as negligible, Mr. Stoddard has this to say: " 'Instead of a world politically ninetenths white, we see a world of which I only four-tenthe at the most can be i considered predominately white in blood, I the rest of the world being inhabited mainly by the other primary races of mankind —yellows, browns, blacks and rede. " 'Speaking by continents, Europe, North America to the Rio Grande, the southern portion of South America, the Siberian part of Asia, and Australasia constitute the real white world; while. the bulk of Asia, virtually the whole ,of Africa and moet of -Central and South America form the woTld of colour. 'The respective areas of these two raciallycontrasted worlds are 22,000,000 square miles for the whites and 31,000i000 square miles for the coloured races. Furthermore, it must be remembered that fully one-third of the vrihite area (notably Australasia and Siberia) ie very thinly inhabited, and is thus held by a very slender racial tenure —the only tenure which counts in the long run.' WHITE AND COLOURED POPULATIONS. "The statistical disproportion becomes still more marked when we turn to tables of population. The total number of human beings alive to-day is about 1,700,000,000. Of these 550,^00,----000 are white, 1.150,000,000 coloured. The coloured races thus outnumber the white more than two to one. The great bulk of the white race is concentrated in the European continent. In 1914 the population of Europe was ap- ' proximately 450,000,000. Some fourfifths of the entire white race is thus concentrated on less than one-fifth of the white world's territorial area | (Europe), while the remaining one-fifth, scattered to the ends of the earth, must protect four-fifths against the pressure of coloured races 11 times its numerical strength. "Mr. Stoddard emphasises the fact that the coloured races are increasing much faster than the white. It seems that wMtee tend to double in 80 years, yellows and browne in 60 years, blacks in 40 years." WHITE MEN'S BARRIERS. "The white man sete up barriers, and 'the rising flood of colour finds itself walled 4n by white dikes debarring it from many a promised land. . What is the result? Mr. Stoddard replies:— "The coloured world, long restive under white political domination, n> being welded by the most fundamental of instincts, the instinct of self-preser-vation, into a common solidarity of feeling against the dominant white man, and in the fire of a common purpose, internecine differences tend, for the time at least, to be burned away. Before the supreme fact of white political world-domination antipathies within the coloured world must inevitably recede into the background. EAST AND WEST. "Then the war broke. Never before were such masses of men arrayed for : mutual slaughter. Mr. Stoddard calcu--1 lates the total loss of life directly attributable to the war as probably fully 40,000,000. " 'As coloured men realised the significance of it all, they looked into one another's eyes and there saw the light ■of undrea-med of hopes. The white world was tearing itself to pieces. White solidarity was riven and shattered. . Through the bazaars of Asia ran t!>o ' sibilant whispers 'The East will see the West 'to bed!' "If the whites are to hold their menaced supremacy, Mr. Stoddard argues, they must forgo dreams of dominating the" entire world. Resistance will be useless in the Asiatic strongholds of the yellow and brown man, where the renaissance among the natives 'will eventually result in the substantial elimination of white polifical control from Anatolia to the Philippines. , He advises withdrawing from Asia, and assert* that such 'withdrawal will avert cataclysmic disasters. 'Our true "outer dikes,"' he says, 'stand not in Asia, but in Africa and Latin America. Let us not exhaust ourselves by stubborn resistance in Asia, which in the end must prove futile.' THINGS WHICH MUST BE DON E. "What are the things that the white man must do promptly, if he would avert the worst? Mr. Stoddard states the 'irreducible minimum' as follows: — " 'First and foremost, the wretched Versailles business will have to be thoroughly revised. As it stands, dragon's teeth have been sown over both Europe and Asia, and unless they be plucked up they will presently grovy a crop of cataclyems which will eeal the white world's doom.
" 'Secondly, some sort of provisional understanding must he arrived at between the white world and renascent Asia. We whites will have to abandon our tacit assumption of permanent domination over Asia, while Asiatics will have to forego their dreams of migration to •white lands and penetration of Africa and Latin America. Unless Borne such understanding is arrived at, the world •will drift into a gigantic race-war —and I genuine race-war means war to the knife. . . . " 'Thirdly, even within the white "world, migration of lower human types like those which have worked such havoc in the United States must be rigorously curtailed. Such migrations upset etandarde, sterilise better stocks, increase low types, and compromise national fitness more than war, revolutions, or native deterioration. " 'Such are the things which simply must be done if we are to get through the next few decades without convulsions which may render impossible the white world's recovery.'"
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 17
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1,166WHITE RACE SUICIDE. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 17
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WHITE RACE SUICIDE. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 17
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