GRAYSON".—In fond nnd ever loving memory of our denr brother, Robert .Tamps, who dppnrted this life on October 22. 11)15. K.I.P. We are thinking of you to-day, dear brother, Thinking of the past. Picturing you in our memory, Just ns wo saw you last. Inserted by his lovlnsr sister nnd brother-in-law, E. V. and J. J. Clarke. HAXLOX.—In loving memory of our denf Tvife jind mother, Matilda Hanlon, who died October 23, 1000. R.I.P. A beautiful memory left behind. Of a loving mother. Rood nnd kind : We have lost but heaven has pained One of the best the world contained. Inserted by her loving husband, sons, and daughters. HLAN>LO>f.—In lovinp; mmiory of my denr mother, 'who passed away October 23, 1003. To memory ever dear. Inserted 'by her daughter and son-in-law, 'M. and R. Dodd. HOJjMES.—In loving memory of my dear sister Iverlelgu (Iva), who died October 24, 1902. Hot my will, but thine, O, Lord, be done. Inserted by her loving sister Alice, iAvondale. O'BRIEN.—In loving memory of oar dear father, who departed this life on October 24, 1913. Ever remembered. Inserted by his loving daughter nnd son-in-law, 11. and J. Grieve, nnd family. (POOiTJEY —In fond remembrance at denr mother, who departed this life on October Ett, 1911. Still remembered. Inserted by h?r loving daughter and son-In-ln iv, Agnes and. Alfred Turner, Onehungn. TYE.—In loving memory of my detfr . mother, Elizabeth, who died October 24, We miss you deareet mother, We miss you. Oh. ro sore; And as the days roll onward We miss you more and more. 'Tls one year since we lost you. And our hearts are "nchlng etill, . For n place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. - Inserted by her husband, daughter, son-ln-law, and family, E. and T. Dufty. TYE.—In loving memory of my dear mother Elizabeth, who died October 24, 1910. Sweet be your rest, denr mother, 'Tis sweet to breathe your name. In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. Inserted by her daughter, son-in-law and family, B. and W. Morris. TYE.—In loving memory of my denr mother, Elizabeth, who died October' 24, 1910. Ever remembered. Inserted by her daughter and grandchildren, S. Dodds. TYE.—-In loving memory of my dear mother, who' passed to the life beyond October 24, 1910. Whose lovn can equal the love of a mother? Whose the devotion bo loyal and true? Who suffers so much with such joy for another? Who works with such pleasure as mother for youV ' Tou hall with delight the friendship of others. You revol in love of the sweetheart you've won; Yet, where do you find a friendship like mother, Unbroken till death calls and life's work is done? Inserted by her loving daughter 'and son-in-law, Martha and Jimmy Clare. fWILSO.X.—In loving memory of our dear father and grandfather, Isaac Wileon, 191' J. " iv yon c - o c ocr, ■Sadly missed. One year has gone, our hearts are sore, As time, goes on we miss you more; Your welcome face, your loving smile, No one on this earth cau take your place. We -who love you sadly miss you, ..As it dawns another year; In our lonely hours of thinking, .Thoughts of you are always dear. Inserted by iis loving son, daughter-in-lnw, and grandchildren.—lsaac and B ■Wilson.
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 16
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