AVONDALE JOCKEY CLUB. TIIK SPRixu MEETING, CONCLUDING UAVB RACISM. Th* nnnclnrtltijr .1.-iy-s rnclnc In connection with the Avoildulo Jockey Club's Spring Meeting look jilace at Avondolp on Saturday. The weather was dull when m.-Lllß Martml, hut It Ilirtlfil oat a line afternoon. The attendance was very Inrgp. The truck wee a bit holding. IViter particulars are:— TIIK GVINKAS CONTEST. When the numbers were hohr.pd for the Avondale Gulneaw there wan a tiiir weeding out nf those i-.-inl.-rt. the Held Dually being reduced to seven- Stork, Gas Rag. Iler.-chtes. Pure l.axlnetw. liute sound, and Blackmail. L*t ndsllue was nmrle a reel-hot tHVniirite. being backed down to oculs ou, 11 thousand pounds belter fancy than Gas Hag. the wrunJ choice, while lUii.-Uinall went over four figures, ami Stork near thai total, n. lot of money going ..11 Pure I-ozlinws. llmlilw and' Bute Sjnund l)o[li brills .it k>111: prir-ox. When they came Into their places at the barrier, landslide wus next the rails, with Klncktnull alongside of him. uuil then across the course were Gan Rag, Stork, Bute Sound nnd Pure Laziness, with Uerschie.-> .01 the extreme outside. As they wheeled 111, Baghy on landslide. 11. Held ou Gas Bag. 11. Hoblnfon on Pun; Laziness, and llokk 011 Herschies tried to anticipate the Man. and duelled through tlie tapes, waking 11 false start of It.. Landslide moved first when tlic.v wore let co, but Hlackmnll soon the l-nek it was early wen the leaders, landslide, Gas Bag .mil Stork were thei>nly cues with a ehiwu'p, aiifl the quartet were nil racing well within themselves. Crossing the top, •*»• R''S l'»»t γ-oiiiu grounJ, .Stork and landslide moving up to Blackmail as I hoy Mvent rniint! I lie liu.iir turu. with Ona Bug about three length* away. landslide hearted lllarktunll as they raced to tile distance, but Stork failed to jru on with It. nnd Gas Bag then oaine on the scene. He finished well under pressure, but though he not lilk lie.iri iti front of Blai knmil, rouM not reach Lan~sllde.. which hung o n to his lank In pood styie niwl credited Mr. K. Atlson with his tlrst Avondale Guinea.*, retting the decision by three-quarters of a length, while Gns Bag only be:it Blackmail by a nock. Stork was close up. fourth, but llie oihpre hnpelewly hpnten. being fired In Symiey and the best of ln?t pea eon's two-year-oM.«. He has iilwnyfl nin well on the Avondnle course. winning the three event*, he contested ac a two-year-old. The time resisterixi -1..»7_--1s the slowest since ISU-, when Bleriot took 3-5. A ORRAT FINISH. Rose Wreath, which is rep<irtecl to have hurt her fttlfle, was the only defection from the rinmptan Handicap, and punters went mlttly for (J.izlqtie. entrusting him with over three thousand pounds, nnd close on *liteen hundred pounds more than Woody Glen, while 80-ppcp .md Some Boy 11. also went over four figures, with Bedford. Sir Ralph, nnd M.irhle Slab backed In that order, none of the starters being ab-solutely neglected. Some Boy 11. set rhe pace, but the Held did not strlna: out to any ?"-eat extent, and as they crossed the top Bedford and Sir Ralph were nearly level with the Auetrallnn-bred jreldi' l !;. but Gnzique was Inrtt. alruough not very far back. When the real strupile commenced Bedford tended f=olllo Boy 11.. then Sir Ralph wrested the lead from him. and the chance cf the favourite looked hopeless. The Glsborne horse, however, jrot a nice run throuEh on the rails as they swept into the Ftr.ilsrht. nnd though haff-way down the straight he did not lock to havp a chance of catching Sir Rtilph. Robinson rode a dpspprate finish on him. and his flnal nan helnj: well sustained he Just got up In the last stride amidst excitement to snatch ft victory by a short head. Woody Glen got third, a lpnctli .iway. Gozloues performance wap a poo<i one, for he was conceding Sir Ralph no less than 431b. He bnd to put in a lone rnn for 11 bout three furlones. for at. thst point he was last, fnlly n lengths behind the leader. He finished nt a great pace, and Sir Ralph tiring a little Giizlquo wae ennblpd to score a narrow vietoTy. THE TOTADTSATORS. Specnlntion was brisk, the sum of £fi» 189 10/ passing through thp machines, nrnJcing a total for the meeting of £l2<i.!XK>. an Increase of £20.852 10/ on last year. I.nfer remilts were:— PRESIDENT"* HANDICAP, of 300sovs. Six furlongs. (Mr. J. MoNicol's lir g Arran, aged, by Marble Arch—Monoquil. 7.11 (McTavifih) 1 Mr. J. T. -Hetet's b g Tama-a-roa, aged, T. 13 «". Reed) a Mr. G. D. Reatson's br g Parisian Diamond, aged, 0.1 (J. Oleen) S Also started: Lord Kenllworth S.O. Crowhnrat 7.13. Comply Prince 7.6, Caricature 0.13. Emerald Hill fi.l3, Scrap q" Paper 6.0, ■Prince Cuarlerol 6.7. Thpv bunched up as they entered the straight. and at the distance tfhey were all hard at it, *nd Just when Parisian Diamond looked to have the race won Arran and Tama-a-roa came at him, the trio ROing past the Judge almost in sine. Arran got the verdict hy a head from Tama-a-roa, with Parisian Diamond n xlmMar distance away. Crowhnrst wns risJit up. fourth, nnd hhen came Comedy Prince. Prince Charleroi. Scrap o' Paper, nnd Caricatnre, with Emerald Hill Time, 1.17 3-5. Parisian Diamond was favourite. .NEW LYNN 'HACK HANDICAP of 20050v3. Six furlongs. Mr. B. MDton's br g Itegent (late Aranui). ■ 4yrs. by Marble Arch— Kakauia, 5.5 (R. Seed) 1 lir. A. McDonald's b g Strategy, Cjrs, S.fl (Bagby) 2 Mr. R. J. Graham's blk g Some TaeMon, eyix, 7.S (Conquest) 3 AJso started: Cloumel 0.2, Miss Leslie S.f. dak Abbey 'Finkop. 5.6, Blackhead B.S, MilJtalre 8.3, Tnipa 5.2, Illumination 8.2. Kbubial Khan S.O. Dead Swept 7.12, North I.ohuni 7.11. Urodlck 7.11, Flowing Bowl 7.11, Miss Norval 7.9. Oetoplete 7.5. Poanui IS. Ro.val Prince 7.6. Harlestone 7.6, Savonrneen 7.0, Boomaday 7.6, Independence 7fi Aralnen 7.H, Jaffna 7.c. Knlghton 7.6, The Packman 7.8. Klriwinninj 7.6. Regent came round the turn in the lead, and stalling off a strong challenge by' Strateiy and Some Fashion, got the derlHon by three parts of a length from Hti-atciy. which was half a length in front of Some Fashion. Khublal Khan finished fast and got fourth, and then came Boomaday. MHKalre. Miss Lesllp. Tnipa, Poanui and OctoplPte. the last pair being Savourneen and The Packman. Time, 1.18 2-3. Strategy was favourite. NIHciTUPU TTKLTKn HANDICAV, of SllOsovg, One mile and a furlong. Mr. F. Waller's b g Rathlln. 6yrs.. hy Robert the Bruce—Orange and Blue, 7.1-J (C. Reldi I Mr. (.'. M. Kmnnupl's eh g Bitholia, 4yrs., 8.3 IH. Goldfinch) .....1 -2 Mr. W. Vanderspeclc's l> m La-dr Energy, aged. S.O (L. Morris) 3 Also started: Rlslnsham 9.4, Blue Cross P. 4, Te Oro 8.13, Tabasco 8.7, Tiranga S.H, Fnbriquette S.U, Delightful 7.11, Guianform 7.11. Ratblin was the leader when they entered toe straight, with I>ady -Energy and Bit holla as his nearest attendants, and Te. Oro nnd Blue Cross next. In the run to the Jndge Bltholin and Lady Knergy put in their claims, but could not get up, Kathlln lasting long enough to win by a length from Klrholla, which wus hnlf-a-lrugtii in front of Ijidy Knergy. Blue Cross was fourth, and then came To Oro, Tabasco, and Guianform. with Delightful last. Time, 2.1. Bkholla was favourite. WHANGAEEI RACIKO CLUB. The following weiehts have been declared hy Mr. F. .1. MoManemin for the events 10 be run on the opening day of the mee'lng to he held at Avondale by the Whnngarti ■Racing Club:— Whangarei Cup. one mile and α-quarter.— I'ncle Ned ».», Glen Canny 0.2, Gold Kip 8.1.1. W.lSt n<.'yal Abbey S.". Tainil-a-ron 7.11!. LnndKlide 7.12. (iold>n Bubble 7.12. Bedford T.'.i, Alteration 7.0, Sir Ilalph 7.. i. Woody Glen 7.3, Windornh X.13, Feral Irish 6.13, Comedy Prince 6.12. Blue Cnws '1.12. Bitholia (1.7, Prince Htifns 6.7. Gtierre a Morf 6.7. Royal Prince R. 7. -tlarbie Mah ti.7. liellglitful fl.f, Formalin 6.7, Islug-ar.-h 0.7. Iflghweizht Handicap, scren Airau Ki.iri. King Chlara 10.0. Tinokuha 10.0. Windornh U. 12. Hoyal Irish 0.12. Te Oro lip. Rathlln 1t.6, Itesnnt O.Zi, Sananre D.I. TahagßO 8.1, Oblnewnlrna 0.1, I.ndy Knergy 5.13, Fabrlquette 8.11, Clonmel 8.10, Miss Leslie 8.7 Hallow 5.7. Khublal Khan t«.S Pepln S.r>, Some Fashion 8.2, llluminallon 8.2, Llaneannor. 6.2, Tnipa 8.0, Flowing Bowl 8.0, Cnntoria S.O, Lovelight SAI. Tom Mo,.re 811 Guiana form 8.0, Pukemarama 8.0, l!o iiitncV SO Hariestone 8.0, Hessian 8.0. Klrlwlnniug S.O, Mi>ori Tikaugn 8.0, .Sorth Lobnri: s.ij. Hoyal Prince S.O. Huadlcap, live furlnugs.—Spanner V<:l. Arraii 0.1. Golden Bubble 0.1, Tama-a-roa S.lB. Queen Abbey 8.13, Crovrhnret 8.7, 1.-.rd Kenilworth, Kmerald Hill 7.4. I'hlnewnlnin 7.:t. Reftent. 7.0, Geoffrey 7.0, I'rlui-e CliarleroV.6.l3, Scrap o Paper O.U.^
Clonmel 6.13, Miss Elllce 0.13, Escaped 6.13. Lady Gils _s 6.12, Miss Muriel 6.0, Glad i l ,'L ngs - <, ' , > i,aits c - 7 - Illumination 6.7. Oak Abbey 6.«, Dead Sweet 6.7, oome Fashion B.T. Pure Laziness 6.7. Kumara 6.7, No Mistake 6... Jaffna 6.7. Manukau 6.7. Soultane b.i, Arnluen 6.7. Lady Glen 6.7. Jolie Prlu•ess b.i Matnklanga 6.7. Royal Mark ti.7. l-lnkop 6.7, Ngatlorahin 6.7. Miss Norval 6.7. l-ottsington Stakes. four furlongs.— Namuteie 8.0. Golden Dream 8.0. Hypo 8.0, Arch Laddie s.o. Ornnga 7.12. Loyal Irish '.1-. King Pellicule 7.11, Tiresome Ally 7.0, Smoke Conx-ert 7.0. Koodoo 7.0. Marble Crag '•s. Rose Thurnham 7.3, Pengwcn 7.3. Mnunu Steeplechase, nhout three miles. —Gluetanus 11.12. Ngakanul 11.12, First Gall 11.10. 'Harbour Light 11.1. Corogleu 10.12, John Bunny 10.10. Tlran 10.7, Hopye 10..., Totara Jack 10.2, Duurobin 10.2, 'Gatherer 10.2, Koura 10.2. Otara 0.12, Daloopin 0.1). Simple Sam 9.». Jacarandn 0.0. Kurnalpl 0.7. Yankee Doodle 0.7. Mcstee Oi, Popurahi 0.7. Irlshland 0.7. Lady Salvadan 0.7, Master Harold 0.7, Hard Labour 0.7. fapsal 0.7, St. Carl 0.7. Percpetn 0.7, Slipper 0.7. Hunnul Hurdles, one mile nnd threequariers.—Deviation 12.0, Gluetanus 11.7. I'endoon 11.3. Monopole 11.5, Sir Agues 11.2. Kcrehone 10 4, Keystone 10.0, Scottish lyiight 0.3. Peneton' 0.3. Golden Petal 0.0. x.-inkee Doodle 0.0. Mlddlcmark 0.0, Ma Copper 0.0, Sheilshock 0.0, Mentmore 0.0, Otara 0.0. County Handicap, six furlongs.—Glad Tidings 9.0. Gatherer 0.8, Torchlight 0.8, Winning Lass S.O. Mary Bruce 8.7, Klriwinning 8.4, Waima 7.12. Painkn 7.10, Araluen 7.10. Archery 7.3. Often 7.3, Elec tiou 7.3. Ngatlorahla 7.3. Formoore 7.3. Master Theory tilly 7.5, Warshot 7.5, Delightful 7.3. AUSTRALIAN JOCKEY CLUB. SPRING'MEETING OPENED. SALITROS WINS THE DERBY. SYDNET, October 2. Tiie Australian Jockey Club's Spring Meeting opened at Randwick to-day In 'tine weather, when Hie attendance was estimated at about 00.000. The course was in excellent order, and fast times were the feature of the day. Tbe New Zealand mare Forward J„ixlv flgnred among -the startcis for tbe Hurdle Race, but after showing pace In Ihe first round she faded away, and ran unplaced. In the Trial Stakes Dewdrop found the pace too solid, and she also faded out of ii. The Derby attracted a field of sixteen, which wns the etron-cst for several years, with Oho exception of Kilboy's Derby of 1016. Vespucci flattered the hopes of his •-npporters uurii challenged by Sn-litTos, who le.l into the straight nnd scored n brilliant vi-tory In 2.32. which ls now the best Derby record. The previous best was that of Nocluifonii (2.32j1. The Epsom Handicap wns n triumph for Greenstead. who challenged brilliantly in the mrak'ht. nnd In a sterling finish best Jack Findlay hy a head in 1.37. which equals the Australian record made by.Cetix-ne ot Fleminrton in November la-st M. Connell rode the Derby and Kpsom winners. The finis-h In the Spring Stakes afforded the finest display of the day. Poltrel and Kennaqnhnir dead-hentin_. The latter led round the bend, but was headed In the strnl-ht by Poltrel. who seemed a certain winner. Kennaquhair. recovering wonderfully. All but won on the post. The following are the results: — HURDLE RACE, of TSOsors. About two miles. Sta-e Frlirht, 11.0 1 breastwork. 10.11 2 Yucatan. 0.3 3 Ten started. Won hv hhree lengths. Time. 3.404. 'Korxvard Lady wns prominent In the first round, but she faded away. TRIAL STAKES, of TCrflsovs. One mile and a-quarter. King of the Forest 1 'Monaima 2 Pay Day .». 3 Won by a length and a-qnarter. Time, 27. The New Zealand filly Dewdrop finished sixth. A.J.C. DE'R-BY". a sweepstake- of 20sovs, with oOOOsovs added. One mile and a-half. Mr. W. V. Manton's eh c Salltros, by liim„l'__t—'Suffer (Connell) 1 Mr. A. T. 'R-own's br c Malurys, by The Sybarite —Sweet -Bud I Walker) 2 -losers. W. XI. aud E. 'Moss' br c Erasmus, by Linacre —Lady Capulet (Walker) - 3 Also started: Vespucci, Wlrraway, ißath- . Inba. Fervent, iFingon. Syce Kplght, David, Kilkenny Boy, Speciality. Prince Charles, ; Skysall. Nautical, Strathdole. j Flngon assumed the lead leaving the straight, closely attended by Vespucci. At the mile post Snlitros moved up, and taking command led into One straight. Tn the run to the post Salltros combated all challenges and won by a length and s-hiiif from Malurys, who. In turn, was two -lengths and a-half In front of Erasmus. Time, 2.32. SPRING STAKPS. a sweepstake of lOsovs each, with 2300sovs added. S-tnndard weight-for-age. One mile and a-half. Messrs. W. M. Borthwlck and J. Laycock's eh h Kennaquhair. aged, 0.6.... J Messrs. W. and F. A. Moses' eh c PoltTel, 6vrs. 9.6 t ■Mr. E. J. Watt's b h Pershore, 4yrs, 0.0 3 fDead heat. Seven started. Whitephast and Pershore led until the half-mile post. Kennaquhair showed, the way round the bend, but Poltrel had the best of it in the straight. nnd passing .the I/ezer stand looked a certnin winner, hut Kennnquhnir came again, nnd a desperate finish ensued, a dead beat being the declaration of the judge. Pershore was three 'lengths away, third. Time, 2.33. EPSOM -HA-NDI-CAP, of SOOOsovs. One mile. ■Greenstend. 9.6 CConnell) 1 Jack Findlay, S.O ' 2 Remmon, 7.7 3 Twenty-two started. At the head of the straight Greenstead dashed up, nnd, fighting out a great battle with Jnck IFlndiay, he won by a bead. Remmon was a length and a-half away, third. ■ Time, 1.37. KENSINGTON HANDICAP, of TSOsovs. Seven furlongs. Beanford. 8.11 ] Klkin, 0.11 _ Grey Arrow, 8.5 3 Eighteen started. In a close finish Reanford won. Time, 1.26.—(A. and N.Z.). A'THOUSAND WINNERS. (Received 8.40 SYDNEY, October 3. Myles Connell, the rider of the Derby and Epsom winners, has now ridden over a thousand winners.—lA. and N.Z. Cable.) VICTORIAN RACING. (Received 8.40 a.m.) MELBOURNE, October 3. Alaribyrnong Trial Stakes, four furlongs and a-half.—First Division: Salatis 1, Weftou 2, Hop Picker 3. Won by a head. Ti tic, 37Js. Second Division: Sister Olire 1, Shepherd Queen 2, Tarana 3. Won by sis lengths. Time, 37Js. October Stakes.—Eurythmlc 1, Ethiopian 2. Accrington 3. Won by a length and aquarter Time, 2.40.—(A. and N.Z. Cable.) When the last mail left Eurythmic was one of tiie -favourites for the "Caulfle'ld nnd Melbourne Cups, and this success would bring him into further favour for the events named. NAPIER PAR£ RACKS. (By Telegraph.—Presd Association.) NAPIER, Saturday. The Napier Tark Spring Meeting was held to-day. In line weather. The totn.l- -. satoi stalT bandied £26.760, against £1.-1.411 la.'t year. Results of the later events are: — I'atk Stakes: oie mile and u-qunrter.— Molyneaux, 8.0 (H. Griffiths), 1; Cleft. 7.7 (4.1b" over). 2; Hookah. 7.0, 3. Also started: Vagabond. Tenterfleld, Athens '!., Bagdad. Molyneaux won toy three-quarters of a length from Cleft, -with Hxwkah half-a-length away. Bagdad was fouriu. Time, 2.12 4-S. Taradale Hurdles: one mile and threequarters.—Kohu. 10.11 (J. Walroa), i: Gladiful. (11.2, 2; Ore Ore. 10.1. 8. Also started:^Mi!l-o' j Gowrie, MeltohlWoff, Tatlinl. Won *by three-quarters of a length. Ore Ore was a length and a-half away. Tiluo, 3.17 4-3. Prince of Wales Stakes; four furlongs.— F-Isome. 7.11 (A. Reed), 1: Toa Taua, 8.2, 2; Soulterlna, 7.11, 3. Also started: Talpalrn. Matareka, Bodyguard, 'Mountain Peer. ißuse. Dissertation. Francalse, Soldier's Love. Won by a length aud ahalf. Time. 51 2-ss. Railway Handicap; six furlongs.—Miss Gold. S.l (J. O-toenL, 1; Heather Sprig. 8.3. 2- Vermillion. 6.7, 8. Also -tarted: Croesus. Demagogue. Multlfual, Dusky Eve. Matatane. Cashmere. Tnri, Woleu, Pnonul. Won by three lengths. lime. ' County Hack Handicap: one mile.—xßen Bolt. 5.6 (J. Barry). 1; Orateur. ..11 -: ■Rebuff. 8.7, 3. Also started: Waltony Perslnn Prince. Cntallnl, Wnwata, Earthsblre, Mokattam. Won by a length and a-half. Time. 1.46 1-5.
A.R.C. MEETINGS. NOMINATIONS FOR LEADING EVENTS. FIFTY-SIX IN AUCKLAND CUP. The following nominations have been received for the leading events at the Auckland racing Club's spring and summer meetings:— Mitclielson Cup.—Marble Slab, Some Boy i 11., Ro-peep, _ord Kenilworth. Gold Kip. ' Sir Ralph, Alteration. Woody Glen, Bezant. Blue Cross. Sanacre. Comedy Prince, Wlnlorah. Prince Rufus. Molyneux. Rose Queen, Dusky Eve, Volo, Sycorax. Bitholla, tJ'.ni Canny, Demagogue, Rose Wreath, Maioha, Gazlque. Gasbag. Tigritiya, Loveinntch, Tama-a-roa. Uncle Ned, Royal Abbey, Ttnupal, Nobleman, Perfect Day. King Edward Memortai.—Marble Slab. ■Some rtov 11.. Lord Kenilworth, Landslide, Sir Ralph. Alteration. Woody Glen, Blue ' Cross, Sanacre, Wlndorah. Prince Rufus, Molyneaux. Rose Queen, Dusky Eve. Volo. Sycorax, Bltholla. Glen Canny. Demagogue, Rose Wreath. Gaziquc. Gasbag. Tigritiya, hovematch. I'nclu Ned, Nobieman, Royal Abbey. Tinopal. Auckland Cup.—Gold Kip, Woori, Blue Cross, Woody Glen, Prince Rufus. Wlndorah, Lord Kenilworth, Landslide, Sir Ralph, Sunart. Ktlgour. Marble Slab, Amythas, Lovemntch, Vagabond, Tigritiya, Humbug, (lusbag, Trespass, Snub, Rebuff. Tenterheld. Gazlque, Prince Willonyx. Hetaua. Rose Wreath, Strategy. The Gleaner, Nightraider, Kilrush, Bonnie Maid, First Salute. Arch Salute, Delight. Tout Bon, AiAler. Insurrection. Glen Canny. Bitholla, Sycorax, Demagogue. Husky Eve, Volo, Rose Queen, Rocklleld, Red Ribbon, Johnnie Walker, Walton, Starland, Right and Left. Oratress, Athens 11.. -lolyiienux, Uncle Ned, Alteration, Royal Abbey. Railway Handicap.—.lolly Princess. Poaiml. Arran. Taniu-a-roa. Tressor, Dovelet. Santorlni. Cloumel. Wollomal. Prince Jewel. Silver Link, Some Boy 11., Landslide, Illumination. Archie, Sylvan, Maid of the Lake. Guerre a Mort, Onk Abbey. Dead Sweet. Oomedv Prince. Lucullan. Askari, Resent, Miss Elllce, Spanner. Petunia. Rossini, Matatane, Bonny Briar, Parisian Diamond, statuette. Tigritiya. Humbug. Chrysostom. Caricature. Forty Winks. Hyineßtra. Vaslikov. Weldoue. Miss Gold. Gazlque, Prince Willonyx Hetaua, Maioha. Early Down. Bon Spec Strategy. Murihiku. Affectation. Kleuse I'antablle. Miss Mimic, Arrowsmith, Going Up. Surveyor, Delight, Truthful. Emerald Hill, Miss Glrons, Wake. Crowhurst. No MLstake. Golden Bubble, Inah, Income, Ustowel, Heather Sprig. Right and Left. Listening Post. Ruatara, Tiekl. King Abbey. Tinoliaba. Summer Cup.—Sanacre, Bute Sound. ißezant Woorl. Blue Cross. Woody Glen, Commission. Golden Bubble, Prince Rufus. Prince Jewel. Sliver Link. Some Boy 11.. 1 ord Kenilworth Illumination. Landslide, Archie. Gold Kip, Sir Ralph, Oak Abbey Coincdv Prince, Sunart. Kilgour, Askari, Spnnne'r, Vespucci. Lovematch, Parisian Irtamond, Vsiai.ond. Tigritiya. Humbug. Gasbag. C'hrvsostoin. Trespass, Keoun, Tenterneld. Bonnetter. Raceful. Gazlque Prince Willonyx, Hetaua. Maioha, Earii Dawn, Rose Wreath. Strategy Affectation The lileauer, Royal Wl-ter Wind Kilrush, Arrowsmlth, Counter 'Attack. Bonnie Maid, First Salute. Arch Sa'utc. Pente. Surveyor. Belpt, Tout Bon Truthful. Insurrection. Glen Canny Lltholln. Sycorax. Demagogue. -Dusky' Eve, Volo. Rose Queen Llstowel, Rockneld Red Ribbon, Johnnie Walker. W_R_n Starland. Right and Left, R«atar«. Oratress Demand. Molyneaux L'l n S er i . l _; lovellgbt. Herchies. Uncle Ned General Advance. Perfect Day, Royal Abbey. Tlnoh Tl-andicsp.-Woori nß Tß.e Blue Cross, Prince Rufus, Wlndorah. Some Boy IL, lirdKenilworth. landslide. Illumination Sle Sr .Ralph. Kilgour Sunart Marb.e SUb Malaga. Lovematcb. Vagabond Tigritiya. Humbug. Gasbag, .-.nub Rebuff TenterfieJd. Gazlque. Prince willonyx, Hetaua. Maioha. Rose Wreafh. Strategy >, g.ilnildcr. Royal Stag. Kilrush. Bonnie Mahl. -First -Salute. Arch Salute. Surveyor, Tout Bon Antler, Insurrection, Glen Canny, Bilhnlia, -Sycorax, rjeroagogue. Dusky Lye. Volo Rose Queen, Rockneld, Red Ribbon. Johnnie "Walker, Walton. Starland, Rl?ht and I-eft, Oratress, Athens 11., Molyneaux, Lingerie, Uncle Ned. Alteration, Royal Ablxev. Tlnohoro. Rebel. Grandstand Handicap.—.Marble BeJl, Sanacre. Bute Sound. 'Bezant, Woorl, Bine Cross. Woody Glen, Commission, Golden Rubble, Woolomal, Wlndorah, Prince Rufus, Prince Jen-el, Some Boy 11., liord Kenilworth, Landslide, Illumination. Archie, Guerre a 'Mort, Gold Kip. Sir Ralph. Comedy 'Prince, Sunart,. KUgour, Askari, 'Marble Slab, Spanner, Malaga, Lovematcb, Honny Briar, Vagabond, Tigritiya, Humbug, Gasbag. Chrysostom, Trepass, Rebuff. Bxinnetter, Racefnl. Gazlque. Prince Willonyx Hetaua, Maioha, Early Dawn, Rose Wreath, Strategy, -Royal Stag, Winter Wind, Kilrush. Arrowsmlth, Counter Attack, First Salute. Arch Salute. tPente. Surveyor, Delight, Tout Bon, Truthful. Insurrection. 'Prince iMenschlkoff, Glen Canny. Bltholla, 'Sycorax, Demagogue. Dusky Eve. Volo. Income. Rose Queen, 'Llstowel, Rock_e]d. Bed RJhbon, Walton, 'Starland. -Rig-hit and Left, Ruatara. Oratress, Demand, Molyneaux, Lingerie, General Advance, Miss Muriel, Perfect Day, Royal Abbey.
Islington Plate.—Silver Link, Geoffrey, Some Boy 11.. Landslide. Illumination. Archie, Gold Kip, Oak Abbey, Sunart, Askari. Spanner, Gloaming. Vespucci, Amythas. Bonny Briar. Parisian Diamond, Statuette. Humbng. Chrysostom. Trespass, Hymesrra, Yasilkov. Weluone. Mlas Gold. Hateful, ' Rose Wreath, Strategy. Royal Stag. Winter Wind. Arrowsmlth. Going fp. Surveyor. Delight, Duo, Glen Canny, Demagogue, Volo, Llstowel, Heather Sprig, Starland; Right and Left, Miss Muriel, King Abbey. Auckland Plate.—Rebel. Uncle Ned. Demand, Oratress. Starland. Right and Left, Johnnie Walker, Volo, Tiuohoro, Woody Glen. Some Boy 11., Landslide. Illumination, Gold Kip, Sunart. Gloaming, Vespucci. Amylhas, Lovematcb. Humbug, Gasbag, Trespass, Snub, Rebuff. TenterSeld Itaeefnl, Rose Wreath, Strategy, Royal j Stag, Winter Wind, Kilrush, Arrowsmlth, Bonnie Maid. Surveyor. Delight, Antler, Duo, Glen Canny. Demagogue. HAWKES BAY JOCKEY CLUB. WEIGHTS FOR SPRING MEETING. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) NAPIEP.. this (lay. The following weights have been declared for the Hawke's Bay Jockey Club's Spring Meeting:— Tomoana Hack Hurdles, one mile ami three-quarters.—Kohu 12.6, Hyglnas 11.9. Meltehikoff 11.4, White Ranger 11.0, Sweet Tlpperary 10.13, Master Boris 0.11. Crosswords 0.10., Retard 0.0, Birkenvale 0.0, Tornea 0.8, Powder King 0.8, Okane 0.0, Poru„ 0.8, Powder King o.S, Okane 0.0, Portraiture 0.0, Grange 0.0. Mama 0.0. Nlcomar 9.0, Jolly Cove 0.0, Strangeways 0.0, Buckeye 9.0. Spring Juvenile Handicap, fonr furlongs. —Too Tana 8.4, Penitent S.O. Landiird 8.0. Charlie Chaplin 8.0, Cold Steel 8.0. Danger ] Zone 8.0. I'attikl 8.0, War Talk colt. 8.0. ! Munus S.O. Kick Off 7.13, Body Guard 7.11. Mountain Peer 7.10, Motareka 7.10, : Queen's Ferry 7.0. Tinohanga 7.9. DisserI tatlon 7.6. Ruse 7.45, Talpairu 7.6. I Spring Handicap, one mile and a quarter. I —Surveyor 99. Vagabond 9.4, Molvneanx iS.IO, Lovematcb 8.9, Bounetter 8.6. Dusky I Ev e 8.1. Tenter-field 7.12, Athens 11. 7.11, '(left 7.11 Ben Bolt 7.3. Hookah 6.12, I Sycorax 6.10, Walton 6.9, Orateur 6.7, | Antler C.7. i Glenaraj- Handicap. nine furlongs.— • Demngogue 0.7, Bonnetter 9.7, -Heather 1 Sprig 9.2. Lingerie 9.2, Athene 11. 8.13, I Mnltlful 9.13, Croesus "8.7, Ladageur 8.5. Ben Bolt S4, Cashmere 8.4. Matatane 8.4, Bagdad 5.4, Jutland 8.4, Hookah S.O, Sycorax 7.12, Walton 7.11, Wamba 7.7, Persian Prince 7.7. Vermillion 7.7. Catalini 7.7, Orateur 7.7. KaTthshine 7.7, Tout Bon 7.7, Mokottam 7.7, Rebuff 7.7. Flaxmere Hack Ilandi.-tp, six furlongs.— Honey Bee 9.3. Early Dawn 9.3, Asterina 9.0. Hymarty 9.0, Warrawee 8.8. Hepta 8.5, 1 Magistrate S3, Lord Astolat 8.3. Doric 8.2. Tigrinia 8.0, Mosthenes 7.12, Valley Rose 7.1. Persian Prince 7.11, Bllssfulness 7.11, | I*ord —addo 7.5. Pente 7.4, Klklni 7.4, Tout Bon 7.3, Elsteddod 7.3, Rangipoto 7.3, Floating 7.2, Gratultlon 7.0. Miss Glron s 7.0. Rhetoric 7.0, Arlon 7.0, Mumble 7.0, Martini 7.0. Gamboola 7.0, Hotoki 70, Kaimnne 7.0. Merekara 7.0, Sir Huon 7.0. Festivity 7.0, Mountain Chief 7.0, Conglska 7.0. White Hope 7.0. Catalini 6.12. Earthshine 6.12, Mokottam 6.12, Mount Albert 6.7. Tora 6.7. Flying Handicap, six furlongs:—Surveyor 9.10, Tlgritya 0.0. Blndle. 0.0. Miss Gold 8.13, Demagogue 5.4, Jutland 8.1, Maioha. 7.13, Actifld 7 13. Dusky Eve 7.11, Lucullan 7.10, Rouen 7.5, Honey Bee 7.1, Early Dawn 7.1. Tart 7.0, Hymarty 7.12, Paonul 6.12, Truthful C.9. Vermillion 6.7. RACING IN FRANCE. A BIG STAKE. (Received fi.4l a.m.) PARIS. Ocfolwr 3. Tho 'Prix <le L'Are de Trlompbe, a new race, 13 furlongs, worth OOOOsovs-, ruo today, resulted: — •Comrade (F. Bullock) 1 'Kluz'b Crown 2 Pleure 3 Comrade, which Is Btlll nnb,_ten, was favourite. Gilpin, his trainer, ls aino halfowner, and purchased- Comrade as a yearling I for 25 guineas. —(A. and X.Z. C-h'.e.)
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 237, 4 October 1920, Page 7
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3,937RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 237, 4 October 1920, Page 7
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