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In marked contrast to the stntc of anarchy and the necessity of imposing martial law in Belfast this week, was the lack of disturbances that marked the Orange Pay celebrations held in the city on .July 1-. Our photographs by the most recent mail were taken on the occasion of tliive gathering*, which were on an almost unprecedented scale. Above are two of the famous lister drummer* who t«"k part >" the proceedings. They marched in their shirtsleeves nnd beat the drums witli canes. It- is considered that it was only owing to the elaborate precaution- taken by tin- military in converting Belfast into nn armed i-nmn, then, was im friction between the llstermen nnd the Sinn l-\-iner.-. The jihoto below .-hows Si. Kdwar.l L'ar.-on, stormy petrel of the politics uf Northern Ireland, with Lady Cnrynn. arriving :it Kinngliy. near Belfast, where Sir Edward addressed a huge crow'] of Orangemen on the Twelfth of .lulv demonstration. -Central Pres-= Photo. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 17