AMiKKSiVN MANN. o tl Wpitnowlny April X, )!t.i>. til Itcri-sford Stiwl I'oiiKreualiumil I'hiircli. by tin- Kov. Krederlr WariiiT. .luliii iJa.-k). eldest son of Mr. :in,l Mrs A. W. Anderson. I'l-nrose, late Tviiehrii.i. I'umberland. Kimlan.l, lo Sadie Miiry ilntiiilitiT of I lit- laic Mr. .lu ini* Maim ami Mrs. Mann, Auckland. NINNY- WIIJSDN.- On Aneiwt 4. ID-'O, at i v~iiliMire of Hie brides parents, by 1 li.- licv. A. Aiisiirr. Lewis lUihert liordou. only son of Mrs. M. i;inu.s mid i.hi lale Mr. .1. l'.iniis. lin-y Lynn, Ui Xiiphin Mjirv. i-ldesl d:ltljlhtiT of Mr. and Mrs. 11.-ni-y Wilson. Crey Lynn. I\:i:i'llAM HASTINGS. On July S4. HKiO, ill ilip lleviinijurl .Methodist Church by Mil- I.Vv. \V. .1. Elliott, Uiiy E W. r'linlliiiin. only son vi ,1. W. and M. A. l-'iiriitiaui, lit Devoupori, Au.kluud, lv Kmilv, third dilUKliter of Edward and Mrs. Iliistlnxe, i.f V..rkshlre, i:iij.-laud. English pnpiTS please copy. ..■AIiI.ANIi—FIIATKU. — On Weilm-wlny, Auifitst 4. I'.Cll, nt I'itt Street Methodist I'liunh. by tin. Ki'V. Percy Ivnicht. John <imlwill. .voiiitfreHl son of Mr. and .Mrs. T. 11. liurluuil. .Mount Eden, lo lieuhili liiuiulax. yoiinj-est daughter of the lale Mr. and Mrs. N. SI. Kratcr, Stanley I'oiul. Auckland. I.XX- KIMJKCIMI'.K.—On July 21, l'.r.V, nil >i. Murks Chtircb. Keuiucra, by licv. I llcatty. Robert Hugh l.oe. eldest son of Mr. ;miJ Mrs. Lee. Lower Uuti. •Vellint,'. i.-ii. in fl.Lbel Kd(,'ecuiii.he. fourth daughter uf Mr and .Mrs. Kdycciiinbc, Ueuiuura, Auck.aud. 'J TItNEIt- .I.VKI'KEY.—On July U, V.KQ, ill the Churi-h of the Holy Scpulcnre, Aiickhiml. Ny the Rev. Jaipur ('alder, | Sidney Frank, yuungetjt son of Mr. and [ Mrs. s. TuriHT. Hull. England, to Hazel May. only daughter of Mr. :uid Mrs. W. Jailrev. Carltou liore. Itoad, Auckbuid.
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 16
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