1111!' karangahapeTsoad * 111 l 111 I f^S 1 An Introduction 111 111 II "( J±7~\ ] 1 1 > J— l v 1 1 1 l_~ !_-> t_/. (v^PW^^l' ™" tili'Hlwi Will Hi! lIIwmISI /^"^ UR °P eniu S dis P la y of lhe Spring aud Summer Millinery I ([!!l»IM (if V_-/ affords you a good opportunity to become acquainted with )^W~^r^^^^^^^ n I all that is new and beautiful in the New Season's Hats, C And Dame Fashion has been lavish in her distribution of /C\ _ L^-v|S^Viilllll beautiful shapes, new materials, and exquisite colour effects. 11' 11 !'! PS C Large, medium and small shapes are all in evidence, while H j)j|jil|lf ''1 I S Hill ill Pillill the f ashionable materials include Ribbons, Silks, Tuelle and J pw||||fj|f||^ I j i|| Pill j Crepe-de-Chiue. The new Cellophane and Raffia Straw Trimmings VJjgV ■jlJteJliß^3^^^HHJ^^^^i;:! I^:"":'I',1', flf ™ ll)/™' are distinctly novel and flowers are much more abundantly used ,/IW^^Bbsr^^'jP'fli'rll lll'ltillllli //Iffl'l II X tnan ' ast year. There are quite a number of smart Canvas Hats / /%/§/ .^(yeixsHHi^BHßsiK?' , '''''' j|ll Mft i \ trimmed with Oriental coloured Raffia straw, which are sure to /'~~~s!uJ3r '^^'M^^^fflS^^M^^^ 111 liinll til! Ililll any o f the millinery is sold. Styles are so numerous W}W^jim '"i^M^^^^^^' M LWffl I lilll [ Hill and the colour effects so strikingly beautiful that a visit /. \ W jjwSp&SGSSifef' £$^ ,J^sii&^^-i^\ illfilß *r aw fiF W ■ fc^^^Kiiiie —~ 1 I omg DUNLOP II \ / Paying J,l Cycle IN choosing Shaving tackle, more perhaps than in any other Ejegf I Iβ y^l material ihini;. you wan! •something thai "plays the game." i BW / W m^^OVSiTS r'lace your rrlianoc on McClinton's, and you win every time. } VSR /if I w t*«. «l» Watch the fragrant, creamy lather work up at the touch of the m j brush Ke-I the tood razor gliding smnothlv. easily over the chin | Tli! I . 1J —no resistance. And thr after feeling of supreme satisfaction -the ■ I Zβ I " aS * aS t Deen ianusltin rool. clean and comfortable, no irritation or. soreness. All 1/ / fl. j Drrffr in<;tantlv because McClinton's ShnvinK Sonps anil Cream are made in the W I fwl I WrUCI lll&UctllLiy old-fashioned way—entirely fr<*i pure vegetable oils and plant ash. f //i I and avoid disappointMake an investment in joyous shaves today- buy 111 r> « / / 1 ment. Drop us a postb I /1 card for our new Price Soaps* I / I List—it will pay you. CHIa V II lj£ Cream f ftr J X«;™ F ;f n d DUNIOP RUBBER co - Of AUSTRAIASIA - ITD " I _ Of all CJiemisl! and Stores WELUNGTON CHRISTCHURCH AUCKLAND MADE by McCLINTONS Ltd., at DONAGHMORE, IRIiL AN D 95 Ceirteo.y PI. lIS ffweerter St. 62 Fort St. S.LMOND (kSritAonoN, Ltd., Royal Insurance Bldgs. Fwther.tooSt, Weninftim.N.Z. Bg^^m^^ «SmM»- WmmlilUyUkßtLMm-mWVmWlltMMmi»ril&&m itrnm^WhSmW-MUi, t Dont Throw old Hats Away-COLORITE Them I i^dk H jnß H9 Come look at cur color card and pick out the colors you like. Color your <B 1&■ Vcj ft I|B I fIS j If m I ft/ w 1 old straw hats and make them look as good as new. I It is a liquid easily used by anyone. In sixteen colors to meet erery taste. Make your olil hat match your new dress. Pure, wholciome «nd of fine ouallty. rrppared In Jib end }lb sizes wrapped dullmlack ETON? STRAW otfl E RoM \ ,_ Hnfnll CARDINAL RED VICTORY BLUE BROWN CRAY N W* JS^ picked in cartons of Til. w ,«h. Plsteon curtons in waterproof paper-lined c«»». YELLOW SAGE CREEN VIOLET NATURAL /f j^/\ Will lie packed In (in-lined case nt slightly increased price if desired. Refuse the imitation and be sure of the re»uKs by insisting f;f /T ./ ' larue Cuctory fmilltles and loiif.- pxpvrience exclusirel.v In the manufacture u P° n Colorite. :/ /V/ of Chocolntc, Cocoa, etc.. lnsuro our.listomers prompt and satisfactory attention. SOLD EVERYWHERE. I ■ J^f Pure Chocolate Couvaturee, Cocoa-Dutnb Process. J. A. MESSENGER AND CU., 1 ' " PurfuquoT'chocolate. CoC ° a B " U^ r ' AgentF. AuoklaaU^^^^^w^^Nr™^^ Cable Aadress: "Woodrock." Brooklyn. AH C.oa«e Ceed.
Page 15 Advertisements Column 2
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 15
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