11111 fl 1111 i r ashionable I I ill iill 11 HHβ ill m C4skJl UAJ'jLxCI'K/AK* mli U ttffiKl of Spring Summer life "Safe laMll z'™ , j t T? f liight in weipht and fine in texture, AJI-wool Materials, that enpply the erer-growine demand !h these tunes far all-round genuine wearing qualities, that bring you satisfaction mod confidence in oar goods. MINOH rnTK GRADE VKHETIAH CIiOTHS, Fawn, Nattier, Grey, Seie, Mole, Nwy. A beautiful cloth to handle, and satisfactory dyefl— Price, 24/8 yard. M-nrCH CREAM SEBOE, with Black Pin Stripes lin space; All Wool, and very nnart 1w Skirts and Costumes—Price, 33/ C yard. St-TBOB. ALL-WOOL ITKE HOPSAO, in shades of Light, Mediam, and Dark Greye. Thit material is finely woven and light weight; suitable for Spring wear—Price, 28/9 yard. Soft Finish Crearp Gabardines eO-nrOH ALL-WOOL CBEAM GABAKDIHE— 2S/9 yard. M-IKCH CREAM COTTON GABARDINE—I/6 and 14/6 yard. 40-ENCH CBEAM COTTON GABARDINE 3/3, 4/11, 5/6 yard. Two Very Fine Quotations in Coloured Poplins 40-XirCH POPIIH, in shades of Grey, Navy, Pawn, Pink, Reseda, Wine, Brown, Saxe, Sky, Bottle, Black, Ivory, Cream, Tussore—Price, £/9 yard. Also in Lighter Weight, similar variety of colours—Price, 3/11$ ■ yard. Cool, Silken Fabrics i, a Bt-nrCH SILCOFLA. A coft fabric, highly mercerised, and good washing, in shadee. Biscuit, Navy, Brown, Sky, f+ ♦ -»• Pink, Vieus Rose, Mole—Price, 6/« yard. V-OStUIDC 1 USSOfC 39-INCH SILK EOLIKNNE, in shades of Mole, Vieoz Rose, Saxe, (Copper, Navy, Fawn, Brown. This material consists of Silk and Cotton, and most adaptable for Afternoon A Very Special offer fa Frocks. Exceptional Valne—7/8. tTFAirt «TT WITT 40-INCH TRICOTSPORT KNIT SHJE, in all the newest shades, HEAW BHANTUUe, 32in Copper. Grey, Mole, Cream. White, Saxe, Vieux Rose, wide, tw Coetnmea, Boti* Emerald, Old Gold. This is very suitable for the newJumpers and Sports Coats—Price, 23/9 yard. Smts, and Thtai Co***— Excellent Materials Lowly Priced. ***• Sl-TSGS OAKVAS VOILES. Saxe, Bottle, Vieux Rose, Nat- 71(\ \TAfA tier, Sky, Cream, Biscuit, Grey; heavy weight. Suitable 'l V JTWIUe for Curtains and Children's Dresses — J/11 yard. !9 INCH UNIVERSITY SUITING, in Black, Saxe, Tussore, Brown, Nattier. A good washing fabric for Children's " —————__^ iicbool wear —4/« yard. ~ ~~" I RENDELITWk LIMITED I I KA gANgA HA PE RP AUCKLAND 1 The General Post Office Is Opposite Jaffe The Tailor. =We're Busy Yes! Busy as we can be, meeting: the unprecedented demand for our Superb Tailored Clothes. This is the surest sign that more and more men are beginning to see the real economy and real satisfaction of placing their confidence in the straightforward methods of "Jaffe, The Tailor". This is why we are kept so busy by offering our suits at prices like these OUR Stylish Suits in Guaranteed NEW SPRING SUITINGS SSSTi^ here anned —we'll expect you in to see them. HEN "PASSING THRODGH" ADCILAND AND OLD '" CUSTOMERS AND RESIDENTS «.9/»/O. are cordially inrited to CALL AND INSPECT OCR FINE NEW PREMISES Serviceable Tweed Suits from and tee our selection of high grade suitings. SrS/S/O. Don't be contented with a glance at our windows, Ncyer miQ(J about fit _ COME RIGHT IN. we see to that. Everybody's Tailor Rew's Buildings. Opposite G.P.O. and Railway Station, Queen Street, Auckland. SveccM for tk« Cook aad T-«w» A. ce-f«t far tk« r»u,. iry omcctDns ORION „ For «2rsrSLKr , a h , Household Ironmongery and Balcing. In the Evenings it can — — - b* transformed into m delightful TUAnrrf nrmnni. ..^.^^ open Fire-Plwe thereby ecenomis- MAGIC RUBBER MEND. AN "ORION" WILL BURN LIG- CAN NOW BE OBTAXNED FROM MTE OR ANY OTHER FUEL. *>* Dletributlng Agent for Anckl.nd atr and Bnborte. H. I. SBACILtCI Ltd., J. CHALMERS, \ AGEHT, WML O? COIKBKEBG& HIGH ftXBKBX, ATJCVJUUu»>