REVERSION TO SYSTEM TNTDBFINITE. <Bjr Telegraph.—ParllamcDtary Reporter.) WELLINGTON", Friday. 'fhe euggeetion wae made by Mr. MoC'osnbs to-day that the 'Dominion should foßow the Australian Gcrvernment's lead and revert to penny poetape. Increased postal rentes, he said, did not mean increased α-evenuc, and he would rfke to aep the qu«et»on of ratee Tcferrcd to a pirUic committee. "The Public Accounts Committee is fully occupied with much more important ■Hnsiirese than *hat mentioned by the hon, gontleman," retorted Mr. Massey. "If increased rates do not. moaji augmented revenue in Australia they ••ertoroly do 'here, ajid I hay« no Ihope of getting book to ponny far pome Irttlr time to come," he concluded.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 14
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 14
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