THE BRONCHOSCOPE AND COUGH TROUBLES. hT the medical profession in scientifically trc.itlnp throat troubles. Including cuiKrhn It is a straight tube, with an electric light at the end. Tlitoiieli this bronchoscope' ihe doctor can look directly dwwn the throat and detect the Irritant which is causing the rough. But the bronchoscope is a de-.ictor—not n rejnedy. Il detects the cause, but <locs not remove it. II taken Baxter's Lung Preserver, with ils wellkuuwu curative and soothini; i>ropertk-a. to do tills anil it does it promptly and permanently. Anil Baxter's does nut stop with ' merely eilenclnjr the cough. It soothes Dm bronchial membrance.M Hint have become »,.r<! and weakencii, strenjrttieas the affected parts, and protects against a return attack Then, too. master's )w>s.seKs«>s decided tunic qualities that keep the nerves in urder purify the blood, and add vitality to the system. Baxter's I.unj; Preserver is rich and pleasant —a thick, red. warmlog medicine tuat everyone likes. Cet Baxter's today at chemist or store. _ t! buys iarsc bottle. —(Ad.) " jo
AFTER A HARD DAY. Wilion't Malt Extract the Ideal Pick-me-up. You know how a hard day at the office or factory tax.* your MrPnjrth and energy. \ou arrive home exhausted, "nervy,- ii- rrable or to take an interest in anything" but your own un.'iippy condition. That is Nature's wan.ins that yon ii-ive reached your limit; your supply of physical and nervous enersy has been used up by the strain of tlie. exacting day. ami must be replenished. Wilson's "Mal.exo' Mill , Kxtract. Nature* own tonic food is ihe beet restor.uiv, and *rlmnlant wtien yon feel weak, ctiiausfed, or out-of-sorts. it is the pure concentrated essence of prime malted barley, ami U an ln;ini;ely better and safer stimulant than .spirits or alcohol A tablespoonful in a cup of uO t milk make's an ideal pick-me-up, while a course of it imparts stren.-i;i and energy, tones up the xywtem, makes you feel keen and alert With or whJiout t\id I.iver Oil vi chemists and stores. Wholesale- V' "li Hooper. Hruu.-iwick Building. Vuckla'nd - (Advt.l
The Riverina. which is due to arrive here at noon. Monday, brings with her an Australian mail for Auckland, comprising 40 hafr?. Spring dress poods, (rinchams. voiles, muslins, prints, poplins. gabardines, sponjre cloth*, at most moderate prices, now showinjr at Ashlcy"s, A.U.O. stores. NeAvton-—(Ad.) "I>et m-e iiop It on your flnjier the wedding ring will be. Will you? Won't you? Will you? Honey! will you marry mc?" That's what Saimnle snid to .Sndie, While she sighed in rapture pure: Now she's bending over baby Mixing Woods' Pepeprminet Cure. —(Ad.) All mowers will find a dependable help in Baxter's I.un.z Preserver. This sterling remedy i< pleasant to take, and gives prompt benefit. Its rinh, soothing qualities appeal to children; its efflracy can be relied on at all tunes for chest troubles, hron chltls, whooping rougb. eronp and Influenza You can't afford to be without 'IBaxter's." Buy a large 2/6 bottle to-day. ' 'rj lurm»d his attention to epilepsy and fits, nnd to-day Bufferers have no greater anthorltv to turn to for advice. The Dale Treatment applies especially to ■ ases turned down as hopeless !> T medical practitioners. An interesting 1 ' book ;'Kpilepsy: Its Causes, Symptoms, andrriMtment. oontalninK also results from Mr. Dale's methods, post free for one shilling Mr. (illbert Dale. 106. Rond Si House 14 Clifford St.. London. W. 1., England.—(Ad.) ' Kite's "Rulmomor" Laundry Tablet! are liooininfr, and thi« can only be because those who have tried them are recommending them to others.—(Ad.) We are out to build a bLjr business ami realise th-at the surest way to do so quickly !g by giving tile b'esx powsrble value. That's why we are growing so fast.—Ashley's Ilusy Corner. Newton —■ (Ad.) An exceptionally good ronorrt. Tuesday, 7th, Green Kane Picture Theatre, in aid of the. Uwn Tennia Club; 1/ and 2.'.— (Ad.)
Page 12 Advertisements Column 6
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 12
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