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j PROPERTIES FOR SALE. {■' QAA TASH —View Rd.. Mt. Eden—S i'OlHf Rooms, nil cony.: larsp ■KCtion. •Hal., £1200.—Thode Bro*., Phoenix Chani- ' berß - OPP- U.P.O. 085 TJONSOyBY Waterfront — Well-built • -T 'House, U all cony.: handy oars. ] fiKD. Terme. — Ttiodc Bros., PhocnU Cham- ! hers, opp. 0.P.0. GS3 V" X "TO R I.A ST. -I>oll We -w 1 ndow Shop and 10 living room's; large s-ertion. Long £1000. Bargain.— Bros., I'hnenlx Chambers. .v,)p. «S5 UEBNLANK. ~smln. Stiitiiin —.Vroojned IBungalow, every modern conT., In perfect order. £127Ti. Eiifly terms.—Thodo J Bros.. Ph-wnlx (Viamtvrs, «ipp. f1.P.0. E""ULTMbSLnf ---Modern Bungalow. larse rooms heavy beam roiling*; large sec. 1 a-277,. Terms.-Thode'Bros., nioenlx Cbain- ■ iiers, opp. rj.r.o. esc CXiITNION" KT>., coin. «:nr»—1 mniodlatc PoMpsslon -fi-roomCTl Residenoe. In j £1300.—Thodc' Bros., Phoenix CliambeTS. 1 c»m'._«.P.() l __ ess ■ C'fiATb BT-"tfe r> Rooms. Mt. p:d"eti: £l(xi I ■vWU drno«lt.— iMarhlM. Dominion I _J _wo ; T7TOK liMMKDIATK SAIjK -Marine Suburb JO —.Kino House. G lovely rooms, larcu bathroom, nil cony.: garden, larse section ' on corner main road; good buslnei*s site. " I £1-100. More land If required. ; I UOS.IC.MAX, 1 i rireat North R<l . Tolnt Chevnlicr. fi(T7 - "VWITHiCirT'E- Wfi hnve a Neat, Now , ilunL'alotv. of ."> rooms nml cony.; firstelaes workmnnsdUi; within r>min. at wharf. Will he ready for oii-upatlou in a-lxnit two weeks. Inspection invited. I , rive, only , OtKO. \>ry Kasy Terms. P.VRR'ISni, MORRISON AND CO., Waitemata <W0 ' pOINU CONCERN — TOWN SCTPIA*. ; FIVK YBARS" I,K.V.«K. S2 ACRES, irrasa lands, adjacent to the 'ity. Corrylns W cows and a lot o» oth«r House and all dairying ' conveniences. For sale. Inclusive most of ■ the stock, as a going concern. PRICK £»\ i, MACKEST AND SON. Wl_ __li i T-_9" orn « s treet. , li>«t I'AKTNKHt).—Two Houses" on one -*■ Farm—:t« Acres, most excellent land, volcanic nnd loam flnts. ai' ploughable, and in a highly productive stnto. Sttiiated a few i-halns from school, store anil P.O. Ready to carry over SO cows. Freezing works 1 Hinder con.ttruction) nnd rallwny station, 7 miles. Price Inclusive intlklns; machine), CJS per acre. Terms, half casb. MACKBSY AND SON. fifil 167. Queen Street. ! FREEHOLD FLATS. i
riBAFTOX. Se!f-ronlainr<l snd modern. All new fuTniture. In perfect order. <T«m(l Section, level, and ill order. IM.MF.PIATK I'OSSBSS7ON. C4SH £950. BALANOE £1550 AS AORANGODD. BARGAIN. Owner Leaving for the Islands. SOLE AGENT, GEO. COLE, 13S. SVMONTJS 'STREET (next Lyric), And RE'MU.nRA ROAD. OIT. VICTORIA AYE. JS2O IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. MUST BE SOLD. OWNER DISPOSING OF HIS AUCKLAND (PROPERTIES. HOUSE of 7 rooms: one room ]:.' x 27; pore, bath; waShliouse, copper anel tubs; patent w.c. Plenty of space to make additions, with very little expense. Would make good apartment liouso. In second section. Corner allotment. . ™ ICB oyLY £1150.
! TJUXGALOW of 5 rooms; liathroonj, porce- -*-* lain bath, hot water service, patent w.c, ■waeb.hoiisc, c-n;j,i»r an.l tubs. ElevateU section. Convenient tti tram. 11UCB. £1200. TERM* CAN ,BK ARRANGED. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. E. B. VAILE, 28 AND 29, PHOEXIX CHAMBERS, (Opposite Post Office.) Take Elevator. £fi7w-CRBY LTON-β Booms, patent *"'" w.c, RT.S, and convs.; handy to cars. Terms, £130 cash. 4?l4.fM>- o ' ttEY LY*fX—« Rooms, every ,X * U V modern cony.: motor garage: law-ns and ganlen, etc. Immediate irossesfilSKO"* 5,, " 5,, Rooms, elec=wxotn/ trlc ugnt- nII modern convs . : I newly-vapercd; double entrance. Built i ,£KKO ~ POSSON-BY - 6 Rooms. all 'hi 7/ ODV » ; torred patbß - etc - vene - tian blinds. Terms. £300 cash SSffia ~ PO-SOXBV - « Rooms, gas. dmOtJtJ patent W( , and recently painted. <s<>od section. £Q3n— MT -' EDEN—WeII-hunt House 4 cwi/wtp room , 1; patent w.c. and all mewl crn convs. Term?, £250 cash.
H. E. BUCKLEY, HO. KAnAWSAHAITB ROAD. 2t»7 £600 _r v,°' N ' eoNpY ~ 5 Room 8; *«*• "" house, copper and tubs: Orion range, patent. bathroom; laree section «f land TERMS EASY. * section of £650 r^o°n XiSO: f ßr ~l Koo,, ' s- ns,,al BSBhJ. ,^SSSS S?s ' sg v£Bsf)- possoNßY -« 'Roomß and kittw«_Jt»u chen; bathroom, washhouse copper and tubs, sewing room, bay -windows, verandah, garden, fruit tree*! Venetian blinds: corner section, »i DC i\lMEDIATE POSSESSION. Terms arranged. X> fiKA- OBEY LiYN-X—4 linoms and cWVFtJU scullery, bath, waahhouse copper and tubs, patent w.c.: large section of land avproxlmateay 44 x 166. Practically a new house. £170 cash required, bal. Government mortgage. FRANKLIN & MARCUSSEN, RESERVOIR CORXI3R. XBWTOX. Phone SP-76 (three ring*). 604 LEONARD COAKLEY, LTD. OX THE SUNNY SLOPES OF jyjOUNTT A LBERT. jyjXKDEIRX -DUNG ALOW, Six rooms, large lounge or sleeping porch, commanding magnificent vieW-> Tie Residence contain* pvei-y possible convenience, is finished throughout with valuable traHt-tn furniture, and is nndo-ibfedlv an Ideal home in every respect. Magnificent vnifaaii- section. prick, <?OOOA LAM) OFFICE--65, QUEEN ST. PSone ÜBOIA. 666
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 12
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752Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 12
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