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PROPERTIES FOB SAIJj. ptOTTA&E, 4 rooms, large veranda*; v/ Cornwallis ißeach; splendid hillside; harbonr view.—Tajlor, Hill St., OnehaueK. ___ ia* ■prOHIMAKAMA—House, on beach. £11X10. •**• £175 deposit. Terms.—G. Sandens 23. Shortland St. Phone 2CI6A. fiiK DEPOSlT—Pamell—House, 5 a-'- , - 1 -*-' rooms and convs. BaL, £300, arranged.— Whiteman and Crichton. n, i'hoenix Chambers. G3 £If)A DEPOSlT—Devonport—House, -t c^ •*-*■*" rooms and pantry washhoase, c and t., and bath. BaL, fGOO, arranged.Wbiteman and Crlchxon, !), Phoenix Chambers. C 3 C' 1 4Afk—PONSONBT WATEEFEONTcWXtvv jjice 7-roomed House, h. and c. water. Splendid harbour view. Cannot tw built ont. Would accept £1300 cash.— Whiteman and Crichton, 0, Phoenix Chambers. ■ <>; i" 1 flfCft DEPOSlT—Epsom—Bungalow, •i'-LVtK/ C. rooms; every modern codv , garage. Large section. BaL, £1600, arranged.-—Whiteman and Crichton, 9. Phoentoc Chambers. (>; ■ £KAfi DEPOSlT—lUanuer*—HolTseT - :> * wu rooms: all necessary cohtk.; i-acre section. BaL, £800, 3 years. 6 per cent.—Whiteman and Crichton, ilj Phoenix Chambers. <j;j D£; POSlT—Devonport—House, 4 o-'J-W rooms and convs. BaL £425 arranged.—Whiteman and Crichton, l>. Phoenix Chambers. fis CmHELTENHiA-M — Residence. 14 rooms, 1 suitable Apartments or BoardinstKrase £600 cash; 'balance arranged. —C. F. Bennett, Queen St. D "DUILDING Section, Grey Lynn, 50ft ■1-* frontage to good street; leveL and jusL off car line. —14, Anglesea St., Ponsonby. UP rvilKY Flat (12 miles Birfeenhead), unim- -»-' proved land; 118 acres, fenced boOi sides; £5 acre.—Address at STAR. 73 £ F »7 p i — ONEHUNGA Good G-roome« *"' ** House and conve. close cars. Terms.— J. H. Millar. 83. Qneen St. GO SIECTION, 100 toy 250; 2min. from car, •Remnera, best locality, oniy £5 10/ per foot.—Phone 2981 A. K» cwxww Rooms, all cony.; good sections terms.—Beaumont and Co., 11, Endean's BMga. 113 T>UILDING Sections.—Remnera, Epsom, J-* Mt. Eden, Kohimarama, Taiapuna, Point OhevaHer. —(Beaumont and Co-., 11. Bldgs. 143 i?*K>f; .DEPOSlT.—Paxnell—Residence, 5 <*■'*'-*' rooms, bathroom and convs. In good order: elevated position. Only £825. HOLLIDAY AND OBOHAKD, IS Queen St. 17D i*"JOf|(y-tMT. HDEN. —Modern Banga-cV-LOl/V ] OWi g m 0,,,, am i kitchenette; every possible convenience; well-built. • wardrobes, etc. Good section. Terms, A snip.—HOIiLTDAY AiND QtRCHARD, Iβ, Queen St. 170 DEPOSlT.—Avondale, close stacWW tion.— Modern Bungalow, 4 rooms, beautifully finished, plaster ceilings. ■Corner section, 50ft x 165 ft. Price £HOU HOLLLDAY AND ORCHARD, 15, Qneen St. 170 X'9(V) DEPOSIT. — Remuera.—«eml-<*-*JU\J Bungalow, 7 rooms, motor garage, all modern conveniences; quarteracre section. Cheap property at £1375.— HOLLEDAY AND ORCHARD, 15, Qneen St. no riEAPTOX (3 mins. from Bridge).—Sound House of 6 rooms and convs. Snip at £700 cash—Thode Bros., 17, Phoenix ■Chambers (opp. G.P.0.). 503 A/TT. EDEN (2nd Section).—Solidly-built ■"- 1 - Bungalow of 7 large rooms and all convs. "Price. £1650. Terms.—Thode Bros.. 17. Phoenix Chambers. 503 TMRKENHEAD—A Real Good Bargain— -*-* 6-roomed Bungalow, pore, bath and basin, kitchenette, w.h.. calif out: good section. Price £1350. Terms arranged.—W. H. Payne, Highbnry Corner, Blrkenhead. 40 ■P1 '>FUV- Brn * GALO " w ' (Empty) — Mt. CTj-LirtJV Eden, Close Terminuß — 5 Rooms and kitchenette; 6ft volcanic, no stone; built 6 years, heart kauri, recently painted and peipered: insured £700: includes ;i large sections. —Great value. — Address at STAR. 23 If> "I _AA — HiERNE BAY — 6-Roomed S/liUv Bungalow, all mod. convß, f>.w.c, pore, bath and basin, gas stove, copper and ttrbs. range; beautiful view of iiarbour; Ithth. from car. Umins. from ";st section. £400 oash.—Shirpess and Olney. 13. Queen St. ITione 2377 A. i* i? 1 1 ftflr—SNlP—l Mm. from I )omiuioa 'X/JLLInJ Roati car. --nd Section—s Rooms, pore 'bath and basin, oilifont, p.w.c. copper and tubs: larwns anil garden: :*as stove. All under one roof. Ji:KO OaSh.—Sturpress and Olney. I>~>, Qik'en St. •Phone 2377 A. £» -PTOft —° Ft Pousonby Kd. —Up-ro-date. t* l l "" BinjaJw, 4 rooms, liamiy to cars; nice section- cusy home. Say £Z7A) Ueposli -pre-war price. Cn7) STURCiESS ASP OLXE-Y. Agents V. J?TnO— PARNIiLL (Off St. Stephens 3J i yjyJ Av.)—β-raoinen Villa; stands hifrti; water view: section, 70 x 170 ft. £550 Deposit. lAnother cheui) property. (744)—^Sturgess and Otney. Agents. 'Phone 3377 A. B l?-iQn/V—£20o"DEPOSIT—Off Dominioa ow-LOUV iw., inside Siftion —>> Bnomx, recently rcuovatPd. pati'iit drainage, porcelain bath. callTont. gas stove: level seotinn. l!oal Baruniu. (740)— iSTUItGiESS AND OLJEEY. Agents. B O-l OAA—SAY £300 OASH—MT. ED-E-N. 3i_Lii\nJ American Bunsaiow. close to Valley 'Road —Pore, bath and basin, h. and c. water, c. and t.. built-in wardrobes. SnU. married couple and small family.^btursess and Olnpy. 'Phone 2377 A. '. #. -t (jrr-MT. PLEASANT R.D., MT. i O EDEN" — Charming Bungalow. 6 roome and kitchenette; p.b. and b.. p.w.c leity sewerage), gas stove: beantifuUy elevated: splendid view, terms.—Pred Bail. Sole Agent. 13, Queen St. (opp. G.P.0.). 'Phone 2C54A. jC'OPCAA—RBMTJERA— Beautiful Bungadi*yW i o n-j 6 rooms; exceptionally artistic; dining room 19 x 15: pretty round bays and inglenooks; pvery up-to-date convenience; elevated. A Snip.—Fred Ball, 15. Queen St. (opp. G.P.0.). 'Phone 2654 A. TToTnft—MT. ALBERT—LoveIy Bnnga3J£l\jyj LOW. 5 roome and kitchenettp: dining room 24 x 16: every modern cony.; brick motor garage: elevated, with gorgeous landscape and harbour views.—Kred Ball. 15. Queen St. (opp. G.P.O.> 'Phone 2C54A. f} Kf> "I A / PER ACRE—GORDOXTON 3*DZI lw — Ideal Dairy Farm, 130 acres; 95 f>cres grass, 5 acres swedes, balance drained swamp; 40 cows been milking on property, and are well at top of list for factoty test; 5 rooms, bathroom, washhouse, concreted eowsbpd. G bails, fitted, with 3-cow Simplex milking plant, which goes with property. Stables manure shed, piggeries, etc. As this property is being sold to wind up deceased estate, thi« ie your big chance to buy right.—Fred Ball, In, Queen St. (opp. G.P.0.) 'Phone 2554 - D JpQA/V—TjVKA!PU^sA.—Rjgtot on Ebe .-Vql/U beach. Glorious views of harboor. Charming Canadian Bungalow of 4 rooms, with large sleeping iporch. Owner transferred to J>unedin and must sell. TSris is a snip. <3UASH AiNID LAnDHR. Chambers. fOprp. C.jP.O.). Qneen Street. 78 TjTOR SALE BY TENTTEK. HIGH POSITION OF MT. EDEX. GENTL,EMAN"S RBSIDENGE at 7 rooms „ and offices; large section. Upset price, f2250. Further particulars on application to N.&, 793, STAR. 809 SOMETTIIN'G 'SPECIAL.—MT. Ba>ES« B-BST STKEKT. • £KKo —Superb Gent's Residence, 7 larse rooms; perfect order; latest convemencfes; large elevated section: car 2 minutes. £3W cash, balance 6 per cent. JOHNS AND- IrttASKS, The Method Men. 662 ZT, H.ii. ArcadeVTTAIIKATO <4* mflee station—l 76 AQRES, »V L.T.T.; 100 acres grass, 5 acres bash. balance crops and ready >for plough; thrt to undulating; plentifully watered. House * rooms, cowehed, stable, cartshed: carry 35 cows this season. Only ■£ 'M pju Cash, £750. A GTFT. /THEAP B*ARM, Near Auckland — 110 ACRES; 80 grass; 3 rooms, outbuildings. £1900. with dead stock and furniture. Terms, £400, l>al. 5 years at oi. A VOVDALE —• New 4-roomed Bungalo-a;. A- Inst completed; beautifully flnisliefl. Cor sec, good views. £1100; terms, £300BnUt for owner now away. Snap this jniefc. Close station. E. E. TTtOBK, Pspakun? also HaOenetefß's BtriKMnss. »
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 5
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1,103Page 5 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 5
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