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j PROPERTIES FOR SALE. ' TTNOOCUFIIiD— 0 Booms, Heme Bay; '-' all coUTs., heart kauri; immediate possession.-— Hellaby's Jildg3., Queen St. 153 LUKM, 17 acres: 5-roonied House, and Blacksmith's Business, opp. Ktiineu Itail-v,-a.T Btatlun. Easy terms.-I. Klnloch. US rPAKAPUNA, near JLMi. anil lltacli—SU- ■*• roomed House, hirge section; splendid views.—F. Bailey. Fratcr Ay.. .Vlllfnrij. i>7 ONSONIiY — Immediate PossessionGood Kauri House, slate roof; level action; £975.—-Northern Agency, 11, H.M. Arcade. 124 -| t> ACIUiS, Cottage, near trams; would -L-' like exchange for tenancy house nearer town.—-Rent. 01, OTAK. fMM i Section, liGft by I -"- nearly 200, leaver i«irt Selwyn ltd, overlooking Rnngitoto Channel. — Addrras Jiox 22T>, 0.1.0. -I'l ■\TKW~LYNN.— ,-| Acres, grass: House, r, U-N rooms conveniences. " £1400. A pifl--1 Terms. Carlton. Union -Bldgs. 1<> : ! H~ IvMIKR.-ON. -- 111 Acres] apples, peaches lemons; House, R rooms, con- ! venlnnccs. £1850. Dep. r..VX).—Carlton, i t'nlon Buildings. Vt£ i OK£\ AND £100 Cash—4 and .-.-roomed I JJOX) H OUS( . S , Klngslaud. £O0 to £000. - , Warren. Kingsland. 1!' I \P r - F-fI)KX-' = ftTO«Mnr<l Bungalow, perfect. -"■*- condition: immediate possession; 111I spection evenings or week-end. —1-1.0, Bal- | moral R«l. * '») 4-' 11 (M\ — IXJMI-NIO.N HD. — 5-roomed mod. home, p.h. and h.. califont. shower, patent drainage, art wall pnpera. Only £'-T>o required A bargain.— Coward and Rail, 18, Qncvn St. 21M4A. £.• Q-rr/V- MT. KljkN—s-roomed Modern 3J<jO\J Home, newly papered and painted. Handy Symomls St. Kasy terms arranged. Coward and Ball, BS, Quecp at. •^44A. <• 1 iCft — Iii"SOM — fcroonied Modern *- L '±«-'" Bungalow; all latest convs.; owner must sell and sovrlfli-e It at £14.V). ■ftrms to right 'buyer.— Coward and Ball, 9T>. Queen Sit. "-SM-4A. (' -t Q;T A— IHJXSOXBY— ('.alifornian Runi ow r, beautiful rooms; electric I light and heaters. Brand uew. A snip. II nil early.—Coward and Ba.ll. D."),? Queen .St. an.v X-'l »>7?:— IXJMI.VION UD.—lmmediate \JJl*utiJ Possession—G-roomed Beautiful Home: every cony. (Inly needs inspection by right buyer. Terms easy.—-Coward and, Ball. Oa. Queen St. 2944 A. I 4-1 £!VA— MT - EDK.N— O-roouied Buuga- ; iIDOU i nff; glorious home, double entrance' p.b and b.. patent: handy cars. Terms to suit —Coward and Ball, I*s, Queen St. 15144 A. « ji> Si'>X— ST.\X'I,KV SAY—6 Booms and i cwOw_> oath room (califont), gas stove, i p.w.e.: elevated position. £50 de>posit. A : Snip.—QUANE AND I.AUT>KK, KeW's ! Chambpra (opp. GjT.O.). j £•-I fVTr:— DOMINION ItOiU, handy UnJ l+"-LyJt'J Section «! Itooms, pon , . bath, ' sa« stove: paint and papers good. <!ood . value.— i) (TANK AMI LAIDiIK, Hew y 1 Chauilipm (opp. r,J>.O.). . <?QAA—«REY LYNTS : -4 Itoouus and s.-ul- ; o»<CM_F\_F ]~r l. i cltv draina-e: level section, concrete' paths, "fruit tree*, fowl run. rVnosit. £S)O.—QUAXE ANI> UiUXM-I'H, Rew's Pliamtiers O'pp. 0.P.0.). !V? 1 "I fifl- ~<M IN. rXTM INT OS KD. TKiK- , o-(±XIA/ MINUS-.") Itooms. h. and i.\ water, pore, bath: lovely section. A chen;i I property.—QUANlo AND LAIHJER, new , * Thambers lopp. 0.P.0.). B X mThCßA—Price. £000 -Large Section. about M) X 320; kauri House. 4 large rooms (newly done upi. with convs.: handy trams, 2nd section. — GRKAT NOKTiUMt-N AGENCY, U. H.M. AKCAUK. B r>QJ^ri— 0 ACKES, ail ploughed and 3~iJO\J grassed, subdivided, shelter trees. Good 4-roomed Uouse, 2 5 MT. EDEN—Ahont }-acre good volcanic laud and nice House 11 large rof>iu« and 1 ronv., in good order: beautiful view. Price, I firao.—G.REAT NOKTIIEUX AGENCY, 11, J H.M. Areadc. B T. KOSKIL.U.— Xl6SO—l Acres aud'Nlce Kauri House, 5 large rooms, retorn verandah, in first-class order. Cowshed, stable, dairy, etc. Magnificent views.— •;KKAT NOItTHKRN AGENCY, 11. H-M. Arcadf. B (.•QQ PBK AOHK.—W.'.IUKU.—Job A.-re.s (;ilv>iul. all In ami till plotighalwe; hanily school. 1".<1., err. dram oillii-tLHI llouw (! rooms ami otilbuililiings. I'rtw C.Z; per acre. T.-rms. tIOOO ,r-ash: Iwilaiicp arrangetl. - irlXi. (.'. I(' 1M:.\i;1I. U2. Victoria .Vnwlf. _ B <-" QAA --il'OX'Siixr.Y — House, o rooms. 5-CnHF rcwntlr iiripcred ami rmimeii. Trochoid -sivlion. 40ft fn>n-L:i?:e. Mortgnsrs. £420. Sttnated near Thn>e bamps.—UKO. C OItIOAIJM. IJ2. Wtorla Arcade. 15 -ffiftCi A-CIIBS "iTITI r .T7Ti~nVu -IVFLR) I Stratford line, ami 14 mil<--s trom T-aiimunmui. -About 400 ucres irra»s. balamv mlllable tirnbor :i mlhvi school, store. P. 0., etc. House., 4 moms. Price, tin lrt per aero. Would consider good city l>n)iM>rty as deposit —CH'XJ. t'. ORilAQll. 112. Victoria Arotfl!'. B Er.SO.\I incur Owens lull.—Tw<v.4o>roy<Nl Bungalow of 7 rwus, eleotric light.. l«opc. biil'h ami basin, h. and c. water and reilifoiH: Finos and blimis included in price. House has recently been |Ki[>ered and painted. Section j-acrt; motor garage. Mortgnge fTJO. I'rice £l«7;"i.— mtJO. C. OREAIMI. 112. Victoria Arcadtv B i JL i< y~t Xf\ OK XIHAU OHPBR. -JS.HMT7--|cW4rfjA»U BU-α.- -Bungalow. t! largo i-acre section. Morcgages £1130. insurance £1500. ImiiKMliate 'possession.— 01-Xl. C. CIBKAOTI. 112. Vlatorta Arcade. B I I>ONSI>NHY. 4MI.NS. fTRTsi CAK -*■ SOUND HOI"SK OK 7 HOOMS. All convs. Immediate possession. Price flono. Deposit. £.ii¥i GEOROE MITCHKI.I. AND CO Puopnis Chambers, opp. c.P.O. fXS 10 Hl' N(i A—HO US KUV s KOO MS and convs.: larjro section. I'rice fl4(K>: deposit raw. "Would exc-hance for small house :ind some rash, or any approved CHOItOK MITCHELL AMi'oo., Phoenix Chauibers. opp. u.PO A vondalj:-six acres of (;ooi> "... LAND, fenced into 4 |>a<ldoeks. House f>l v rooms, separate room outside- washhouse, >-. and t.; stable, trapslie.l fey.l house, cow bails, etc. Price. £2(AiO 'Terms arranged. Price includes horse, trap and harness, separator, ohnrn. and chaffcutter I GKOKGIC MITCHELL AND CO I ' hoenix Chambers, opp C.P.Q. |; j T?PSO.M— Sound Itoomy Somi-Bun-alow « -*-• rooms. perfect order throughout- , large rooms, every convenience- nice, grounds: attractive. Cheap proposition :£d.430. Terms.- V. Sinclair Yates uu. j Co.. Union Bldgs.. Customs «t. K. - <; i (Far End)— Ver- -Pretty Kint j modern, convenient; nice section- 'perfect order. Bargain. £1.575; termx.--F Wnelair Yatcs and Co., Union Bldgs. Customs St. li. (J "jV'pr. BDE\ — Beautifiilly elevated"; Handy Tram—-Neat, Pretty 3-rooui-ed Btingalcrn-, perfect order eremvherp: every convenience: really desirable home. Bargain, £1.450; terms. —P. iSJnclair Yates and -Co., Bldgs.. c ustoms St B c -\fn'. J9DKX—Haindy Tranwi-a'retty Mod- -"-*- eru r»-Roomed Bungakn*-; garden, an-d perfect order throughout: comfortable, attractive home. Sacrifice price £1 X2f> — P. Sinclair Yates and Co., Union Bldgs.. Customs St. E. C MT. EDEN—β-plendid I'osition—Subst.-in-tlal. Roomy S-RoomexJ Kauri Villa, good order; attractive: comfortable -ion.-. I Immediate possession. Snip. £l.sno: : terms.—P. Sinclair Yates and Co., Union Bldgs.. Customs St. E. C TjTLiIvETOSLIE- —Pretty Bungalow, 6 Rooms. ■" all convenien-ees; elevated position; perfect order: all pretty pa-pers: half-acre section. Ohercp. £1.4."i0: terms. —F. SinI clair Yates and Co.. Union Bldgs.. Customs jSt. E. O I JJHMUBRA - £25Q(\ ADJOINING TOST OFFICE. j qjplevdid qbcthk;. ■mth 110 ft Frontage to RFJMTJnRA ROAD -by 150 ft, with lOrt right-of-way. For fnrther particulars and terms appry ESTJ.TE AGTCNCT. KRANCH, I QUEEN STffiRRT. ~R j I -pyOMTSTOX IROAD.—S-Eatl-BTTNGALOW, ] *-* 6 rooms. Nice order. AH eonvenl--1 encea. Including pore, bath and basin and hot -wuter service. Car 1 minute. PRICE, £1320. TRIMS. JOHNS AND FRANKS, The "Method Mob, . SSL , 07. iL"M. Arcade
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 5
Word Count
1,114Page 5 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 5
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