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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. 1 TVKLLINUTON ST.—Section, »4ft x 102 ft, • * " freehold, with drainage, patent; also . Bricks. Price, £8 per foot-—Tel. 2174 A. 77 ; ATT. EDEN—Bungalow, 6 rooms and entrance hall: every cony., garage. : £1800.—Abbott & Elmsly. 'on. Queen St. 126 EVERYBODY'S AGENTS. SEASIDE CUTTING-UP PROPOSITION. : VVi: HAVE lIAJI PLACED IN OUR * T HANDS SO ACRES. Adjoining land sold for £200 \-acre section. Few minutes seaside. The price is only £50 an acre, and deposit wanted -* per cent. Balance 7 years. It you want to make money, come and have a chat with us nbont this exceptional opportunity, nnd good reasons given for these "PXTRAOKDINARY rpERMS. i~tIIANCE OF A T IFETIME. L (N.F. 82) WHITTAKER AND CO., EVERYBODY'S AGENTS. PHOENIX CnAiMBERS. ' "Phone 37a.'5. C SURE INVESTMENTS. OHO"" -WNSOSBV (MAIN ROAD). RIGHT AT TRAM STOP. eOLITILY-RITILT KBKIDBNPK of 7 *" ' moms, all convs.. p.w.c, etc. l/cvel sp.-iion. 40 i 110. Terms arranged. £950 H EUXI: B AY TWO MINITKS FltOM TRAMS. ,*r ROOMS and nmvs., bath, patent w.c. wash lioiiKo ( c. am] l. t. X leva tod sect ion With tine outlook, fir.n deposit. * £1550 - r i:m "«a HANKY TRAM OR TRAIN. OEMI-BfNGAUIW. C rooms: califont. porcelain hath, patent vr.r. Large level section, in lawns, garden. Motor garage. Splendid views. Terms arranged. SHORT AND COMPANY, IS. SWANSON RTRF.KT, (Opposite Chamber or Commerce.) C POSSESSION NOW. Wi: HAVE THE KKY. 4'" 11 Art - MORNINGSIDE—fi-ROOMED —'-L-l-l/U IuNCAI-OW Inrge rooms. niecly fiiiL-hed. This property is well Kittiiitcri. biuuly tn trams. -O(V>rC—rcUKNl'ALrc- VILLA. -I rooms. ■*•"■'"*J Section l(«i x I(K>. — DOMINION ROAD TER'•l'Jwit MINIS —MODERN BTTNGAI.OW (Immediate possession!, i> rooms aud ■ <onvs. SceLlon w> x 1.12. , i f'lfrnn — MT. EDEN — MODERN IIOUI/nrsi; A t.fiw 0 rooms andconvs.: lluishcil in oiled rimu. Few minutes 1 o tr>l m nnd f*lrti*n to pul>lir school. O"1 CAft — MT - ALBERT — ."i-ROOMED viI.LA. bathrofim nnd convs. ! Elevated position. Tram stop at corner of 1 street. ' £* 4 MT ALBERT-WELL-BriLT X.-/wtJ\/ li-ROOMEII RESIDENCE, all convs. Splendid onicr. Section about 14 acres. Fine shed suitable for stable or garage. Poultry runs. Terms can lie arranged. GRAY ANETcOCKROFT, 10. 21. 22. SMEETOys BtTIT.rUXGS. C N.Z. LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY CO., LTD.. \LBERT QTKEET, AUCKLAND. LAND DEPARTMENT. Telephone 2210. SI'USIDE lU3SUKT A.ND ', MIXED FARM OF -471. ACRES. FTcihold, capable of carrying NOO sheep when properly cleared. Plenty tlrcwood and valuable pohntukawa. Klng-fenred, 7 wires ; never-failing water supuly. Electric light to house, cottages and all outbuildings. f'Vircular Saw. etc. (water power). House S "rooms and oflices. Uungalow 11 rooms, annei :: rooms and washhouse. cowshefl. etc.. also 'A cottages and 27 small shanties : handy to beach. Built of kauri and lit by electricity. > Social Hull, good dancing floor, shearing ■ shed. dip. etc. P.O. and telephone on the ' premises. MugnlUccnt beach: good fishing ; and shooting. ; Full particulars, price, etc.. at Odice. Holiday Season will soon be here. Secure this year's return. PRICK EASY FOR QI'ICK SALE. C PONSONBY. Qt\f\(\— HOUSE 4 ItOOJIS, all convsA dUWUI/ Terms. CIjO Cash. Ji mlns. car. OrrA—HOrSK S ROOMS, all convs. 3J I i)U Large Lovel Section. Terms, Cash. :t min.s. car. O-l OAA —HOUSE t> ROOMS, electric 1 SIILwUU iigut. Large Section. Every 1 modern convenlonce. Terms. t CLENMORE. i t"1 (WI —RESIDENCE (i ROOM.S. all I dJX\JyJ\j convs. ; handy cars. Terms, j £200 Cash. ■ CALDER &LJTCHFIELD, 5 AND 7. SHORT'S BUILDINGS, QUEEN ST. " Phone 225-). W.S. BAY OF PLENTY. QOflA ACHES. Sheep Run. Winters . O«jI/U 3300 sheep and lnO cattle. Good House. ShenHng roiachincjs nnd conveniences. Including Stock. etc., PRICE £30,000. PQfkfk ACRES. Grazing Run. Iβ years OOW to run. £00 rental. Will carry, 2000 sheep, 700 cattle. GOODWILL. £7 per Acre. # £}fy7A ACRES. Adjoins railway. 1000 —'" ' grnss. 200 swamp ; sheep fenced : carrying 1000 ewes. 400 -head cattle. New S-roomed Hoirse and 5-roomed Cottage. All necessary buildings. £10 per Acre. 1 GAA ACRES. Carry SO milkers, 400 XoUU cuttle, 600 sheep, and horses. 24 paddocks. 43 acres in crop. £1G per ; Acre. Also following Improved Properties : — ; JTQO ACRES, £17: 171 Acres. £30; 340 fJOZd Acres. £1G 10/: 320 Acres. £12: . fi!)2 Acres, £f> 10- , : 47S Acres (Half , Swamp)). £32 10/. Pall for Details. We can Recommend Above. H. R. COOKE AND SON, AGENTS AND VALUERS, 12. FORT STREET. AUCKLAND. 48 HERNE~~ BAY WATERSIDE. TWO SP"ECIALS. O-l itrrt-NICE VTL.LA, 0 latg.i rconjs 1 i-J_"±Ol/ and all convs., return verandah, electric light, plaster ceilings, etc. Nice 1 elevated section. Fine harbour views. Term-s, half cash. , noO/WY—GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE, n rooms (on one floor), large return verandah: complete witih every modern cony.: wardrobes, cupboards, bookrases, etc., tmilt-in. Sec. 63 x 120. Only lmin. 1 car! Terms arranged. inspection by appointment only. SOLE AGENTS. NEWTON & KALMAN, v a. SHOST'S BIfDGS., HH, QXmBX ST.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 5
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773Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 5
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