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PROPERTIES FOR SAKE. KIBMU.KRA— U-roomed and 1 cony., handy to railway aLatlou- £1275; jE775 rash.—lVarwon, Exchange Lane. 17ti MOORE - JONES BROS. J-l>hrk'bt. sunny rooms, tastefully decor-1 ated and nil flrst-rliiKK order Tlie views obtaluolili- .if the harbour u'nd luudxrapc caninit hi' p.M-clled niiywhero. Level garden in nent order. Great value at £IXSO. iiw:)7i EPSOM- fIfSOO-Cosy Runpmlow Pvcry modern cony.: 2 rcjs. Hied crates, and open nro in dininstroimi; kitchenette gas stove, attached liiuudrv. ,lly drainage, tare,- leve vocani,. allotment. Position Is hl(rh anil handy to train nml sclmnl. The price is very reasonable. (7011) THIS WEEK'S SPECIALTY. ■\f I iI'KN - Excellent position, r-nm-mand-JJ- ing Klnrlniu views, sends li! K h. but nicely sln-licreil and sunny -Itiinsnluw Kesirlcnn-, :i s|>:iri. M is munis, mi Hour, with i told"Uμ*"' Vm"iw ,'!''"■ u r w""r S " r " n,, ' l ' ly ' offer. Here is a i-hiiuce in Kccnrp the best I at low raliip (7S(rji I MT. ALBERT - nfsJO-Esppciallv wellhullt Uunjrnluw ltrsklpn.-i-. 'i; larae rooms: wanlrobe.", hrlck tires, nhislor cpTiIdbr: riininer<min in \ 22. .lour io return vernnilHh: brrnkfimtrontii and kllrheucne .\ sensible modern hump, witli lnrirp giirden I inoror mirnue. workshop, etc. Ilnady triiiii 1 and trains. iT4r.l> i RBMinoKA-Cl'OO. -Sea Slopes—-Bunca-low iniirtNtl.- rooms, neat plan, every dome i-cilinc kitchenette, gas stove: ''il'f'^ip-1 to-dalc. iiiM.fl s,-,-ii,,,i. iv eanlcu. ITetty I views, lmvl-ieape :tu<l water. Hirst to' trurpect will purchnsc <StfJl) I ■p»PSOM-£IfKJO-A dcllßhtfullj- clcslßtHMl j ■" liunffal'iw. i; rooms and kln-hrnetie: all I rooms Inrpe: very artistic: reg. iriuics in : hi-droonis. mirror wardrohex. This honiu I is bnllt of tiest kauri jio.l workmanship. Level i at-ro allot., in garden: motor ir-.ira"c ', nwncr leavinfi. The price is low Tor n i",U-k j sale ' KEJIII-KKA- -C2OO—, tientlenijin"s artiN-ti.-, infiiloni-tlcslßnrd Bunculow. <i rnuuis, ' rprpption hull. slMlnp doors to dlnlugToom. ' arch tn lirrnkfnst room, with doors to I verttiidali overlooking the hurbuur. Sltun-1 tlcm is m-;<l <-lass. and ckise handy to Irani. Tlic price Is exceptionally low. We can' mconimciHl liiimedlate iuspction. iTiii^i MOORE - JONES BROS., | c>, SnORTLANTv STREET, Also HAMILTON. l> I MANGERE A HOME TQ3.IT WILL APPEAL. 3% A Oll1 * 8 OF p TNE "youjAKic L : "V-ITn" BUNGALOW, fi Inrgp rooms, pantry J-' anri wnshhonse. all possihle cony., h. I and <■. water, pore, bath and basin, bnilt-ln ; wardrobes nnd llnon eupboatvlß, lifting eeats; ftnc- ceilings, artistic design and ] finish, well built. Garage, store room and I cowshed. j ■House stands on nice knoll and com-1 mands pretty views nt surronmling district. Fire rnlnntf"! tn s-tation. Paths formed. Pretty Khelter treovs and shrnbs. , Without doubt the best position In Mangere. Make an appoiutment to inspect this early. PHTCE, f? OQAA TBRirS 3JOO\J\J. ARttl A-XGBD. NORTH AUCKLAND FARMERS' CO-OP., LTD. KING'S CHAMBERS, COMMERCE STREET. AUCKLAND. HEAD OFFICE. WHANGAREL D MT. EDEN. NEAR VALLEY RD—£l4so. BUNGALOW OF G (ROOuMS AN© 'kITCHIBN'ETTiE.—A 'AIOiST CONVEMrENT JLERAISOEOD HOME. The rooms are all large and well pitc/hed. The 'house is in bhorough good order, solidly built, and of a nice appearance. Stands Irish. PorceJain bath and basin, gas lv every room. Till IS IS iEXCEPTiaNA.I.iLY CHIJAP AT £1430. TEffiMS. (4721) PONSONBY — £1275. "TM-MiEDJATM I'WISK.-sSION. — Splendid -*- House nf 7 rooms, two-storey, iv excellent order inside and out; very close to cars, with every convenience, draw■lngroom and ddninßroom, :i splendid bedrooms, box room, linen press, wardrobes. Kitchenette wß'h runpe. builLrfn dresser. THiERiE LS GOOD VALUE IN THLS AT £1370. (4329) DOMINION ROAD —£1600. BDNGALO.W OF 8 ROOMS, aOl large, and every modern convenience, porcelain buth and basin, califont. washhouse, ate. All in tirst-clasH order inside -and ont. A Bplendiii section, i>o x 270. level; motor entrance. The house is very sound and stands IjOOK AT THE iPRIGE. OiNLY £1600. 'HUE SI3L v TU\>uN ALO-N'B Iβ WORTH £1200. (1784) NATIONAL CO-OP. REALTY COMPANY OF N.Z., LTD. SAFE DEPOSIT BUILDINGS, VULCAN LANE. • THOSBS 2CHOA ana 10T8A. D RETIRED FARMKitS.—Do not miss this chance of a Good Home. —Gentleman's Residence. (! lofty rooms, kitchenette with large gas stove, cupboards, pantry, with rslnk, cupboards, shelves, etc; bathroom, pore, bath and basin; gas every room, good fittings; three fireplaces, nil tiled hearths, beautiful facings, mantels, etc; large hall; bedrooms with -built In wardrobes, beautiful large bevelled glass mirrors; Venetian blinds; two p.w.c.'3, one inside and one out. eide; washhouse, c. aud t. About A-acre section, good frontage to select street: fowl ruu, motor garage, drive, tennis court and croquet grounds, summer house, live hedges, beautiful shrubs, flowers, fruit trees, etc. This house Id of the soundest heart of kauri. Situated good locality, 5 inins. station and about 15 tnins. trams. Price, £2500. Half cash. Apply sole agents— McKAY AND McKAY, 01, QUEEN STREET. Phone 3205. ° TO FARMERS, SAMPLE PROPERTIES. r?OA.PBE ACRE—2BS ACRES, at Waiati SJjZAs p a ii miles from Pukekohe and i 11 miles from Papakura; level, metalled road; large sea frontajjc; road and wattle . belt on two sidee; would subdivide well; I almost level; 100 acres in grass, ISo being ploughed; boundary 7-wire fence; subdivided 7 paddocks; new honse aud cowshed; school, post office, store, hall, church and cream stand within one mile. In comparison with land being cold iv this district, this is easily worth £30 per acre; £1000 cash; balance arranged. "^yAIUKU. A FARM LIKE A GARDEN. TWO MILES FROM TOWNSHIP. QTI/ ACRES. Prico as a going con- «*' /2 ceru £2200, cash £BS<>: without Htocli, Implements, etc., price £19; X), cash £630. Soil, richest black loam: all In erase and crops; will grow anything; it will carry 18 dairy cows and other etock all the Tear round. Good buildings. ffnUest particulars on application. T. H. BROWME, LAND AGENT. DOMINION JtOAU. Phone 5544. Wti HOMES FOR ALL. ■PfiTfv-'PA'RtNBLL. 2min. from Ist Sec—■ iS/UI O 4 | arKe roojiis aud all cony. Terms. -PTfWT - HANDY NIEWMA.RKET — 7 *I W Rooms, all cony. £200 cash. ■PQOPi - PONSONBY —«i-roomoil Kanri «Jw»_7wO v'llln, all «'onv.; good order. Terms. •PCOrr— Idevated Position aJOZiO (j Kooms and cony. Terms. f'lnnft —AVONDALE (5 mln. from cw-LUI/U train) 5 Rooms and all conveniences. Terms. p-t>7(\(\—yiT. UDCEN-β IRoo-ms, b.-room *i IW (caHfont), every modern cony. Serine. jp 1 7^(I— HEKXE BAT—S kit-oJ-LIOv <..henette, every <-onv.; large section, nbont 40 i 212. Terms. 4?fXttf/\_N"EXT DOMAIN. 11l Elevated I'ositliin—o K'oojiu;. with even" tmod-ern cony.; about 1-aere section. Terms. NEW ZEALAND SALES IXGKAM , , CRing lOOS.*! ANGUS, . fB, OSUDOS. (new •G.r.0.) 0
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 5
Word Count
1,038Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 5
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