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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. ■O AK A CASH — Now Empty — Fine *r dwtfctW roomed House and conveniences; bargain. £950.—C00k, 108. Ponsonby Rd. 2*> MT. EDEN (beyond Terminus)— Almost immediate possession — Nice Seml- . Bungalow, 4 rooms and kitchenette; newly painted; nice and elevated; splendid section :ill under cultivation, lovely flowers; volcanic, uo stone. £1130. Well worth inspecting. This place unencumbered. J. 11. MULDOON AND CO.. S 99, Queen Street. I >AKNELL —Almost immediate possession. • 4-roome'S House, a snug little home; all convs nm"e and gas cooker, bathroom, p.w.c. (off Gladstone Rd.). £750. Cash. £«0. balance 3 years 6 per cent. L.T.T. Freehold. Owner going South. Sole Agents, ; J. H. MULDOON AND CO.. an. Queen St. S HKRNE BAY (near Argyle St).—Something good—β-roomed Semi-Bungalow. ' the best, modern couvs.; nice view. £1850. i Cash £600 balance terms extending 5 years. ' Early possession. ■■ J. H. .MUI.IIOOX AND CO., f>o, Qneen St. S A" "LMOST NEW 5-ICOOMKU BUNGALOW (2 years old), immediate possession; : every cony., near beach. Heme Bay district. £1400. £000 cash. bal. arranged. Very pretty outlook. Sole Agents: J. 11. MULDOON AND CO., 00, Queen St. S i'-i t)X— VONSON'BY —1 Kooms, w.h., c. c£^-L— J*J t. p.w.c; wa r care. In flrstclass order. Only £475. £125 cash, bal. , arranged. J. H. MULDOON AND CO.. 90, Qneen St. S CILDINc; SECTION, 40 by 110, one door , from main road; fruit trees, flowers, etc Only £230. Adjoining 6-roomed House. w.h., c.t., p.w.c. fowlrun. £800. Easy . terms. Within 2d section. Sole agents. - Well worth inspecting. 5 J. 11. MULDOON AND CO., , s fli!>. Qneen Street. E TTWNE IG-KOOMED HOUSE ON • MAIN J- ROAD. 1 Trams Pass. ' 2 p.w.c.'s. Suitable Apartment House. l £l<v>o. Cash £500, Balance arranged. See us and inspect. Sole Agents: J. H. MULDOON AND CO., -j s 99. Queen Street.
6-KOOMED HOUSE (on main road), every cony.; great prospective value; room for 2 shops. Buy this and make money. fII.TO. Sole Agents: J. H. MULDOON AND CO., 09. Queen St. S -VTEVVTON—A Hare Chance—s- ROOMED HOnSE, electric light, bath, -washhouse, copper .and tubs, motor works, workshop room for several ! motors. OwnCr lcavlne Auckland will sell for £750. This is a great bargain. J. 11. MULDOON AND CO.. S 99, Qneen Street. j j TITT. EDTDX —Immediate Possession —6i ■"-•- JRoomed House, return verandah, and every modern cony.; cowshed, dairy (concrete finnn; orchard; two acres (apppox.): Hmins. ear. Good cutting-up proposition. I'rice. £3,300; deposit. £1,000. "W. BIRD, 25. Brunswick Buildings. 352 "^•O-rfv—KING&LANiD— 5 Roomsi all to , j cwOifu good order; handy to cars; '. deposit, £300.— W. Bird, 'Brunswick Bidgs. j i, .- a5ijp -I 9AA— KfaiUiEKA—s Rooms and cwX»uu convs., p.w.c; good section, i 44 x 165- 2mlns. car; cash £300. —W. Bird. Brunswick Bidgs. 332 4?1 QXA—GREY LYXN—Very superior, I ilOtlU 5 rooms, porcelain bath, cali--1 font; large corner section; 4 minutes 2nd f /section; £CKSO Land Co., ' I llii, (ireat North K<l. 36J
-P 1 A (\(\— PONSONBY—S Booms, porceI ow-L'itUU j ain bati! an rt basin, califont; very large rooms; in perfect order; only, £?XK) cash required.—Citizens' Land C«l. Hβ. Great North Rd. 363 I 4.' 1 LYiN-X—s Rooms, heart ! ill/OU kauri: - verandahs: fine seri tion. nleelv laid out. 60ft x 160 ft; sunny ; position, large rooms.—'Citizens' Land Cix. illC. Great North Rd. __ 362 •OTOfti—fiß-EY LY>NN (2nd. Section, car 3J I U\f 2 minutes)—s Booms, bathroom, spullerv patent drainage, raoge and sas I stove: large allotment.—Citizen*' Land. Co, IIC. Croat North Rd. .«>* ! XvfVoS—G.RET LYNN—O Large Booms. 3JXX.—O kitchenette, scullery, patent droinace; house recently painted an<J |.papered, and in splendid condition; £400 1 cash.—Citizens" Land Co., Great North R<L UNK>ALO"W, 7 Rooms, just renovated, gulemlid timber, all modern conveniences, with 8S acres garden and paddocks; natural spring: exquisite sea and lan.i views; motor garage: close to Kohimarama ■Beach. Immediate possession. £0,000. Will also Sell with I Acre only, at £2,400. M. H. MILDER. Kohimarama. ! "S4 Phones 1362 apd_44l4 (3 rings). M~~ t EDEN—Beautiful new Bungalow. 7 rooms and reception hall, with every '. m Hiprn eonvs together with nearly }-acre j r Th e volcu n lc Price. £2250.-Buckler 1 ami Bull. Smeeton's Bidgs. "A BSOLUTEIjY Good—Mt. Albert—Up-to-A date Bungalow. 5 rooms, all conra. Price. £1,iT0.-Rust and Baker, 00, E^ change Lane. . XTOTIMSg Better—Mt. Eden (best part)— -IN .Gentleman's Residence, 6 rooms, modern" W £500 cash.-Kust
and Rafcpr._ 0-~>. Exchange Lane. «"» PONSONTBY— 4-Uoomed Cottage for Sale. Addrcss_at STAR. - 4a fffthn-POXSONBV - 5 Kooms, batii,Wl) ro om c. and t.. T..W.P.: rteposi": £100.-W. Bird, Brunswk SPECIAL FOR DOCTOK r S RESIDENCE OR NURSING HOME. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. FURNITLHE AT-VALUATION IF REQUIRED. T>AHTICULARLY WELL-BUILT HOUSE XT OF 7 ROOMS, bathroom, bath and basin cnlifont. pantry and scullery, Orion range gas stove, califont over sink; washhouse coalshed. a patents motor garage \l X 10; splendid billiardroom. 24 S 1« Tright up t> date); gas fittings, picked imber: diningroom 21*" x 13, drawingromn l<l x 13; i bedrooms 15 x 13, and 12 s tS: kitchen VI x 1.1. Further accommodation under house. The Section is on a corner ving HMft to main road by a depth of -•i«ft laid out in ornamental trees, shrubs, rmngiis. tlower gardens, lawns, drive, etc.. very large asphalt yard. The views are splendid; tram stop, 3d section, Mt.Eden borough The whole makes up a splendid
BEN BOLLARD, DIRHYS BLDGS, QUEEN ST. 400 . S"JOLLYGOOD CHANCES FOR SOMEBODY. MI EDEX—House 5 rooms; section 40 s 120; a genuine bargain, £600; cash. 1 iOMIXIbx HD.—5 Kooms, convoni-ut. -L- , dry, level section. L'rice, £'M-j. ..i-j Xl,"K l, " INGSLAND—« Rooms, 'bathroom, etc. £9SO. Cash £500. E d>S(M — The Drive—Fine Home, o. Rooms every cony., large section, s>2 X - ITS. Price £1450. Cash £5K50. Don't miss ATT EDEN—6 Rooms, batn. vuUery, etc. M piaster ceilings. Only £1500. Cash "" MAYHILL. 40. LESLIE AVENUE, MORNING SID K^ good"buyeng. MI EDEN—A " beautifully finished Rungakiw of 5 rooms, in high, sunny 1 u.-ltluu uuiit of heart or kauri, with oiled rimu linishlnss. Absolutely every cony., t-ic-ludiu" vr'iune. pore, bath anil basin. i) \v c Oriun range, h. and c. water, gas renite. beautiful tiled fireplaces. Price £14T3. Terms easy. MX EDEN—A neat Semi-Bungalow of t> rooms, with all modern cony., pore ti ami 1., liuill-in liven presj, -vnrdrobc. and cupboards. U. and c. water, gas throughout; a nice large elevated section, and handy to care. Price £12-><); terms. DEVONTOKT-A lovely Residence of 8 lar'e rooms, standing on a section oo x 120 which is elevated and dry; absolutely every possible cony., inciurting [>on_. v lid t>., electric light in every room. Fri-;e £I<.j(.«i. with tV'OO cash. See this, us it 3 worth Inspection. _ PRICE AND JONES, 1.0, ELM. ABCAKE. ,„*, . 413 P3aoi>e lSOe*
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 11
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1,097Page 11 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 11
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