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PUBLIC NOTICES. A UCKLAND GAS COMPANY, LIMITED. I NOTICE TO CONSUMERS. The Auckland Has Company, Ltd.. regrets that in order to eke out the present small stock of coal, a normal pressure of gas will only be given from 4.30 p.m. until 7 p.m., until further stocks arrive. No alteration to the above can be made on Saturday and Sunday. WM. F. STEWART, 620 Secretary. A .PPOINT pi UAKDIAN rpBTJBT TnXECUTOK TJNDEU "xrouß \yiLL. The Gnardtan Trnst and Executors 'Company of N./... I,rii.. is merged in and guaranteed by The South British Insurance Co., Ltd., with assets exceeding £1,700,000. Ira business is the care of Estates and Triwts. Its Officers arc specially trained ■for this business. Your beneficiaries' interests will be nafe with this Company. They might suffer in less experienced hands. Call and consult us. No obligation entailed. Consultation and advice free. Handbooks on application. THK GUARDIAN TRT*ST AND EXECUTOItS CO. OF N.Z., LTV., Head Office: Queen and Sbortland Streets,
AUCKLAND. S ATTENTION ! ' . FAMOTTB "nOYAL OAK' , TYRES, £7. Auto. Accessories. Everything BtectrW. 2 MILKING MACHINE PA-KTS (Die Process). Orders sent will be executed and returned _ by same meamer. CANADIAN" MANUFACTURERS' |" AGTSNCY, LTD., \> Wymiha-n ninmlvrs. al4 ;t EDH.'AL Al>VllMi.—lmportant to cueI'ublir. —To restore your health every " person should take I'ure Olive Oil. Must j ! be purest nnd beet. G.H. (Gypren Hannah) j Brand Olive Oil is guaranteed purest and | has obtained B.P. Certificate: '' ITi.-e- 2/. 3/. 3/6. 5/6, 6/6, 7/6. 10/6 per bottle. Postage extra.—HANNAH BKOS., ~S Victoria Street, Auckland. "Phone 1-.30. ? rpiiß mnANSPORT r*o. We have pleasure In announcing that we have joined forces as from this date, as p'ARTERS, ]»rERCHANTS, ETC. We respectfully solicit your patronage, I and with our lone experience in the above business, can assure you of satisfaction. Please note the style under which we are ' trading. % mm-: pmAiG rpnANSPORT /company QUAY QTKEET, NEAR KINGS WHARF. E. A. CRAIG. H, n. CRAIG. Telephone 4089. P.O. Box 557. i C - TN TIIK SL-FREME COURT OF NEW r 1 ZEALAND, WELLINGTON DISTRICT. In the matter of the Patents Designs and Trade Marks Act, 1011. aDd in the malter ot Letters Patent granted to GEORGE 1-ELL IiUTCHINSON, of llawern Motor Engineer, bearing date the Kth day , of February, 1007, and nuro ; tiered li-'iOS. relating to "An Improved * Hydraulic Vacuum Pump" 1 Notice is hereby given that the day of September, liiiO, has been fixed by the • Court us the day before irhich the Petition of the above-nam.-.l GEORGE KELI. 1 HCTI'HINSON, praying that the term ot the above-mentioned Letters Patent may be extended will not be heard. Dated this Ist day of September, 1020. HENRY HUGHES, LIMITED, SGS Agents for the Petitioner.
TUB INTERNATIONAL CLEANING CO., 7,7, Lome Street. 'Phone 3325. CONTRACTORS FOX VACUUM A>"U GENERAL CLEAN LNG. Our Latest Vacuum Plant is driven by a 40-h.p. ensine; cleans Carpets and I P'hoistery. Windows CleaneU, Floors Scrubbed by "experienced workmen. Consult usi for Cleaning your House, Office, Church, Hal.. or Bank. 'Estimates Free. <-- EATHER FOR HUMK BOOT REPAIRING. H. S, CHAMBERS AND SONS. " 232 and 230, KARANGAHAPE ROAD, Have Large Stocks to Choose From. We are Still Selling NEW BOOTS AND SHOES AT BEDROCK PRICES. BRING YOUR REP-AIRS. Our Quality and Prices Will Suit You. C JV£ v s i c. M U S X ° We Invite inspection of our Large Stock or SECONDHAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. BEiLY'S HOOK SHOl' AND LIBRARY. 21, SHORTLAND STREET. IParcels of Music Bought or Exchanged. C
pIA X 0 S pREEP R0 51 YXfOOD "DORER. YOU CAX EASILY DESTROY ALL WOOL. iORE-K AND ERADICATE THE PEST BY MEANS OK OUR SCIENTIFIC METHOD OF GAS FUMIGATION. It Will par you to get particulars to-day of "DLADE'S T>ATENT f± AS - This modern process nover fails, as it penetrates every Wood Borer hole, working silently and effectively. It does not harm ■ the instruments in any way. BLADES PATENT GAS also gets rid of Bugs, Ants, Beetles, Fleas, Cockroaches, Sllverash, Rats, and Mice. For further particulars, apply TJLADE'S pATENT ■pUMIGATIXG QO-, 27, SHORTLAND STREET. PHONE 1173. KB T EATHEU GOODS. — Remember, we -L' manufacture Trunks, Hat Boxes, Suit Cases, Attache Cases, School Bags. Music Cases. Prices rißtt. quality right. Also see our new Department for Ladies - and Genfs Hifih-Krade Footwear. It will pay you to Inspect. _ LEDIARD AND KIXGSFORD. Leather Goods and Sports Specialists. 164, Queen St., 184. Karangahape Rd. B rnOR COMMERCIAL AND SCHOOL C STATIONERY, Paper Bags, Wrapping Papers, Carbou Paper, Greaseproof, Twines. Household Brushw«re, etc.. etc., try CHAS. L. STEVENSON, LTD., Wholesale Stationers and General Importers, Exchange Lane (opp. Port St.). Auckland. Phone 1720. Established IS9U. B THE nourishing and building properties of TAN HOUTEN'S COCOA make it the ideal food for feeding mothers and invalids. Ask your grocer. Kef nee substitutes. D
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 11
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792Page 11 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 11
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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