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ATTCTIOrTS. __^_^ L A.ND gALE. FRIDAY, gEPT. AT P.M. Instructed by Miss E. Cook. who is leaving New Zealand, we will offer for Sale by Public Auction, at tbe HAYSIARKET LAND SALE ROOMS. 7K ACRES FREEHOLD, situated at East '" Tamnki, surrounded by roads and nearly all in English grasses. GOOD HOMESTEAD. 6 rooms, situated on the high side of the road, giving a magnificent view of Tamaki and surrounding districts. The property is practically all plougrhable. The reserve price will be Oxed at a figure much below that of recent sales of adjoining properties. For directions, further particnlars and A LFItED TJUCKLAND & J/ 0 - AUCTIONEERS AND ESTATE AGENTS. ALBERT STREET. AUCKLAND. 2 MA U N (i AT A WH I R I VALLEY. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. Instructed by -Mr. Tnos. R. Brown, we will soil at the Clearance Sale of Mr. O. Reed, Maungntawhiri Valley, his GRAZING FARM, 50 acres freehold, partly improved, well watered. Practically all ploughable. Residence, 4 rooms and other improvements. Also, riTOOD AND IRON BUILDING (saddler's vv workshop) for removal, 12ft. by left., practically now. One Black Mare, 1 Shetland Pony, t> Pigs. 20 White Leghorn Fowls, 1 Spring Trap, 1 Gig, 1 Light Buggy, Seddlery. Whips, etc. Plough. Tine Harrows, dries'. A LFRED "DUCKLAND & QONS, T TD. /"COUNTRY OAI/ES. KAIWAKA—MONDAY. Rpptemher 6. MANGEKE—Sa!p of Messrs. Whyte Bros.— MONDAY. September 6. BCCKi.ANtt—Sale of .\fr. A. Trotter— TUESDAY, September 7. WELLS-FORD—TUESDAY. September 7. MAUNOATUROTO — WEDNESDAY, September 8. KT'MKU—THURSDAY. September 9. TIIAKAU—TIIUHSDAY. SeDtcmber 9. PIWROA—SaIe of Mr. Angus Gordon— THI.ItHDAY. September 9. TTTRUA—FRIDAY, Spptpmber 10. iHBI.EXSVILLE—MONDAY, September 13. •PU.KKKOHB—Spriug Horse Fair—WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, September 13 anil It). WAITAKARURU — FRIDAY, September 17. MAUNGATAWHIR.I—SaIe of Mr. Oliver Hoed—SATURDAY, September IS. OLEVEDON—Monday, September 20. IPOKKNO—MONDAY, September 20. RUNCIMAN—TUESDAY, September 21. I'ATUMA'HOE— Sale of Messrs. Boyd and <;iIroy—WKDXKSDAY, September 22. IPUKEKOini— Dairy Sale — THURSDAY, September 23. iUNGBKE-SalP of Mr. Fred Pegler— MONDAY, Seplpmlipr 27. PUKBKOHE—TCKSD.VY, September 28. lIKLENHVILLE—WEDNESDAY, September 20. WEEKLY SALES. THE HAYMARKKT— TUESDAYS— Hides, Skins. Wool. Tallow, etc. WESTKIRI.D YAHDS—WEDNESDAYS— Fat Cairle, Sheep, Calves, I'igs, etc. WESTKIKLD YARDS - THURSDAYS— Dairy and Storp Stock. THK HAYMARKET—FRIDAYS—Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Hay, Straw, and Graiu, etc. Buyers for MESSRS. TIIOS. BORTHWICK AND SONS (AUSTRALASIA), LTD FROZEN MEAT EXPORTERS, ETC. Prices on Application. A LFRED -DUCKLAN.D & ,DO.NS, T TD. 4 CATURDAY, OEI'TEMBER -I -I rpilE TfIARMF.RS - AUCTIONEERING /COMPANY. OF HAMILTON, Instructed by MR. H. J. PILCOCKS, who Is leaving Thames, will Sell ou fhe Premises, AT L3O P.M., rpjlF. KEN'S rpiIKATRE AND AIUOININH RESIDENCE, SKt'TION C;l by 360. A.t-o, About .ViO FIRST ( LASb TIP-UP CHAIR?. TrAI.UABLF. FREKPOLD fROPERTST, » <wrt rci yu".-,i st-ppi and Kr>ft to nichmond Street, i-outuinlug 3 Itesideaces, all ivel. let. There is estluintcd to be £120(1 worth ot pood Building Timber and Iron in the Queen's Theatre. :iud it will be csold for Removal if desired. 1 A LdthavT VJjTK'liliT T AND T>OOSS. "piRIDAY, /"VCTOBER "J 2.30 rM - BY .PUBLIC AUCTION. On Account of Mr. C. y. Hutcliinson. TJTIS FR.IJI-3HOLD FARM OF 1130 AOUSS, -*-*- more or less, 2J miles from Kalpors Flats Station, and all couvs.; rtug-fenced and subdivided in 7 paddocks (sheep-proof); i nearly all in grass (originally bush), excepting 2."i0 acres standing bush; mostly undulating to hilly: exceptionally well watered: House, 6 rooms (heart kauri), and. outbuildings: telephone; healthy for cattle : or sheep. Easy terms. Full particulars at Office. Also. On Account Mr. John A. Clarke, Clevedon, HIS PROPERTY OF 40 ACRES; about :V0 in crass. 2 acres felled tmsh, t>alanep fern and ti-rree; plenty water; shanty: rlnj:-fenced: terms; small dairy and poultry farm. jy[ 2 L OAN ANL> ]vr EBCANTii 'E AGENCY T TD. 1 L OAN AND jVT^RCANTILE ' A GBNCY QO., OF COUNTRY Q.ADES. SEPTEMBER WARKWORTU—Horse Sale — MONDAY, Gth. TAKATUNA-MONDAY. Cth PAPAKURA—TUESDAY, 7t?n W U A I R^O H^-H l i^Rlh I Y7l^n DAY ' 1Oth " I>AP llth l ' UA _ U ° rSe ''"'e-^^TURDAY, OSDAT ' 13th - COROMANDEL—TITESD \Y 14th PUKEKOIIE— TUESD \V. 14th. ' »- AJ .\ AKUr '- A ~ lJair y Sale— FRIDAY, 17th. RAIHU—SATURDAY. 18th WAIUKU—SATURDAY. lSth ITENDERSON—MONDAY. 20rh KAUKAPAKAPA— TUKSDAY "Ut. AKAHOHUE—WEDNESDAY 22nd MAL-N«ATUROTO-FKII>AY. ~«h. TUAKAU—FRIDAY, 24th KAIWAKA—SATURDAY, 25th. N.Z. L° AN "^' D " ]V£ Er ICANTILE A GEXCY T TD. __ io THE STUD. ~. rpo~ STAND TSfs ■JfvAl REASON AT iR vvv ji fcya) a. .SHiBPHtErreD-^ l*C7&"tr* 'STABLER LBN . 4 f \ iBPSOIM. AfV " QDR mUORiPB, By O.Y.M. (by Ovryhee, 2.11 dam ' iMyatery), dam LADY T.HORPB, by Younir Irvington. * (Eecorda: 2J miles, r>. 12; two miles 4 Iftli milea, 2.41; mile. 2.5- last Xle S' Winner of both .Free-for-all racS rtn in iqS a ttree -y ear -°ll of N.Z. LADY THORTPE is the dam of Weary i> 1156, Mmoni ' "W'fxxlthjorpe Maid! OU:R THOR'PE Has an the qruflifloations for a enccessftil sire. Terms: £12 12/; Teflnced to fIIO 10/ If paid on or 'before January L 1921, •Mares auet ait Hemuera station ■Apply '8.. Xoung, 12, Kanslatea-ißowfl, i 1 1 * eom —■ - . Z. .... ... 3r*»<
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 9
Word Count
799Page 9 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 9
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Page 9 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 9
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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