ATTCTIOWS. ■VTANGERK. jyjONDAT, OEPTEMBER O AT 12 NOON. TJUCKLAND & ; QONS, T TD. Have received inßtnictlone from Messrs. Whyto Bros.. Pukaki Mangere. who are dissolving partnership and retiring from dairying, to Sell, as above, THE WHOLE OF THEIR CHOICE DAIRY HERD. Etc. QQ CHOICE DAIRY COWS, in milk and "° due to calve 1 24-YEAR-OLD SHORTTTORN BULL 1 GOOD MILK-CART MARE, work any I nALF-TON SPRING CART Set Disc Harrows. 2 S.F. Plotisrlis, Cooler and Receiver 7 Milk Caiw <:( 20jral. 1 lSfrnl, and 3 lficalt. ileal Milk Bucket Milk Hoist. 2 WhnelKarrows. ChhffcuKer, Quantity Old Cor. Iron. Knapsack Sprayer. Kerosene Stove (new), Dehorner, 2 Horse Covers, Farm Tools, Sundries, Etc. Luncheon Provided. Conveyances will meet the 8.30 and R. 15 a.m. trains from Auckland, and the 810 trams at Onehunga. A LFRED TJUCKLAND ie QONS, T TD. TTirWAKA |Q<AIJEYARI>S. TyrOND.AY, OiBPTEiMB'ETt H AJ 12 NOON. A LFRED T>UOIyI.AND & T TD. ' Will Yard About loArt 111 X A l> <• A T T I, E. |' Inclu.lins:I ■£> r>.\nßY co"vs and .heifkhs sii :i-yi-:a,rold fohwaud steers :m 2-y-kakold spinous. A LFRED & QONS, T TD TXrELLS-FORT) QJALETARDB. fJfUE?nAY, fiEI'TEarRER J AT 12 NOON. A LFRED "DIICKLAND & T TD. Will Ynrd About ! II B A r> C A X T L E. ]'>OU In.-lii.llnc. !OA FORWARD-CONDITIONED 4-Y-EAR-\*J\J OLD STBEHS. 20 H.EAD HEBF. 15 Sl'Ul.N'ilPK.*. "00 TO TIIRRE YEAR OLD ISTBKRS AND HEIFERS. 20 STORIE COWS. On Account of Client: QA FRESH-CONDITIONED .".YEAR-OLD <■>"* STICK US. off turnips. er> MIXED KirEFJP. 100 YOrNG 1-X>WLS—White Black Orplnctons, and Wyandottes. Also. SCWT PLAIN WIRE. A LFRED -OUCICLAND k gONS, J^ TD. C "DCCKLANID (GOLDINGS ROADI. rpCESDAY, CEITEMFER — AT 12 NOON. ALFRED T»rCKLAXT> & ONS ' L TD ' Trotter. P.uckland. who hns sold his f:irm. to Sell i>* above. THE WHOLE OF HIS LIVE AND PRAD STOCK. OA EXTRA CHOICE DAIRY COWS, In —" milk and due to rnlve. Most of the cows are hlirh irrnde Jerseys. 1 WEU-BBEn JERSEY BULL. II GOOD CALVES. 1 MBDITM DRAUGHT FARM HORSE, rvork nnvwhere. 1 GOOr) RT'IiUY HOUSE. 1 BI'EEDING SOW. due lo farrow October. Set Tine and Chnin Harrows. S.F. Plonpli, 1 15owt Spring Dray. 1 lOcwt Spring Cart, 2-n. Set Kwinjr!etr<>c.s. Glc. Set <:ic find Dray Harness. Saddle and Bridle. 2 1-gal. r>nd 1 Seal. Milk Cnns. 2 Cream Pans. Wheellmrrows. 2 C.C. Saws. 1J h.p. Victoria Encine. leister Separator. Saw P.enrh 3 Tons Hay. Copper and Stand, Step Ladder. Wnshins Tubs. Corn Bin. 30 Fowls and ' Ducks. 7 Turkeys, Farm Tools. Sundries, etc. QUANTITY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. Inrliirtlni; Dinlngroom Table. A Chairs. Sideboard. Wicker Tnhle ard Chairs. Hall Stand, Kauri Duchess Pair, Etc. Luncheon Provided. A I.J/RED gUCKI>AND & T XT). i SS iOA-IJEYARDS. i TxrED.VEISD'AY, g AT 12 NOOK. A LFRED & T TD. Will Yard -Vbont OKA IT E A D CATTLE. •X>U Inclndlnp:— 200 GOOIDJCONDrTION'frD X •», AND 5 YiEAR-OIjI) ISTBKRS. ' 20 DATRY W\VR ANiD HiBEPBRS 25 STOR.K COAVS 20 F.MiTTY 2-YBAH-OLTI irEIT"Kn.S 40 YEARLING STIOKIRS. Also, I*so WBTn ' BR& 150 HOG<aETS. A LFRED TJUCKLAND & QONS, T^TD. TJIPIROA (HAURAKI PLAINS). fpiIURSDAY, CJEPTEMIJEU A AT 12 NOON. A LFRED -DTTCKLAND & Q<ONS, J TD. : Have received instructions from Mr. Angtis McMillan. Pipiroa, who Is leaving the ; district, to Sell, as above. THE WHOLE OF HIS LIVE AND DEAD STOCK. A A CHOICE DAIRY COWS. In full milk, vV nn a dose to profit (about 30 will have calved, the balance due September) i 2 YEARLIMI 10 YEARLING HEIFERS * 1 GnEY MARE, good in all harness 1 THREE-YEAR-OLD BAY GELDING 1 GOOD COB 2 BREEDING SOWS, due to farrow 3 STORE PIGS, 12 P.B. White Leghorn Fowls 1 FOUR-COW PLANT OANE MILKING MACHINE 1 3} U.P. MASI"ORT ENGINE, 1 65-Gal. Beatrice Separator; 2 R-Gal.. 1 4-Oal. Cream Cans: 4 Buckets. 1 Milk Vat. 1 n-seated Buggy. 400Gal. Corrug. Iron Tank. No. 1 New Orion Range, Farm Tools, Sundries, etc. Luncheon Provided. A LFRED TJUCKLAND * CONS, T TD. 10 rpUAKAU QiALE YARDS. rnH'URSDAY, SEPTEMBER A AT 12 NOON. A LFRED TJUCKLAND & QONS, T TD. Will Sell. -1 CTA HEAD CATTLE. Xt,v Including OK SPRINGING COWS AND HEIFERS. , <}fi TWO-TBAR-OLD STEERS. OH XB AKLINGS. A LFBED TJCCKLAND & OONS, T.TD-
Page 9 Advertisements Column 5
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 9
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