During the past five year.-;, includinp {lie period of (lie war, the Meteorological i Department ha«. like most other branch p.: of the (iovernment service, bad I to exercise the utmost carp and economy jin all parts of the Dominion, and it is I now n matter of extreme difficulty for the McteoroioßicKl Department to" rope j with t)io roc|ilirempnta for hydro-clcetrie power, p.jrr'i ulture. shipping, forestry, and last, but not lonrt. aviation. Consequent on the abnormal conditions that 'have prevailed it is essential that, the i branches of the department should be bremp-ht im to dete'. and -with this in view the, director (Mr. T>. C. Bates) left WelHrartnn for \>w Plvmo-ntli day. Pnbsefmentlv Mr. Bntes vill visit I other nrrt? of the North Island, md will later make n tour of inppeeHon nf <lie j principal branches in the South island. i "Tvc not I>cen here 'before, but sha.li certa-inlv roinc a<nin." is a remark cur snlrspc-oTile nftc-n 'hear. Th-e ress"n i> ; thnt r-iiT rabie in all dTapprv jrocxis ia i excellent. —A .B.C. Storea. 'Newton. —Ad. j Green Lane Picture Theatre, next Tuesday. 7th, a frrand concert in aid of the Aratonia Lawn Ti-nnis Club; 1/ and ■ 2/.—(Ad.) . Ashley has been used to a big business, and is out to make his AS.C. Stcrce grow I fast into another. We are piving value If or money in aIJ drapery and clothing , . —Pitt Street Corner, Newton.—(Ad.)
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 7
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