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BUSINESSES FOR SALE. j Write M., p.p., Bpaoni. 337 iiouse, llotorua; long Iflon »l c , : r rooms; going Lonceia; cift at I tßo °— Abbott and Elnml.v. ',)',, tjucn St. T> LAC K.S.MITH-S Business oTI ulon ami ro^.'.-ni ;" lm ,r b ' v ; buildup n;^ u Ktand.-I',rt.cu1',rt.cui are . Diacks.niU., «, I ,LheMr"e j L rtS'»t«:_ real goo.1: rental. 12/ U. Price, tluO. — I>e«ldaway. 271. Karangahape Rd. 54 etc., with DwelUug. City, leaso 3 years, rental 25/: also, others.—Ueddaway, 271, Karaugahape ltd. :!U1 /CONFECTIONEUY and Summer Driuks, Dwellin-g; lease obtalunhle; rent 23/: Pnce. iloo; City.—ißeddaway, Agent, 271, 1 Kartiugobape ltd. 53 ffl RENCi ~ Polisher desires to selFTity -*- business connection; gooil opportunity i-ompetent niiin.—l'nllslier. His. STAR, -m Businoss; dwelling, central, stable. x Price. £200, furnished. Horse and c.irt. Good.—Keddawny, 271, Kurangahape ltd. _44R I TTArRIHIESSIXU, TobTcT-oiTETt and Bii--IAX li;iril Saloon lit tables): lease: rental £2 . 13/. l J rice, £260.-271. Karanjiahape ltd. 11W iiriI.I.IXEHV nutl Parties' Wear Business; ■"-*-large shop: would suit draper. I/case, 1 .cheap rent. Main stree-t. tHnek aud F.ttings at Ipyoloc. — Address .STAR. 3W "VIEW and Secondhand furniture Store; - 1 - 11 lease. Rood will, and tlttings, £2<IO; stock valuation; central.—Owner, Newtou P.O. bU AUCTION ROOM AND LAND AND ESTATE AGENCY FOR UiIMTSDIATB §ALE. Going Concern. Showing Good Turnover. Good Lease. L-ow Rental. Splendid Tosition. Full particulars 'BOX 1«2, Auckland. " 613 EVERYBODY'S AGENTS' LIST S.MALI. FKfIT AND COXFBCTIONEUY UrSIXBSS—One lrviiis; room, good I stand, main road. Suit Lady. I'rice £85. X.l' , . :i72. HAIRDRESSERS AND TOBACCONISTS' BrSIXEJRS—Soe Everybody's Agents' j Advertisement, other column. ' ' Tj"UNE GROCERY BC-SIXBSS, doing £SOO - 1 - a month. Stock and phint at valoation. About £1000. Goodwill £1(10. N.F. 300 T>OOT REPAIRING BUSINESS. Freehold. 1 ■*-* Shop and ] room ; more work than you can do. Price for the lot £450. Cash £21.1. . 1 N.F. ;C>o 1 "DAKEHY, doing 8000 loaves a -n-eek—Five -*-* carts, 6 horses: 6-stall stable, 2 ovens; everythins you •want. For £650. N.F. 347 WHITTAKER AND CO:; EVERYBODY'S AGENTS, ; THOENIX CHAMBERS. ' Phone 3733. jp BARGAIN—£4SO CASH. AS GOING CONCERN.—Stock in Trade, Millinery. Fancy Drapery, and Haber- • I dashery Business, including ,all Shop Flt- ', tings, Fixtures, Shop Furujtnre, etc. Also, a Quantity of Household Furniture, New Califont, Gas Stove, Lino., Curtains, and • Blinds, and Oddments. Doing a good turnover. Splendid position, I 2d section. Owner leaving district. APPLY— HARROP AND MEDLEY, 15, STREET. 243 BUSINESSES W4IfTBD L BAKERY wanted, suburb or country: cash ibuyer.—Jiaker, >W5, STAR. 'JO POUXTRY fOR SALE. B~~ AUIUiD Rocks, Black Orpingions— Eggs for hatching, V« per dozen, plus postage.—James Garrett, Glenneld Rtt-, Birkenhead. tT O. l'ullets and Rooster, Maclean's • Strain; White Leghorn Hens, American Uthity. 2 years.—4th left Auckland ' Rd- Royal Oak. 12 Black Orpington, White Leg\j horn week old, 1/3 each; also. Sittings, 7/6. Order early.—U. G. Perrett. St. George's ltd., Avondalc. luO t AIT the Year—Settings special ■EJ winter laying strain White 'Leghonis, ' now' ready; price, 7/6, postage extra.—(J. T< "Reid. Howick Leghorn Farm. 37 - TNDIAN Runner Ducks (21), young, and 1 J- three Drnkee.—N. Walesby, Great " Sonth Rd., Ellerslle. 53 i ; TNCUBATOR, Tamlin, 60 eggs ; only used • L once ,—lncubator, 149, STAR. 337 3uL SMITH Famous Laying Strain, . White Leghorns; sittings 10/6; poeted " 15/.—Niger St., Arch Hill. C ! TIIHOWK 'Island died Rooster, also a Pen [ XV of White LegJiorns.—"Pukwana," Old • Lake Rd., Devonport. j"j- , c3,ILiViKK 'Wjandottes.—Cockerels aad Set- , O tinse trom our well-mown egg-laying competition winners.—4Maater EHis . kenbeng, OmOiunga. •» ci* TTINGS, Black Orpingtons, from prize r »5-lnrfported lilrds; best strain; 6/6.-73. Calliope tRd- .Devonport. ffS KXTINGS Rhode Island, 8/ti, B. Orpingtons 8/6, I.R. Ducks 6/6, Plymoncn .Barred"r2<»« 7/6.-Specialist, Box UjU, SETTING'S Rhode Island 'Reds—Shields, ■EllersUe. and Eyre's Utility Strain, Tiinarn; 7/0.—15, Atobottsford Terrace, Devonport. TZZ ITTIN'OS— Utility and Show Combined— Lechorns, Black and Bnff Orpinj;tone, . Silver Laced Wyamlottes (imported from A. O Bated. Enftlandl. — Mrs. J. S. Scott, llrikerman Poultry Farm, Inkerman St.. . I Qnebungn. Er , rCTIHITIB Leghorns. Black Orpingtons, J fWSunncr Ducks: 5/ Dnn- - an Ay- t«p Edendalc ltd. 4 "' '\-\7HTTE Rock Hen and C <-Wck s , month ri VV old, 18/6.— Apply 28. Dry4en St., Grey i Lynn. ' ii. 1 ■ ! TXT- INCTJiBATOKS AN>D KROODEBS- • : 1, N O T I C B. : I We can live immediate delivery of ftll 1- lines listed in our 1920 Illustrated Catalojrue. If yon have not received a copy, send a » nostrard for it linmedlnrely. It will inUr«t you if yon are nntehiitK chicks, we have an exceptionally good line of fO-esß AlltomaMc lucubator and rO-cWck Hot KroDders the outfit complete for £1 7/. A A POND. P.O. Box 1. Ellerslle. n!7 a x _ vdTes and gentlemen. 1j 5 R. S. niGGI'N'BOTIIAM. THE WELL KNOWN' RREEDEJR OF UTILITY
BLACK ORriXfITONS A>"D WHIXE Can Supply SETTING'S AND CHICKS. for Llrt. ,-QKTHCOTE. POITI.TaT WANTED. 'p-L.AVi.v Uipiufc'iou iisse; stite straiu, X» prlcf and wnere seen.— h<3S*- !■}'■ STAB. _j -DitOODi .Hens wanted; good price tfven l&toTsood blrds.-7y, Calliope B^ G 1 —[uNBA Fowl!- B<» I'erreis PlEeoiw, Talking Parrots. Goldflnches, Cock Cuiiarlfs.— J. Walker. *»« —OOSTEK, SUver Wyaudotte; iiiurit be descendant from egg lara to MaiweU, Batkins Rd.. Avondale. 202 MOTOR CYCUES WANTED. M— needing repair; must_m nUean.— Woledge. U. Rowlings iHaslett. LTicmtot, corner Eden Terrace. 22t . CROSS MOTOOJ CAR TYRES C rWerte lonpWt lif«-«-boUy reliable lii »«r l-rodmiil Ui ibe largest rubber maim
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 3
Word Count
859Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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