BANK OF AUSTRALASIA. INCORPORATED HY ROYAL CHARTER, 1835. Paid up Capital £3,500.000 Reserve FunS £2,975,000 .Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,500,U<)0 £0,975.000 An Interim Dividend of £2 per .Share and a Bonus of 12 per Share have been be payable" on October 1. ]!)2il. The Colonial list of Shareholders will be closed from September 17 to October 1 (inclusive) for the purpose of above Dividend and lionus. P. 11. COX, * Inspector. Wellington. September 4, 1920. fiS4 THE OLD FIRM ARE BUSY NOW SPLASHING TAR SCIENTIFICALLY. SAM. WHITE .AND SONS. APPOINTMENTS: 'PHONE 708.
THE WORTH OF A WILL RESTS UPON ONE CLAUSE. that which names the Trustees who are appointed to administer the Kstate. AH the Nioiißtat which Hie Testator ha.s given to the disposition of Ills funds and property may ro for nought if the Executors fail in thoir task. Keinj; human, they often <lo so, sometimes through illness or dearth, removal to other land* lack of experience, and so on. Sneh rauses ortco defeat the objects uf the will. tJK Al. the assurance of service, safety and security which a prudent man desires is offered by the TRUSTEE, EXECUTOR, AND AGENCY BRANCH OF TOE NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. fFhnpow**r<Mi by Art of Pniilnmont.) Th<* -Company dies. Llu-refotv continuity <»f man a cement is scoureu. It Is fin orjrnnis^ilion, thfrofore It gives sound and efficient administration. Its ns.wLs exceed COOO.OOO. therefore It offers od'equate financial security. It has branches thronnhonl the world, and can care for your interests anywhere. Handbook, supplied I>J" any Branch, or C. K. THOMAS. Trust Manager, NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO., LTD.. AUCKL.VSD. KWS PALATINE PARA RUBBER SOLES. Solid, no lenks as with split soles: don't pick up dirt, easy to fix. will outlast three leather Foles. Kept Hrltish make. Men's, 3/6; Ladles, 2/t! pair. Use them with " DURO " THICK KLRBBK lIERLS. G. W. BARKER, A.M.1.K., ELECTRIC, MOTOR. AND DYNAMO SPECIALIST, 464, QCEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. ■Phone 2&12 A. 8 LET YOUR MONEY EARN
£6 2/ PER CENT. £90 10/ WILL BUY £100, AUCKLAND CITY DEBENTURES. Apply : BANK OF NEW ZEALAND, Auckland, or any Broker. B4 COLLARD AND COLLARD PIANOS. IT IS THE UNTFORM VALUE OF THE '• COLLARD" FOR OVEK 130 YKAK.S THAT HAS MAiDK ITS REPUTATION." Every detail of Its construction received thorough attention from e\pert workmen. \LL material used Is absolutely the best. That means a PIANO OF PERMANENT EXCELLENCE in overy particular in whicll a piano sbonld excel—-lone, touch, appearance and durability. SHIPMENT JUST A REIVED. INVESTIGATE ryjß gYSTEM. Wβ offer full allowance for yonr old instrument, and arrange suitable terms for difference in values. SOLE A.OENTS : E. & F. PIANO AGENCY, LTD. S. COLDICUTT, Manager, 191, QUEEN ST.. near H_il. Theatre. C F. MOORE^IANO~CO~ CUSTOMS ST. E. (Nest Waverley). £70.;;:: SK3S ::::: £100 £80-;: pH-nSI :::::£125 g-JS ::::: £225 See Best Value In Player Pianos. Best Makers. Low Prices. Easy Terms. C R. K. SMITH AND CO., WHOLESALE CHINA AND GLASSWARE MERCHANTS. 21, 3T, CITY CHAMBERS. SOLE AGENTS FOR N.Z.— MessrH. Myott. Sons, and Co., England— Dinner Ware, Etc. Birk, Rawllns and Co., England—China Tea Sets, Etc. Mlnton, Hollins and Co., Eugland—••Aatra" Art Pottery. Etc. C fFIOUK 'EYES REQUIRE ASSISTANCE X Consult T. PEACOCK AND SON, UP-TO-DATE OPTICIANS, ing, QUEEN STREET. J A. PEACOCK. F.S.M.C. (England, with honours). Sight Specialist. Customers may rely on Skilful Treatment, with Best Appliances, and an ample Selection of SpwUcles. ■ Ho FOR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL NATIONAL ELECTRICAL AND ENGINEERING CO., LTD., CTTELLBSLEY gTBEET TI^rEST. Manager: J. ALLUM, A.A.1.8.'E. Telephone*: 2«o, SSIO, 1534, and AOOS.
Page 6 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 6
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