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The ■following ie the offiWal forec.ifi for ".M hours from 9 a.m. this day: — The indications arc for v-jrianle nml moderate hreezes, moderate easterly winds prevailing , . There is a ;n\>«pect "i fair weather, fa£g\v at timps on t!u coast. Barometer iittlu movernont, sea moderate, tides good. A ]4-year-old lad who had run away from the Probation Homo at Mt. Albert and was accused thia morning of stealing- a box of lollies and two bottles of lemonade at Takapuna freely admitted the theft to Mr. J. VV, Poynton, S.M., in the Juvenile Court thia morning. He promised to go hack to-the home and to behave himself there, and the magistrate made it elczr to him that if he ran away again or did any other evil act he would jbe whipped.
I Some hard things are said in the heat of an election, but Mr. W. Parry, Auckland Central, paid a neat tribute to his vanquished opponent in speaking on. the proposal to " increase members' honorarium. In making a strong plea for a superannuation scheme, the same to be retrospective, he said that lie had in mind his predecessor, who had put in some fifteen years in the House. "Though I do not agree with his political views, I think that such men should be placed beyond anything like want, and should receive adequate pensions. I trust that the superannuation scheme will be extended to include men who have rendered long service in the Parliament of this country," lie said. A eov«tru«tion gar;; is at present working in Anzac Avenue breaking up the track for the tram lines. The Mayor stated this morning that though definite advice has not yet come to hand respect-, ing the shipping of the rails for this sec-1 tion, it is presumed tliat they are on: the water, and the bill of lading is now" being awaited. He added the hope that! by the time the ■preliminary work is! sufficiently advanced to enable the ra.i:s to l>o -laid they will havo arrived, so that 1 the" completion of the work may be effected without 10-s?; of time. f The raile originally intended for thw section were diverted to the IDominion Road dupl'.ca-; tion, and the benefit to that service had been very marked, i-aid Mr. flunson. 7 h •■; ! ■ ' , f the 'duplication had entitled the running through to the t.rminus of the cars which it had previously been possible to run only as far: as VaJley Road. The work had. in *hort. immensely improved the facilities of the service to the whole d'.-lriet, thoroughly justifying , th-e transference of the Anzac Avenue rails. The revised -scale of charges in connection with the Supremo Courts nnd the Magistrates' Courts of New Zea- | land is now in operation. In the Magistrate's Court the rhtraw that were 1/ hnve none, up to 2-. nnrl the other increases are: 2/ to :!'. 3 ' to s'. 5/ to ■ in.'. TVo min'-nnm eVie'tor* , f<"*" f°r | appearance in defended en=os in wh : eh the amount invo'vel U under €11 remain ; (har. this !urnn"t i= involve! t'>"rr> is "n-,v t char™ of £2 2/. nn'l the fee on cli.imher mfltt<"-« hH« Wen incased from CI 1' to £1 11 'IV K*n«ii«w i nl',! to .t-;in'es=es have ?""» m> rnu-rVil-i- 211 iii-r rent. An increi<:o of . iV,r,, t t r.r.n.*\.;-,i Ims been made in TVvorrp Curt fees. Mr. (.'. V. Hudson, of Karori, Welling- ; ■ton, reports: —"There is now visible on tho sun the largest Bpot which has ap-IM-are.i since the great group seen on March 20 last. The present spot appeared on the eastern limb of the sun on ; August 2.» a= a single minute speck, ' barely visible through a four-inch telescop-". By August 31 it had increased to two small spots, with several minute j ones round them. A further increase had taken place by September 1, and at ] present any small telescope will show the group as a conspicuous spot. Its present length is over 50,000 miles. When it is remembered that the total diameter of the sun is K66.0U0 miles, and its mean ': distance 9.'i.000,000 miles, the stupendous changes which must take place during the formation of a sunspot such as the ■ present one can to some extent be , realised." j In accordance with the policy approved by the Government, the Education Department has taken charge of : all children who lost both parents as a result of the influenza epidemic. Experienced lady officers visit the children at regular intervals and ensure that they are being kindly treated, and that their education is not being neglected. | Through the numerous applications re- | ceived from generous-hearted people all over New Zealand it has been possible to pkice all the children in pood homes —many of them superior in standard to the homes provided by the parents when alive. A pood deal of coal has been missed recently from dealers' yards and other places where this valuable commodity is kept, and with the object of checking the activities of boys who are ardent collectors of the Mack diamonds the police apprehended two whit-haired boys of tender ape and charged them this morning with stealing coal. The children denied the deed, and said they had gathered the coal beside the railway line. The fact that the fuel was bright and clean made their story doubtful, and Mr. J. VV. Poynton, S.M., pave them a severe caution, and finished up with a promise that they would be whipped next time. The Orafton Road Methodist Church will celebrate its 54th anniversary next j Sunday. Special services will be held I ''both morning and evening, the preachers I being Rev. I.ocliore and Itcv. Lewis Hudson. In the afternoon an attractive musical service will lie iield. when S"i'li>p. turns from the oratorio "Elijah" will be rendered. I-eadirfg soloists will take part in this tine work of Mendelssohn's. The church-social will tak* place n-xt Wednesday, and an ittnu-tive programme has been arrange.l for the evening. Mr. X. R. Devereux, of Christchiiroh, writes to the '"Press"' with reg:vd to the value of the magpie in ridding the ground of grubs and caterpillars. He refers especially to the North Canterbury district, where the disappearance of the pest is due to the magpie, hundreds of birds in that district living entirely on grubs. 'The Wellington Chamber of Commerce heard the members of the Samoan delegation yesterday, and endorsed the Auckland Chamber.- resolution urging the New Zealand Government to consider the matter of allowing the European resiI dents of Samoa an opportunity of electing the four non-official member*! of the Council. The delegation left Wellington for Ch'ristcliurch last night. A flask of gunpowder and a number of cartridges were recently forwarded with refuse to the Wellington city destructor, according to a report placed before the City Council by the Finance and 'Property Committee, and an accident which might have ■been o f i mcit serious character was narrowly averted. The Grand Lodge. J.0.0.F.. is advised that a meeting, of the Grand, Lodge of Australasia will be held at Dunedin. commencing on October 20 next. Press Association. ' There, are seventeen licensed theatre : ha?Ls in "Wellington, with a Keating capacity of 18.053. Tn addition to these I the Town' Hall provides accommodation : for IWiOO, making a total of 22,2.53. ' Pretty Onstres. 41;n. in black, navy, brown, prey: fi/'ll yard. The EconomLv : (opp. Town Hali).—(Ad.) Daily grows the demand for TtiggVi "Kubnomor" Laundry Tablets. It only requires one washing for housewives to realise what a splendid preparation it is, and then tell their friends about it. (Ad.)' Gent's fashionable tweed mixture striti, only'll7 Al. Be wise; buy now! The Economic (opp. Town Hall)".— (Ad.) Housewives cvorywhero aro keen after the big thing In -washing preparations— Rigg'e "Rubnomor" Laundry Tablets. Don't miss them for next week's wash- [ lqg,—(Ad.) j
An old colonist, Mr. Edwin Stocfcley, passed away suddenly at his residence, West Tamaki. The deceased, who was in his seventy-fifth year, was born in Dorset, England, and came to New Zealand in 18C7. Mr. Stockley spent the greater part of his life. in Auckland. His second eldest son enlisted with the Main Body, and was killed on Gallipoli. Deceased is survived by a widow, four -sons, and four daughters. It was agreed at the recent Acclimatisation Societies' Conference, that £150 of the funds of the associated societies should be devoted to the purchase of new game birds. The birds when they come arc to be placed in the moat suitable aur- ■; roundings that can be found, irrespective of looiil representations, and if they breed tlip young ones will be thereafter distributed. Mr. G. VV. Mclntosh, in reporting this matter to the Otago Acelimatisa--1 tio'n Society, said it was understood that I the selectors were thinking of ehikor and : blackcock as likely to suit, but the choice j had not yet been made. I One of the finest warehouses in Christchurch (says the "Press") is the new building in Litchfield Street for the Wellington Woollen Manufacturing Company, which is now approaching completion. On Tuesday Cie ceremony of plac- ; ing the coping stone (a handsome piece of marble) wa.s performed by the chairman of directors (Mr. W. H. P. Barber). A pan of fat -caught fire in an oven about 5.25 p.m. yesterday in a house in Pompallier Terrace, Ponsonby. A3 the door of the oven was promptly closed no damage was done, and the services of the I'onsonby Fire Brigade were not required when it arrived. The prickings of conscience have induced an unknown correspopdent to send £5 to the Defence Department, War Kxpenses Branch. I 'Die Otago collection "week of pity for women and children of Central Europe" amounts to f 11,236. In addition fIOOO is to come from Oamaru district (says a I Press Association telegram). 1 The next re-union of the French Club will be held in the Union Buildings on Monday evening. An interesting programme will be provided by Madame Galitzenstoin and Mdllc. Reboursi The teams for the V.M.C.A. campaign i are reminded that the result of the team . totals will appear in the Press early next week, and eacli man is asked to make a i final effort to complete the amount required. Another list of donors will also be published. — (Ad.) Unbleached twill sheeting, SOin. 5/11 yard. Get some now. The Economic "(opp. Town Hall).—(Ad.) Oaragemen in need of vulcanising equipment should make eryly application to John Chambers and Son, Limi- | ted, the stockists of Harvey Frost 1 materials.— (Ad.) It is better tc use Nazol too freely than too carefully for inhalation. Its effect is more pronounced and reduces the danger of infection from influenza germs. — (Ad.) John Chambers and Son, Limited are receiving a very heavy call for t,he Harvey Frost vulcanising material recently landed 'by them. — (Ad.) Don't hesitate to use IMazol very freely, especially by constant inhalation. It protects the mouth, nose, and throat against infectious influenza germs. (Ad.) Harvey Frost vulcanising plants are now on exhibition at John Chambers and Son, Limited's warehouse in Fort Street—(Ad.) Gentlemen are invited to inspect our new shipments high grade English fur felt hats d rect from William Carrick and Sons Ltd., excellent value. Smith and [Caughey Ltd. —(Ad.) J Black ■serge, all-wool, 40in. G/11, 7/11 yard. The Economic (opp. Town Hall). '(Ad.) Quality coupled with reasonable price makes Milne and Choree's household goeds the cheapest in the end —com- , arc—(Ad.) Create an atmosphere, of Naw>l about I you, bo that you constantly inhale it. About ten drops oil the chest of pyjama jacket at night : or on the einglct :n the morning, protects you against infectious germs.— (Ad.) Motorists, nothing eurpasses O.KCleanser for removing dirt and grease from the hands. Try it. 1/ tins.—(Ad.) M'inc and ChoyT-e are showing Horrutksos' striped wimwvette f.>r lyjainas in a wide range of good colourings and smart stripes, 30 inches wide, 3/11 yard. (Ad.) ' ' Smart costumes now showing at Ashley's A.B.C. Stores, Xewton. Black . and white check. "9/G; all-wool Colonial j tweed costumes in grey, £5 5/; grey flannel costumes, £4 4/. £6 6/; navy costumes in fine indigo dye coating, .£8 15/.—(Ad.) " Ten drops of Nazol on a small piece of linen or flannel and placed between the shirt nnd siiiglet is a good way to get the benefit of constant inhalation— which protects the air passages against influenza infection.— (Ad.) O.K. Cleanser is invaluable for whitening tables, cleaning enamel batns, and kitchen sinks. Large tins l^. —(Ad-) For underwear requirements Eec the special values offering in calico and lon"- ,- ---elotli at Milne and Choyce's. The prices j range from l/7i to 4/11, and the qualities of that standard to guarantee wear (Ad.) ' ' Gentlemen are invited to inspect our j new shipments high grade English fur felt hats d'xect from William Carrick and Sons .Ltd.'. excellent vaJus. ?mi:h and CaHghey Ltd.—(Ad.) Ladies sliould protect themselves against influenza infection by puttina about ten drops of Nazol on a handkeiv chir-f and placing inside a blouse on the I chest. Use Nazol freely in this way Jit does not injure the most delicate j fabric —(Ad.) i Have the newest furnishing fabrics i they cost no more, and are just as easily obtained, as a visit to our furnishing section will convince—Milne and Chovcei
Ltd.—(Ad.) j To remove dirt from paint without I scratching or removing the paint itself uro O.K. Cleanser. 1/ tins.—(Ad.) Don't imagine that you cannot buy a ; smart costume for less than 10 or 12 1 guineas. Ashley's. Xewton, have hunI rireds of smart costumes in flannel. ! tweed, armure. etc.. from £4 4/ to !£7 "/. Inspection cordially invited. (Ad.) : A few shillings spent, in the Tree use of Xsuol to protect the mucous metn- | hranes of tha mouth, nose, and throat i against influenza infection ie better than hours <if Buffering.— (Ad.) i Gentlemen are invited to inspect our! new s'nipmenta hifrh grade English fur' felt hats direct from William Carriek and i iSone Ltd.. excellent value. Smith and Oaughey Lfcd. —i(Ad.) In household goods Milne and Choyce offer exceptional value. Turkish roller , to-welling from 1/4; i-oller crash, 1/6 up- 1 wards; pillow cottons, 40 inches wide, in live reliable qualities, from'i/G. (Ad.) | Whon on shopping bent, visit Ashley's A.B.C. Stores, Ne-wton. They cater for the workers' trade in nil drapery- T equiremeirtß, Beet possible value w jth, I courteous eexrice their motto.—(Ad.)
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 6
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2,385Untitled Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 6
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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 6
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