THE COTTON FABRIC THAT CLEANSES EASILY AND RESISTS THE LAUNDRY TOOTAL GUARANTEED FABRICS i|| "'*/{/A%\ All are Name-Stamped on f|l Xz/// ( ///} Selvedge.—LOOK for the Name. j|| ///Y\ VI TOBRALCO (Regd). The Cotton wide, cord and plain; 44 inches Ws%* ' 111 I home washing, and is not spoilt in NAM RIT (Rend.). The Indelible &!§£ '/'/l •• the laundry In world-wide use Voi)( , jn m re(incd desißns and Tt~\*A m — WZ&i /''//* lor «ny garment requirinKjreauent indelible colors. 40 inches wide. *•>• I I '//' ftocts 0 TOOTAL Tl \X r(li I t ™^ r d " ' / ' TARANTULLE (Reid). The ■ l \ / % Ouality Cotton Fabric for Home- LISSyKHANDKERCHIEFMReicd.) MSgg&P "»/ / -^ Sewn! Lingerie and Uaby-weur. for ladies. Self-white and indelible ' i Standard Fine and Superfine. PYRAMID HANDKERCHIEFS >p. / y'> T ?iuM^,s l we7r lN^2 f mc , hci e w?"e d Whi "and md'eWe"color Q r\RY— I") \ ■ HA NDK E RC, H I E FS /m \ \ ''<t& TOOTAL CLOTH. The guaran- color printed borders. Guar.nteed StA. T V /\ / V teed cotton velvet fabric—27 inches on box lid. Label on each. TOfft/ \ !«\ \Ai \ ' i These goods set a standard of undeviating reliability in color, TW'}i}\ v/iifyk \ \ Vs%WLfirLz2ii{aU / ' wash, and wear. They have maintained it despite the «4§PC \ Mw '' illhh- V \ / difficulties of the past War yeare. They will ever maintain it. j§7f \ \ M <&\F IMWr wBSBUkBK// ' \ SOLD BY ALL LEADING STORES fc \^m^^^^^^W\i/ iiGROVv 1 H ~~~ The increasing growth in popularity of Tobralco is due to the fact that it meets the world-wide need of a thoroughly dependable cotton wash fabric. Made from a fine quality long-staple cotton, Tobralco improves rather than deteriorates by washing. Time after time it returns from the laundry with all its original rreshness ; it is a favourite for home-washing because it cleanses so easily. You can rely on Tobralco for hard wear and frequent washings; it is as widely used for men's and boys , shirts as for women's frocks and overalls, and all children's wear. The colors are indelible, as with all the Tootal Guaranteed Fabrics listed above. TOOTAL GUARANTEED COTTON FABRICS TOOTAL. BROAD H UR.ST UEE. CO M PANY LTD.. MANCHESTEB Address for New Zealand Correspondence: G.P.0.. BOX 604. WELLINGTON ' «tt ; ~~T" '"-"If wj\ in Rubber llf 111 iiFl? T ITTLJE use your rainlililliillPsSjffl JLicoat or your motor tyre J would be if it were not good. 1 All rubber articles bearing the c United States I Company are good: Bi\v yIIIBI B ra^e ut un^ factories, modern to a They are mac * e by skilleci mechanics, by scientific methods. (fjj .They are made from properly comjy-\ V^^j" J I" 111 jv pounded rubber from the United States ftjlO\ ali| I • II Eubber Company's vast plantations in J Sumatra. v^^^j' , R u bber Goods by the °f the United States Rubber Company If United States Co. (Australasia) Ltd, Ml Ws&iM iWW 11 72-74 Jervois Quay, Wellington, N.Z. illr Wμ arld 94a Hereford st) christchurch - i!jl \. Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 21
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Page 21 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 21
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