often depends upon the suitability of the diet. Doctors recommend milk and Corn Flour as a nourishing and agreeable food —one which pleases the palate and hastens the patient's recovery Corn Flour renders milk more digestible, and together they thoroughly nourish the system. Serve it first as a thin milk soup —then alter as a milk pudding—later, add an egg. Brorai & Poison's Corn Flour GROSSMITH'S tIASU-NO-(tANA txv Japanese Lotus Lily. yS v \ I Thf F:'r.-.t of our Celebrated / ■&. . \ \Aatl 0' A series-i! Oriental Perfumes, i~ \ \ \ v " asu "no " Hana is widely / *?S \ renowne| J ' or 'he delicacy /_ j«* *to V c ' larm ' ts delightful A- j* lL\ O ~v- c J a P* nese Lotus Lily is \ , / *' le symt3 °' °* sweet scents, \ 'Vwra') mIHW f\\ "J- asu "no ' Hana, exV jJI / lns ' te 'y floral, is lastingly Harmonious Toilet Eo?|§lSf taste: Perfume, Hair Lotion, tfiMr \ Toilet Cicnm, Shampoo Powders, LL/rffßi JL Water, Dental Cream, Sachets, Bath Crystals. Britliantine. OF ALL CHEMISTS AND STORES Beware of wofthleaa imitation*. Infllet on faaTing the original. .. NtS} J. GROSSMITH & SON Repreientativci : LONDON. LTD., F. RASEY & CO., Se| . Pioprielor , . od | nTenlorl o , Johnitoa Street, Ike Celebntcd Oriental Perfume, W«Uin|toD, N.Z. W ANA-RANEE, PHUL-N AN A, BHEM-EL-NESSIM Ninon de l'Enclos was one of the loveliest women of her day, and one who retained her charms -to an age when.most of us have settled down to a resigned ugliness. Of the many passions she inspired, one of the most ardent was lit in the breast of a young nobleman when Ninon was Over Seventy. Strange stories were told of the methods by which she preserved her beauty. It was generally admitted that she had a Magic Potion with which she daily bathed her face and thus perpetually renewed the roses and milk of her complexion. One is tempted to wonder whether it was not a specially prepared Wax such as mercolized wax of our own day which kept the glamour of youth on Ninon's cheek. There is for any woman who will take the trouble to flake off the soiled outer cuticle invisibly and painlessly with mercolized wax, the comforting prospect of Forty More Years of Beauty. Don't simph as k f° r complexion rodx; it must be I Mercolized. All chemists stock it. GOITRE CURED This Remedy Iβ pronounced by the world's most famous ■peolallst as the most effective Cure for Goitre. The beneficial effect upon the nervous system Is Immediate. Write us for free advice and particulars, or avoid delay and send for the cure at once. Courses: 11 Zβ, 15/-, 21/6, 27/6, 35/-, 38/-. ROBERT MUIR, Chemist, Mt. Eden Tram Terminus.
Page 21 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 21
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