ONLY THE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH , mm^m— i— ~ , ■^γ— ~TT""^*'™"'""—TByw FOR YOU! INSIST UPON PRIMUS STOVES. SANDER AND SONS' . £ ni«f wul,w flrf; r pr<>Tea Itself- equal to U>e demand, producing rnfliiunr- i-*#TO*nT •£§& I intense heat and beta* economical and easy to ate. Fl in A3 YPTI FXTRACT I*N 1 We just landed « shipment of these Ail-BrltUk LUUrtLI ill UAI linVl • 1 Brass Goode. and aek you to caU and ccc them. AND YOU HAVE THE BEST. PRICE, 42/6. Postage, 1/-. W,'a effinUL PAINTERS , AN© METAL WOEKEES , BLOW /*SSS=silii3S* LAMPS ALSO STOCKED. SANDER ANP SONS' wisemaists i« qomn strkt. EUCALYPTI EXTRACT. - ■ ' - ' SUPREME COURT, MELBOURNE. ' \ \i^xl^^^^^S^SS3SS^^THE KAURI TIMBER CO., LTD., I A New Blouse for 2d. 1 ;; , f; R „," o ne p.c ke , of TiNTEX. «he won derf ui I , Congo cum Art-Rugs wear well and cold w.ter d ye . will do 5 bio U . e .. If look well. They are sanitary, artistic TiNTEX co»u only 9d. per packet, and f§ and inexpensive. is the eu.est dye to use. It's just a. jM ' iimpie as biuemg the clothes. KJ No beating and sweeping ; a damp TINTEX v a true friend to the thrifty house D 1 .1 1 J 1 • 1. wjf e (or it w,n dy e .he mo,t delict, fabric IS mop keeps them clean and bright. * laat colour without injury and moreover w'll w3 ■ * * ' pot .t«m th«, a* Congoleum your floors. The most *Jjp B h cffia Pfsi ra economical and pleasing method. The Cold Water Dye I I PRICES: I lf there's no Congoleum -■colour.,h.,w«e..,.,»«,«.t..„».» | Congoleum Art-Rugs Seroice store in yoer focal.bUfromj]a,emi«.«d e si <iy '"''* ° bi * i *- ffl S ' ZE nettprices «tK — write us and we will Fc h caes uu ng j 9O , „« dVtex,ia. J I x Iti 9 : , :*l'2 § > ou - bnl household bmlin* Jut • X 9x 9 M • 4 6 0 TUr TRY TINTEX DYCi ro. DAy . I Ix 6 „ : 112 i j j Kempthorne. Piweer and Co.. 8 9x 3* " * 1 8 6 lllC. Llnritod. j' II Iloti 3', M Congoleum By-the-Yard The Uuoccston Buildiaf, Cutomt Street East, M 2 ydt wide, 10/11 per msiatfi . AUCKLAND .Something New What are they? The Reedloom Chairs are made with a specially manufactured reed, , Fabric woven on the wonderful reed loom, reinforced with steel wire, indestructible, and finished in Cream Enamel effect,—washable surface. They are Artistic, Light, Strong, Durable and Comfortable. Absolutely irnperyious to the wood Borer. ■ , i „ i ii The "Fireside" h - L *£sga The "C f V The "Uftique" price 80/. We heartily jpirlte your inspection of these speak ffor themsel ves> <2oy. s Ltd. 9 The Chair Value House of Auckland.
Page 20 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 20
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