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AQUATICS. (l!v .SI'KBmVEU,.) TliC foUi'll ol spring wealucr prevailing for the 'past week line started even the iaggarda lo work on their boats, and everywhere along the waterfront erewfc were busy with ecraper, pumice brick, or sandpaper, while in some instances all the preliminary work hits 'been finished, and painting is now in various stapes o-f completion. Kvery year this work of re-commission in* is done with a will. I new hands eagerly taking Hie placer, id I any who dro:> out of tin' game for vari- ' ollx reilrions. and the crew* vie with each other in getting their particular ship in ! the best, possible order before she is piii alloat for another i-casmi. The ad* anced state of .-nine of the smaller hiiatn cr-peciulh points to an curly ,-eason. while the number of yoimj! men' who arc being initiated into the art of t-iiilinj; a .boat or tin' iuti i.-acics of magnetos or the tricks of carburettors is greater this season than ever. I'crhaps tin' present cost of building lends to keep a leu from owning their own boat and hu\ ing to lie content with a place i : , (lie crew ol a friend's craft, yet there are ipiite a number of small boats building, aparl from the 14 footer-. We have lia.l ecv.-ral in«|iiiries from pro,spe ■• live nwnPi'B "I" M fool llattifrt. and know i ~; scleral now buifding to the dim-ii-Uiuns published in this column about two month, back. Mr. .1. Rogers, of IW minby, is the latcsl convert to the one desiiMi hunt*, and will hlive lit least one rendy by the end of N.n i-:i:lier. This makes twelve new !.oat«. unci the' suites of tin- elarw ■- now beyond i|Ur«tion, even if several ilefault. Flic- enthiisiimt w'no is collecting prize moilPN fur ten Fpeeial i encounr.' r;:t tlm! lie ;-i Hying to make I it C.'iO. Tnis will all.'A a' pr'/e of Ci i for endi race, and it i.- t.. be hoped he I reaehiv, thin larger total, for it is quit" pusnhlc thnt with \1 or !"• hunt' enlrrin-,' tliat the race." may hive to be run in two ~r more heats'and a final. It is very encouraging t" i-ee the great intercut taken not oiilv in this <-Ui s. j hut ill the xpiirt (,'i'iieraiiy, ami it augur.well for ii record r-casoii ahead. Nome time afro we mentioned that the ' Hovnl New /.calami Viicht Sipia'lron , had be. n promir-ed a handsome donation i In the prize fund. The donors are the J trusties of the late Mr. -I. < - Ma. kv. who. on Thir»day. Intimate.! to th ru mittee that they would have pleasure in present in." a trophy, whieli will probabl;, take the form of a -iher rup. to hTaepd for by the yachts of the squadron. It is the trustee.-' w irih that the trophy shall be lutpil to the bwt advantage to encourage the sport of yachting. if which Mr. Marky wax always a great lover, hn-1 all dptaib'arp left entirely to the club to deride an it thinks Ix'st. HreidoH the trophy lwhich will be value I for over '.'-(HI', the trustee* have Pet i aside ii sum of money to provid" aiiiiual!\ n certain niiioiint to p> to lie holder of the . up for the So doubt this -eneroiw i.lTpr will l>e a-.- . cpjited ill the spirit in v.hi'!i it ha- beci: I made, and Miould prove a great stimulus tn the Siiiiadron's riITH. It will l.c I a lilting memento of one who tool: a J keen inienvt in the pleasure* of lioth i racing and cruising. mid who -npnt I nearly all his holidays in giving pleasure to n "great many young men who now look 'back to these days ns the best ti-re of Their liv.-r. Mr. "and Mrs. Marky were both victims of the l.usitania (Us while the recor.l of his crew in the war »h« one nf whiHi he was \ut\\\ proud. \N"c venture lo i-av that novpr before lin« such a iiandsome prize been given to Auckland yachtsmen. and it should have a stimulating effect on the buil.ling and racins; of .-ailimr boat)-. which croakers aver will soon 'become a loet art in Auckland. \\'ork is progressing; BtPa'lily on the 40-foot nehooner yacht for Mr. R. Taylor in Uailoy and Lowe's yard. 'ITiis boat will carry a jit". Htay.sail. foresail, and nißin'iail. ami will set fere and main topeails. a total sail area of 1.155 square feel. The main saloon , will be 12ft long by th" full width of the boat, and will have Oft am in headroom. An sft (iin stete room is provided for'i.rd. Tlic cockpit is Tft liiil, wii.i ii l.'i h.p. Sterling enginn immediately for'ard 'if it. which is quite enclosed. (>n port side of engine is the lavatory, with galley and pantry to Stiir.hcurd. Four portn each side and two skylight* give ample \cntilation to her spaiious cabin. The boat will have about ■21 t.irs of lead on her keel, and-will carry inside besides. Her watarline is Illlft ( : in. draught -Ift Hin. beam I2ft din: overhang for'urd is 4ft and oft din aft. Tin- boat is now planked and timbered, and the deck frames will he com- j plete.l next week. She is expected to bn ready for the water at the end of November. 'llic other schooner, which Mr. -las licUi lias built for his own use. in practically finished, only the epars and ringing remaining to be set up. 'iliis boat's dimensions are 4-tft over all. lift beam, and Oft draught. She will be fitted with pole masts, her mainmast lying 38ft and foremast :J(>ft long, the main boom will he 'i'ift. and her total .sni! area, nhout 1)00 sq. feet. Sim will have three tons of lead on her keel, and two tons inside ballast, anif be steered with a wheel. A 10 h.p. engine is situated under the cockpit, which its self emptying. Her I owner hope--, to make somp extensive cruises, and ii "ill be quite a novel skjht to see two schooner-rigged yachts anchored amongst our fleet, the majority of which are cutter-Tipped, with a very small sprinkling oi yawls. [Jr. ( ii'sson. of Wellington, owner ot t.he yawl Reverie, has decided to come North, and brought with him to Auckland a line beamy Isft open boat, designed by Professor Scott, of Christchurch. T.'iis boat has ibeen thoroughly overhauled by ('. P.ailev's men. an<l Dr. < '.'icsson left in her on Monday for Whanjrarei. where he proposes to reside. In the hard soufch-paist gale of Friday week, the auxiliary yacht Frances, owned by Air. R. Shakespeare, of Whangaparoa, parted her moorings, and came ashore on the western point <>f the bay.. Mr. Shakespeare, who has been laid up for the two months, engaged Mr. Ilarj ri.son Smith to get. the goat off the rocks. \ Mr. Smith successfully relaunched her. with the aid of hydraulic jacks, and pulled her up on the beach near the house. Th" starboard side is extensively damaged, n large hole hoinrr made here. and as Frances is :i di-igmal boar, she will require a large portion of t'.-.e side renewed, both stringers being broken. The moorings imp extra heavy and the! chain new, but the severity of the galo caused it to part, with the a-'oove result. I Frances it* a .sister bont to Victory, and j wa.s one of the last boats built by Logan ! Bros, before jroing out of business. A very useful type of working boat was launched from the Harbour Board's slip on Monday mornins. This boat, which has been named Te Hanraki. is ■iOit long by Oft 6in beam, and is driven with a four-cylinder Twigg engine. She is very strongly built with stout timbers and extra stringers, and wfli fee chinfly
used for towing timber punts from the. board's mill near Orere Point. The whole of the work lifts been carried out by Uμ- board's workmen, under the supervision of Mr. \V. Clare, who di-xisfiK-d her. alilv assisted by his brother Mr. A. Clare. In appearance and linish this boat compares very ; favourably with the work <jf our local ■ builder.". 'She follows the usual style of I raised ualiin-tnp. with shelter for Ihc . steersman and a long cockpit with ■ ample deck space all round it. Her free- [ board is lujjli, wliile her pood lift for'liril . i-iiHUren her being dry in a sea. A trial ■ over the three-knot course on Monday f afternoon, both with and against the . tide, gave a mean upced of 8.51 knots. i The mention .if Kival ill last week's - notes brought 11 request fo r (he oflieial , speeds of the three boats. KleetwilljJ. i Di-tiiibcr ami Kival. Disturber.-, bet -peed in the iM ft eontc.-t with I'lcctw ii.L' w,i> l!t.K knots. Klwt wing's spped 21.74. • ami Rival's speed \fZ:l knots, i Work i- progressing steadily on the r lU-foot schooncr-vacht for Mr. H. Taylor .in Bailey anil Lowe's yard. This boat f wjll i any a jib. >tnys:iil. foresail, aii'l - iiiaiiisnil. and will set fore and main lop- - ails, si total -ail area of about IJOO *|. i ft-nl. i j Tlii- oilier -eh .oner, which Mr. -la" i Reid has built for his own use, W pn>." - tically finished, only the spars and ritf--1 L'iiii remaining to be set up. This boat's ■ I dimensions are 41ft overall, llfl beam. - j nml :»''l dr.iujrlit. She will be lit;ed with I pole iiuists, her mnitiinast being ">Kft and i forcmnsl :i(ift long, the main boom will ii be iCi't. and lier total sail area about I !ltX) m|. feet. She will have three tons ol I '.ad on her keel, and two tons inside 'Ibiilliut. and be steered with a wheel. A ■! in h.p. i-nginp is hitiiHled under the ' j cockpit, which is hplf-Pinptyiiiß. 11 fi" ' crili-e.-, and ii will be ipiite a novel night 'j In mi two schooner rigged yacht'(anchored siniongM our licet, the mil'ijririty of which are cutter-rigged, with a ' I MTv small f-pritiktinpr nf yawls.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 18
Word Count
1,667SPORTING GOSSIP. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 18
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SPORTING GOSSIP. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 18
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