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RUNNING ["HE STRAIGHT RACE. ''•"... 1 .1 i\\ 'II ! : ■ Ii ■■■■■■■ '.r :,-. ' Ii "V-M ' . ... ' * , i: ,_•■■! i■l .x ■ «-■ ... '«' i ■■ ■ ■r I ~' i..■ .■■ I. .1: ■■ ; ■ ■ ■' . ■ 11 ■ ■! ' -ill , ;. .: i- ■ . , ;.,. ! ■■~. , . ■ . . : ,i ::..-■. r'.\'- ■■ llfliu, '■i ."..'l ...' >l' !"' 1""'^ and"'.'"- ''['■-'■■■A . • -•!,'•''eJf! '''il'ac'k- , n •'.Cγ. -. I ■' 'ii .- '.' -'■ .'l'" "'I c I .ere - an..l ■ : ■■■- I" :■■■ --""I ai-oin run;. ,v,'. I- 1 ■ ■ i I ■:..- :» ■■' ' x '„": !,. ■'.Ji'ee'l' .'"' CM- i-::>. I Vo pie Uho |~,,:gab.i.i: in i ,c rtay-of /....„ ,:,„ u-ve r iaV-kada'isic-i' "ar-' I ■.•;■ '.V-encra'te'-. Ii is the folk ivit.ii •■'■." ,v tin , r religion who go from ctrriiKTiii i" strengt.i. \"-»'\ run and are n<.l iveary. -.. 1 must pin -peed into ihn King's Lii-incs-, and I -ha:i iind Mviirity in my eiilh:i-ij-ni. Hut now ti \pert cniin-i 'i"r ii.b! ■:> ■liiiiiiiyinu. "f >< uill »i> s.iv an enric R. piltieli.-p " Tlltil i- a vn 'ill' , and -nine fulk who run by 'i , - and stuns. Their religion* b r e in spurtn and ;,, iu ,;; M . !,v ~,,.,, ~„-. .^nni-aneuce.! pntienl keeping al it ail along the ri.ud.j \n 1 1 am iierleeth sure that in the wonl patience we arc to llml soinetiiing of restfulness. Yes. n.wever. coin nidi.-lory it may seem. <\e are t.< be restful runner*. i That iH to be one of our supreme di--' unctions. Ii ,- just the difference be-,, tween fervour and fever. Jt in - the difference betwcfii luiiiifulnc-H and fussi-, UPS*. It i> tin , dill'erencc between ihoiightinlni'ss ami anxiety. It U Lhej dilTerence between liiinking uu.l fretting. It is the element of in running. It is a certain cool patience even when we arc running wit'a all our might. "He that bclievctii shall not get into a fns-." Patient, running means a consistent, and distributed intensity all along tin , road. And the nwri't "f all thin \* to lie found in a certain dcta.hment of vision. -Locking iftlto .le-,,-." In till" original word there \* i|iiitr a suggeatkin of a deliberate tnrniiij' of tie eves friuii on.tiling t<. another. We .-ire m look iiwuyj Irnm KoniPt ling in order thllt vvp may i |r,ok (nwnrdi. -omething. We are d> direct our eye- from other llungK io\ Christ. "Lookinj: unto .Icstis." Then. the greai matter i- this that look re- , lates us tn the iihjivt of the look, it incorporates v.« with the Lorrt. We| hesin to draw strpngth from the resources of an in.'lniti- Ally. The Lord I Jflhorah ix .':ir .-tr.Migt'i.- "Mritishj Weekly." . ■ tIHTURCH NEWS AND NOTES. The liev. Xii! her C'r \, c.f Leeston. has gone to Australia for a visit to benefit hi* health, Mr. Kcorge P.uchun. wbow death ticrufred su.blculy lit tilt" ilge nf T'.l ycill's. WHS an active- imimiilxt of PalnuTStoll North; Congregational Church, lie was also a member of Lodp- Manawatu. lvilwinning. No. -17, of I'm ma 5..,,-. P.aptist friends in Auckland of till! late Hey. Thomas Spurge..n will be interested to learn that his son. Mr. T. Harold Spurgeon. M.A., was admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Divinity nt Dublin. He is classical tutor in the Trisli liaptist College. At the Diamond of the First Church, Invercargill, the Hey. -I. L. llobinson preached mi our Debt to the Past." Aged iiifiubers were eiiiiveyed to | the church in motor-cars where 'neccs- i nary. Tlie .•veiling wrviee \wi~ a civic! one", attended l.y nf local bodies.! The subject of i"ie a.ldrcss dcliMTed whs,! "I 'hrist and th< I ii.v." ! Canon Ciirlaii'l. nf 111 i-l \tliu mhiip ! years agu visited Auckland ,n , ,„.,..! tinil with tin- Hible ill S'lionlx League. l has had confi n-cd up.,n him the kni-jlil- ! hood of tin- (inld Cross of the Holy] Sepulchre by the Patriureh of .lerusalem. Canon tJiirland «as the lirst tn ' celebrate t lie Kucharir-t in ii chiipcl be; i apart for the Anglican Church at the. Church uf the Holy Sepuli'hre afti-i tiw I Turks were driven nut of Jerusalem. , i Comparing Itriti-h and Ann ric.ui preachers, the liev. M. K. Aubn-j . who • visited the L'uited States arranjriu<j for ; the Alayllower 'IVrcentenan ivli-lirations, | said the former ■■conceives il to 1.,- Ins ; main business tn educate hi.- congri'ga- | tion in the fundamental and historical j facts and principles of their faith, while i the American is more .oncer I with ; the application of religion to the prne- i licitl ijucstiong nf the moment. The dominant note of the American pulpit is vitality: of the British pulpit, serenity." In the year llkll. on September (i, the Miivllnwer, with the Pilgrim Fathers, left Knghmd. There were pi-rsons on hoard, and Myles Stan.lisli was chosen military lea.ler. His memory is kept gro-ii in Lone-fellow s poem. "Tlir fiiurtshi[i of Myli's Stand ish." ArrangemeiUH are now in [irejgress in Auckland iimongsi I In , (Jungri-gational elinrrlles to join in tin- celebration of the tercentenary i.i I hi" ruling of the Pilgrim Path. r-. \ is t<. be held ~ |;,..-e.sff,,..| Mi, et Church on Septeml» r '■'. in win. I. Mr .J. 11. liiinsou will l.i-side. 1!,,. ,:<■'. Harry .lohiisc.n. of "'I- nit I.d. ;, Ciigiegatiomil i hurcli. is lathers, win. i, will 1,,, illustrated l.y tableaux, and mitabli- miifi.' '.nil be sung by a cunibui.-U choir.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 18
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839RELIGIOUS WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 18
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RELIGIOUS WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 18
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