•'ASK LOASBV ABOUT TT." Chronlo Rheumatism— Bad fop Years. Cured by Loasby.
Mrs. R -writes:— '•After being told by several doctors that nothing could cure mc of chronic rhenmatlem which had made mc a cripple for the pa«t three years, I went In despair to 'Ask Loasby About It. , I only knew existence b r the pain I suffered. I can tnithI fully say that your medicine and electrical I treatment gave mc immediate relief. To-day i I am able to walk and enjoy an existence that only good health can ensure" Thin lady was treated with medicine and electrical high frequency rays. Her recovery was rapid from tile very flret. I'll chow you her letter when you call. A. M. LOASBY. The Only Prescribing Chemist, 24. H.M. Arcade. Auckland. (Ad.)
HEATING OF SCHOOLS. A mother, after mentioning various hardships that have to be borne by parents and children, goes on to say that in her opinion the question of 'heating for schools should. be immediately attended to. It Iβ quite as important that heat should •be supplied from within. I n any case, while the schools .remain unseated through lack of coal or other reasons, mothers I should see that a hearty breakfast of <>eretena is eaten by each of the little ones before setting out from home. It ig quite true that children cannot -do their .best work if cold, but Gerstena will do much to ralsa the temperature at the body to v faeatttiy degree, and is besides extremely strengthening and nourishing. This delicious breakfast food is made from the ont, and can tie eookod in Vxo minutes, without trouble. It la low In first cost and economical in use. Gerstena Is within the reach, of aIL Let it k«iP your kiddies warm. '(Jet a. bag to-day.— (Ad.) 77
An emphatic assurance or Immunity from lung complaints, chest troubles, coughs, colds and Influenza Is obtained by taking Baxter's Lung Preserver. It has a rich, pleasant taste, and Its soothing action never fails to stop the tickle and give ease to the core throat. Keep a bottle always handy. Large eize, 2/6— at all chemists aad grocers.
Page 6 Advertisements Column 7
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 6
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