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SHIPPIWO. UNION BTRAM STTIF COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. Clrrumstan.-es I'erralttins. Sydney Dlrcrt. •Atnn About Kth Septpmber •Tahiti lOttl Si-ptcrulirr 'Mahenii Thursday, ji'.ih Sept.. ■'' P' n - Sydney (from Wellinptun). •Moprnkl .'.Thursday. liUh Scptembrr (llsborne and Napier. •Arahiir:i Tueorluy, Till Sept.. 11 a.m. Culls Tokomaru Bay uu Trip for I'iis.wiiß only. N:iplcr, Welliujiion l.yttflton, Puuedln. •NiivTin .___ About tilth Spptonibi-r I,'ylteltou, Dunedfu, Blun", Oamani, Timuru. (Curgo Only.) Wanaka About Sth September Wellington tn i..vitcTton. SlPomi'r Dully iSundaj-s pxcepteil) 7.4." p.m. New I'lyuiouth If rum uurhungni. nimu Monday, 6th Wept., a p.m. Tγ.; KIJI iSuva). Samoa lAplm. Friendly [elaiule (Nukualofa, lluupnl, Vavau). •Moknla Abuin -.'.til September RarotoiiKa und Tahiti. 'Talrno About lltli Sept. San FrauciKio (via Iturotonga und Tahiti). ll'roui Wellington.) •Tofna About 10th Prptcmber' Suva. Honolulu, Victoria, Vancouver, B.C. i (For All Canadian and American l'olut.s,; London, Liverpool, Glns«n\v, etc.) I •Tahiti About 23rd Peptombcr ■ *l'""ltted with Wireless Telegraphy. All Curio must lie booked nt office before ehlpuieut. A u U KD R OCIE FROM AUCKLAND TO LONDON. LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, VIA CANADA AND U.S.A. lv Conjunction with Cnnadinn-Pnclne Italhuiy Company. PROPOSED SAILINGS: TAHITI ABOUT L'.lrd SEPTEMBER NIAGARA AHUUT 10th OCTOBIiK TAHITI ABOUT l«lh NOVEMBER ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. FROM WELLINGTON TO AMERICA AND ttUUOI'K. PROPOSED SAILINGS: TOFLVA ABOI'I lUth SEI'TEMBEI! MARAMA ABOUT Uth OCTOBER , BETUEN AND ROUND TOUR TICKETS! INTICKOHANGEABLK. Through ilookiugs to Europe at Cheapest Kates, yuickest Routeu to London. Through Bookings to U.S.A., via Honolulu. Hcturn Tlcketa to United Kingdom ixi be made avulluble for return Journov oy I. and O. und Orient Lines, ilu .Suez, or by -N.Z.S. Co., via i'aiiuma. AU pusscugurii oversea require passports. For full particulars, apply to UNION STEAM SHIP CO. OF N.Z. D JtStt OF gTEAMEHS FROM gYDNEY rpO T ONDON, VIA MELBOURNE, ADELAIDE, f'REMANTLE, COLOMBO, EGYPT, NAPLES, AND TOULON. Steamer. Tons. About ORBOVA lii.oau Sept. 25 ORMONDE 14,833 October 16 KONIOIN LOUISE. - 10,78.1 October 30 OSTKRLEY.. ..... I\>,VM Nov. la For full particulars apply to the Agents, UNION S.S. COMPANY OF N.Z., LTD., Agents In New Zealand. A gHIBE TINE. AND TXfESX pOAST pORTS Vtnited and home. s. s. Argyllshire sailed for london. CARGO carried at low rates of freight. Offers 'of Cargo London to New Zealand wanted. HIIIKE LINE built first steamer speelallv oouHtrueted for New Zealand Itefrlßarate*l Trade, which vessel loaded In New Zealand, ISS4. Since then Company have been continuously in the Puseenger and Cargo Trade to and from New /.enljunl. For Passage and Freight, apply to rnUKNBULL, J4TAKTIN AND po., DUNEDIN, LOADING BROKERS. D gHAW, gAVILL ANu A LBION pO., T IMITED. THE DIRECT'LINE OF STEAMERS TO SOUTHAMPTON AND LONDON, VIA PANAMA CANAL. THE LARGEST PASSENGER STEAMERS IN THE NEW ZEALAND TRADE. Carrying Ist, 2nd and 3rd Class Passengers. PREPAID PASSAGES.—Persona desiring to arrange passages for frler-ds from England to New Zealand may dow do so, by prepayment or Ruarantee. Full particulars supplied on application. Steamer. Toiib. From ' About ATHKNIC.. VlfiiT, Wellington October CORINTIiIC 12.34.-J Wellington Early Nor TAINUI 10,000 Wellington End Nor lONIC 12,3;;2 Wellington End Dec! lfl'^l' ARAWA 10,000 Wellington Early" March ATHKNIC. ■ 12,345 Wellington End April For full particulars, apply to A. S. PATEKSON AND CO LTD L. D. NATHAN AND CO LTD ' AND CO., LTD. ' D HCDDABT-T>ARKER LINE. *• (Circumstances Permitting) FOR SYDNEY DIRECT. •S.S. RIVERINA. .Thursday, nth Sept noon •S.S. RIVERINA Wednesday, 22nd Sept. MELBOURNE, via Lyttelton, Dunedln and Bluff (from Wellington). ' •S.S. WESTRALIA. .About Tues., 21st Sept. SYDNEY AND IIOBART (from Welllr. u tou). •T.B.S. ULIMAROA Thursday, Oth"sept! Tickets mutually Intir'-hangeable with L'nlon Co. 'Fitted Wireless Telegraphy Agents for HEBBUItN COLLI EricS OtUce: 7, Customn Street East. T>IAKO RIVER SHIPPING COMPANY •I- S.S. ONEUOA—TISIE-TABLE. Leaves Auckland: Leaves Kercpeehi Kri 3rd, 1 a.m. Frl., 3rd, 8 p.m. Tues., 7th, 3 a.m. Tues., 7th, 11 p.m Xhura., Oth, 7 p.m. Frl., loth, 2 p.m Patetonga and Ngarua Cargo, Monday Only Freights payable at Auckland. WATKIN AND WAXiIS, Agents. I IVEUiHEAD SERVICE S..S. I'ITOITOI, CALLING AT ALL WHARViE! reaves RIVEttHBAI> DaUy at 7 a.m. LlavS AUCKLAND Dally at 3.30 p.m. Saturdaye Excepted. Leaves Auckland on SUNDAYS at 4 p.m. BRADNEY AND BINXS. O FOPI.TRY FOR SAKE. Orpington, 2 weeks old, goo (-/strain 1/6 each; Hen optlonalAddrwfl at STAR. 1? R" OOSTER, Brown Leghorn.—2l, Asco At.. Bemuera. 5? SETTING'S »h.odo Island, 8/B, B. Orpins tonfl «/6, IJR. D«*«j e/e, Barred 'Rocka VUr-Gpecialist, ißox I4ft G.P.O. — S"or Ponltry ana tlga.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 6
Word Count
719Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 6
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.