I The strenuous period through which the Auckland District Kcputriation i llioard ie at present pushing was reflected in the fortnightly meeting held yestcr- ' day. Mr. A. W. Oillies ]>resided. Ot74ap- ' plications for loa»s for businesses :!!> were recommended, "22 not recommended, six i loans of .Cot) each were granted, two applications were held over for further . particulars, three, were withdrawn 'by ; t"ic applicants, and two were referred to the Land Hoard, applications for loans for furniture were dealt with, 57 being granted and three declined. > The employment officer's report I 1 showed that at the commencement of • j the week there were 3(i men on the ! ! register. Forty-two applications subset- ■ I quently received brought the total to 7S. i j Of these, 26 were placed in employment, . i and 16 had failed to reply to communicai tions, and were presumed to be in employment, leaving 30 names still on the . I register. Ten men were granted the ' retained portion of their subsides, ~ having completed their training, four ' wpre granted loans for the purchase of 1 tools of, seven were granted sustenance while attending technical colj leges, seven were granted 'books and fees while studying at schools and colleges. . and 14 were placed in workshops and s factories as trainees under the subsie dised workers' scheme.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 6
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 6
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