FOR SIGHT TESTING You Cannot Do Better than Consult T. PEACOCK AND SON, UP-TO-DATE OPTICIANS, 1!1S, QIMOKN STREET. Mli. J. A. PEACOCK. K.S.M.C. (England, with Honours.!, SIUHT Sil J ECIALiST. We have Commodious Kooms BEST APPLIANCES, Ample Selection of SPECTACLES, and ensure ACCURATE Fitting. IUJ THE WHISKY OF QUALITY, DEWAR'S IMPERIAL. MILD, MELLOW, MATURED. HANCOCK AND CO. (N.Z.), LTD., AGENTS, FOr.T AND- CUSTOMS STREETS, AUCKLAND. A ASK FOR , HANCOCK'S IMPERIAL ALE AND STOUT. HANCOCK AND CO. fN.Z.), LTD., BREWERS AND BOTTLERS, AUCKLAND. A SCHMIDT STUDIOS, By Special Appointment to His Excellency the GoTcrnor-Genera), LORD LITERPOOL. Under Special Patronage of the ADMIRAL OF THE FLEET, the RT. HON. VISCOUNT JELLICOE, and LADY JELLICOE. SCHMIDT STUDIOS, 270, QUEEN STREET. A JJEMOVAL. WE SPECIALISE Ie TjUTRNITURE TJEMOVAU WE HAVE LABGE COVERED VAXS And RELIABLE AND EXPERIENCED MBN. J. J. c EAIG ' li TD - CRAIG'S BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET (Opposite 8.N.Z.). Branches at NEWMAR.KET AND MOUNT EDEN. A A N Tf XTESBIVB ASSOJITSIEST f\F "NJ EW QUITISQS *T QORNEB. It Is with considerable satisfaction that we announce the arrival of an extensive purchase of suitings for the coming season. Our assortment of tweeds, etc., is without a doubt second to none in New Zealand at present, Its extent and variety being quite exceptional these times, and the general quality very much superior to anything coming forward slnee pre-war 'lines. A wise man will come In now and make hie selection before the busy season gets into full swing. He can then make, his own date for completion and bare the satisfaction ot knowing he has had the full range of suitings to pick from. B. J. M. K EMP KEMP'S CORNER. QUEEN AND SWAXSON 3IBEETB. X " T-yRINKO " PROMOTES PBOSEBBITX. " Oily husband keeps telling mc how well he Iβ feeling,* and is keen for his work. " Drlnko" has paid for Itself by the way bUHinnsb lias been attended to," co wrltee the wife of a prominent northern business man. The original testimonial can be shown to any genuine Inquirer. 2 "Drioko" is continually working wonders in curing Alcoholism—excessive drinking It will do the same for your friend or relation. "Drlnko" is harmless, tastelees and odourless. Write iv strictest confidence for Free Booklet. Plain envelopes used Lady Manager, Drinko Proprietary »2l2\f' Lambton Quay, AVelllngtou. RD4 ___ _ TJEMSTirCHING, •gtnrroKe, JJUTTONHOLES. pLEATING, piNKINVJ, We are fully eqnlpped with ilachlnee and Stock to execute orders of any size from totvn or country. GET BUST. W. P. O- GILVIE--316. QUEEN STREET. T3P VAN HOUTEVS COCOA Dulld.- ettons healthy men and women and sturdy youngsters. Give it a regular place on jour breakfast table. Sold at all stores D
Page 4 Advertisements Column 2
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 4
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