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BOARD ACT RESIDENCE. A CCOMMODATION, first claei. — Mona **- House, 12, Lower p Symonds St. PtMC BOARD wnnted _ fo7 2 little girls going to school; state terms.—Board, IS, s Tj^ BOARD and Residence required; business young lady; near city.—Urgent, t>B, STAR. ldU T>OAKD wanted by lady, going busl- •*-• ness dally, with private family. —M.. 64. STAR. M* BOARD and Residence wanted toy respectable working man, near Mt. Eden Station.—6o, Mt. Edeii Rd. 563 BOARD aud Residence required by youngman (Civil servant), in nice qnlet home. Terms and locality to Board, 78. STAR. laQ BOARD and 'Residence required In private family by respectable man; Ist sec. If possible; dinner in town. —F.L.T., SI, STAR; Sβ TVEVO-N'PORT, King's Parade or near— *J Plain-living _Mah wants Board and Residence.-Civil Servant, Devonport P.O. 5* G-BNTKEiMIEiN Boarders (2K private family; use of elttlnsroom.—3, Hill St., Newmarket. 578 H~~Oim£TlY Young Couple will rive reasonable (Board to m.c; child, no objection. AdAresa at 'STAR. IT2 LADY, expecting, wants Board, Ponaonby or Heme Bay.—Terms to Nursing Home, c/o Pukekoho P.O. 120 ROOM. furn.. with Bed and Breakfast, ■wanted, by elderly gentleman, vicinity of Belmont preferred.—B.. 933. STAR. 21 XXTjOMAX, young, married, wants comfort"- --" ' able Board on farm. Inland, 3 months. to 79, STAR. IU4 APARTMENTS WANTED. ■pEDROOM, furn., required, with foreak- -*-* fast; Parnell pref.; business man; state CI, STAB. _122 BED or Sitting-room, double, furnished, fireplace wanted. —Terms and full address urgently to Superior, 930, STAR. 26 PLAT, Furn., wanted; moderate terms.—, C.treful, 73,' STAR. 161 ROOMS. 2 or 3, unfurn., by m.c, I'onsonby.—Write X.V.. ■>, STAR. 123 TJOOIMS (2), unfurn., wanted by widow and •** daughter; price reasonable.—widow, 23. STA;R. 67 ROOM, sunny, unfurnished, to respectable : person; board out; private family.— Address at STAR. __ : «» ROOMS (1 or 2). furn.. small cottage, Where baby not objected to; Devonport pref. -Urgent, 918. STAR. 28 APARTMENTS _^ BEDKOOM (double) and Dining Room, furn.; no children. —5, V/oocL St., I'onsontiy. 114 btl) SUtlngruoui, furnished, with kitchenette, c.1., ga3 stove, phone.—Cleetnorpes, 232. Ponßonby Rd. a>7 B!EJ>IvOOU to Let, suit young man; soft washing iinj l>reufcfast if desired; 'terms moderate. —Address at STAR. 157 BED-SITTE«t .Rooms (2). large, double, vacant, private family, Grafton,' gas aud fireplaces. —Address at STAR. K» B ~EDROC>SI7 comfortable; gentleman; t>ed and tore-aktast, or tioaril; few mintitee Symonds St. —i>, Sunnyside Rd., Mt. Eden. BED-SlUlngroom, very large, front, ennny, lovely view; eouvs.; 30/ per week; well furri. Also, 1 Smaller, separate entrance.—Address at STAR. 573 DET ON PO up-to-date Rooms, large dining, fireplace, front bedroom, sunny.—Address nt. STAR. li DEVO.VPOBT. on Cheltenham Beach— (Flat, 2 rooms, own kitchen, gas stove and meter.—Address at .STAR. 594 I7*LAT, unfuru.; large Sh«i. suitable for wxirks-hop.—lo. Richmond R<l. 580 FLAT, furn.. 2 or 3 rooms, self contained, immediate possession.—37, Sentinel Rd., Heme Hnv car. 507 FLAT, balcony, furn.: all convg., own meter: sunny.—"Tlrl View," Narrow Neclt. —Phone 146. Devonport. 6S FUiRN. Room, suit 2 steady men: c.1.; no tram fares.—lC4. Victoria St. TT. 15 GIiAFTON RD.—Half Large House,_ Unfurnished, self-contained; private" entrance and balcony/ lovely views.—Addrees at STAR. 12« TAHITHU—3 TJnfuru. Rooms to Let.— Write Rail, 81, STAR. 171 TJJIIIT of ivell furn. House to -Let, in 2nd -C section, to adulta. STAR. C pO.YSONBY.—Rooms (3), furnished) -*• double, single, and sittlngroom; use ol workshop; quiet home.—Address STAB. 74 OOJli (3)i Unfurn., Kllersllo; use all eonvii.—Address at STAR. 03 XJOOMS <2). unfurn., large and sunny.—2s, t*-** aiarsden Ay., Dominion (Rd. 93 T>OOM, furn.,, 2 betta;"sTilt .bnstnesa girle; Jv private tome.-50, AVakefleld St. 94 ROO'XIS (2), partly furnished; use convs.; suit m.c, no children.—43, Norfolk St., Punsonby. - 555 -pOWiIS, double, furn., also single and IV nTifura; also Workshop.—lHeoley's, GB, ntt St. 39S RiOOM to Let, furn., single, close Three 1 Lamps and tram; jirlrate family.—2. Russell • St. 153 "DOOM, eunny, unfurn., to respectable -t« person; board out; private family.— Address at STAR. 300 ROOM, Single, Front; lady or gent at : business; P.mins. .Dominion aid., 2nd eertlon off.—Address at STAR. W EOOM, partly or unfurnished, suit elderly lady; terms moderate. —Address at H-unt's. Stationer, Three Lamps. 571 OOII'S (3), large, unfurn., in- suburbs; suit adult family or would let for storage: .V4J a room.—Addrese at STAR. 584 EOOIMS (2) unfurn., private ■family, separate entrance, fcitcihenette, electric lijTht: beautiful grounds; Grafton. —Address at 'STAR. 16 ROOMS (2), lnrge, ninfurn., convs., nice house, no children: also Bed Sittingroom, well furn., gentleman only; breakfast if desired.—Address at STAR. 66 PIANOS WANTED. A DVERTISE'R will pay Cash, about £70, A for Piano suitable large hall.—TV rite <jroves, 639. 84 DVERTISER, looking for good Secondhand llano, will give from £60 upwarda.—Greener ! _634.jSTAß. 85 PlA>'o wnnted, any make; borer no object; top price. — Piano, Newton 1?2 PIANO, secondhand, for country school; little borer no abjection.—Write School, q.P.O. « 19 PIANO wanted for large schoolroom, any make.—Price and details to School, 43, STAIR. 3 lAN'O, English pref., good condition, free from worm. —Details and cash price to rrgeut, 2,*>, STAR. 2 IANO, good, secondhand, suitable for country hall; not particular to make.— WTlte_£<>nn try. G.P.O. 19 PIANO wanted to Buy, Haake, Allison, Spencer. KavestaH. or other good make. Write Hnnke. Oβ, STAR. 149 PIANO wanted for bach, small piano or Bord preferred; slight borer no objectlon. —Write Bach. "6, STAR. l^ lANO wanted, good tone; will give up to £80 suitable Instrument. —Write Claw, 84, STAR. _149 PIANO wanted.—Advertiser requires initrument. cood tone and condition, for country.—Melody, 73. STAR. 150 PIANO wanted, with loud tone, for dance music: no objection borer. —Write Dbucp. SS. STAR. IS° PIANO wanted at once for picture theatre. koo<l tone borer no object— Write Theatre. 92. STAR. ■ 1 50 WANTED TO HIRE. -t VCNCH, small" with reliable _engine, tAp v is
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 1
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939Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 1
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