■ 1 ' Sunset: This evening, 5.3.1. Sunrise: To-morrow morning, fl.O. .Moon: Last Quarter, Sept. 6. O.:!o a.m. HIGH -\VATTCIt. Auckland To-day, 10.03 a.m. 10.20 p.m. Atn-kland. „. .«af., 10.61 a.m. 11.17 p.m. Unehnngn Hat., 1.56 a.m. 2.21 p.m. Kalpara Hd*...Sat., 1.46a.m, 2.11 p.m. Munuknu Uds. .Sat., o'.jtin.m. 1.21 p.m. ARRIVALS. YESTBUDAY. Wnlpu, from GTeat Barrier, o p.m. .Ngapnbl from Tnumnga, fl.l.'i a.m. THIS DAT. Tentm Mani. from Newcastle, 3.40 a.m. ■Southern Cross, from 'Norfolk Island, 2.10 Daphne, from Whangarel. 4.30 a.m. Chelmsford, from Wlmnguret, 4.40 a.m. Tanlwhn, from Nethcrtou. 5 a.m. Taurnnga, 6.15 a.m. Apauut, rrom Awanul, S.iO a.m. Wanaka. from Southern ports, 10.30 a.m. Stella, from Wellington, 0.30 p.m. . DEPARTURES. YESTERDAY. Mahcuo, for Sydney. 5.15 p.m. THIS DAY. Kalapoi, for Wellington, 10.50 a.m. A'ESS ELS IN rORT. King's Wharf—West Camargo. Ayrshire. Awahou, ltlra (ketch), Tensu Mani, Wanaka. "Central Wharf—Southern Cross. Queen's Wharf—ltlmntakn, Wultomo. llcibson Wharf -Kurow, Laura Ibnnmentlne) In Si ream —Iris. In Dock—Kakanua. NORTHERN CD'S MOVEMENTS. Expected Arrivals. To-morrow. —Wakntcre. from Thames, 2.30 p.m.*- Walmnrle, from I'aeron. 0.3" a m.: Rarawa. from Whangarel. 6.30 p.m.; Xgntlawa. from Mungonni. (i a.m.: Walpu. from Coromandol. Walheke, 4 p.m.; Tnsinan. from Whakataue. 6 a.m.; Wulotahl, from Opotlki. Ohlwa. 7 a.m.; Gael, from Kerepeehi. 4 a.m.; lUiun, from New Plymouth. 8.30 a.m. The Waitomo's depnrtnre is now timed for S o'clock on Monday night. The Koromlko Is expected to leave iLyttolton for Auckland direct tomorrow, for Newcastle. The Katoa wirelesses tluit she expects to arrive from Newcastle with a cargo of eonl at daylight on Sunday. The Navua is timed to leave Wellington to-morrow afternoon for Napier, (llsborne, Tokomaru Bay. and Auckland. The S.S. and A. liner Kin Ora sailed for London, yin Panama, from Wellington al daylight this morning. The Port Sydney Is expected to arrive here front Sydney shortly before noon tomorrow. She will berth at the Queen's wharf. The Rnahine is timed to lenve Wellington for Southampton and London, via Panama, I this afternoon. She carries a cargo and a full complement of passengers. KAIKOUKA LEAVES TANAMA. The New Zealand Shipping Company report that the Kalkoura. en route to Auckland from Montreal with general cargo, left Panama on the 27th of August. She should arrive bete about September 21. WANAKA WITH PRODUCE. The Wanaka arrived from BlufT. Oamaru, Tlmnru. and Napier this morning, and berthed at the King's wharf, after an uneventful passage. She brings with her 3000 tons of general produce, consisting for the most part of grain and chuff. THE ISLAND STEAMERS. The Union Company report that the Atua left Suva In the mid-afternoon yesterday, with and a cargo of fruit. She should arrive here on Monday night. The Mokoia is expected to leave Suva for Aucklnnd on the 17th instant. RIMUTAKA POSTPONED. The New Zealand Shipping Company now advise, that, the Rlmutaka's departure from Auckland* for Southampton and London has been post pound. She is now timed to sail on the 11th, instead of on the oth, as originally arranged. THE SYDNEY STEAMERS. The Mnheno sailed yesterday for Sydney, where she is due on Monday. She will sail on the return journey on Thursday. The Rlverlna left Sydney for Auckland yesterday afternoon, and Is due here on Monday. She will sail for Sydney again on Thursday afternoon. JAPANESE COLLIER ARRIVES. The Japanese collier Tensho Maru, with 4360 tons of coal, arrived from Newcastle this morning, and berthed at the King's wharf. The vessel, built In Osaka in 101-5, has Journeyed from Kobe down to Newcastle, from which porT/ 1 she has had an exceptionally quiet passage of six days. After discharge here she will return to the Australian coal port in ballast, Captain N. Takado is in charge. SOUTHERN CROSS ARRIVES. The mission steamer Southern Cross arrived from Norfolk Island early this morning, and berthed at the Central wharf. An excellent passage through the Solomon Islands aud the New Hebrides is reported, with exceptionally flue weather. The vessel is to dock and to undergo survey while in Auckland, and expects to sail again for Norfolk Island on the 18th. She brought the following passengers from Norfolk Island:—Mrs. Anderson and three children, Mrs. Chapman and two children. Messrs. Butlett, Quintal. Graves, aud Chapman.
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 4
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