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J. AND X. TAITS PANTOMIME. In "Mother Huhbarri." +kv pantomime ratrnvnganzu, which w.ll "jx'i nt lllci Majesty's Theatre to-morrow evening. Barry Luplno. It Is said, makes an Inimitable Dame, and with Jack Cannot as Father llutibnrd, makes the evening a riot of fun. Moon ami Morris, well known for their marvellous simultaneous dancing, contribute largely to the comedy. The I'relchtons. acrobutlc jujrclers, supply n clever specialty turn. William A. lias-I san as Bully, the well-known "Dawg," of I ■ irarsery-rhymc fume, is uu aniinnl impersonator of nbillty. Dorothy 1-eitth it< described as a delightful Principal Bnv. Miss Gertie Lati-hford is the nubbard maid of all work, and has a screamingly funny bathroom scene with the kiddles entrusted to her i-nro. Miss Daisy Yates as Principal Girl has mnny dancing numbers, and wears many pretty frocks. The "box plans, at Wildnian and Arey's. indicate a successful season for the company here. EVERYBODY'S THEATRE. Tlip chance of programme which will »>e screened this evening presents 'The rineinu Murder." a mystery play full of gripping incidents and momentous passages. The plot is ingenious and Intricate, nnd holds the audience in suspense until Its solution in the dramatic closing scene*. Marlon Davis, the talented star, plays in the lending role with decided utiility. She In supported by an excellent cast, composed ol prominent artists. NATIONAL TIIEATIIE. William 'Farnuui will be seen for the last time this evening in the stirring photo-play "The Lone Star Ranger." based, upon the story by Zai-e <srey. To-morrmv a double programme will be featured. "Bough Biding Kormance" Is a telling Him of the Western plains, with Tom MLx. the Intrepid coWboy actor, in the principal role. The other feature is "The Hell Ship." a powerful drama of the sea. Madlaine Traverse leads PKIXCBSS THEATRE. -Mdlle. Irma Caron will appear for the last time this evening in selections from the various graiul and <-oinlc- operas. The 'Him "Turning the Tallies." with Dorothy Oisli In the leading role, -will also be finally screened. The management will present tomorrow the "Dandies of 1!«J," ivho will be seen in entertaining vocnl, comedy, nnd dan-cine Items. In addition, the photo-play •'Counterfeit." with Elsie Ferguson in the leading role, will be screened. STRAND THEATRE. The attrnrtion of the change of programme which will be submitted to-nior-row will be "In Old Kentucky." a thrilling melodrama replete with action and incident. Anita Stewart, the popular screen actress, plays in the principal role, with her usual pleasing ability. ••'Sauce for the Goose." starring Constance Tnlniadge. will be finally screened this evening. Mag. Clmlno, the dainter character, will also make her last appearance to-nlgiit. TJVOLI THEATRE. "Huckleberry Finn," based upon the widely-read story by Mnrk Twain, will be presented for the last time this evening.The lending attraction of tlhe change of programme which will be screened to-mor-row will be "An Adventure In Hearts." adapted from the olwonbing novel by Anthony 'Hope. The fllm Is crowded with those incidents which make a photo-play full of Interest. Hubert Warwick Is the principal of the cast, playing the role of ■Captain Dieppe. THE HITPODROME. Kazimova will make her last bow in the engrossing film production, "The Red Lantern," this evening. The star feature of to-morrow's programme will be "Fair and Warmer," an entertaining fllm full of delightful incident. May Allison, the charming American. Is the principal of the excellent cast. The programme will also include the opening episode of a thrilling serial "The Great Gumble." LXBIC THEATRE. "The Imp." which will be presented tomorrow evening, Introduces to Auckland Elsie Janis, a charming actress of promise. She is seen In a role that should make an Immediate appeal to the audience. The fllm is full of interest and carries with It an absorbing plot. "The End of the Road" will be finally screened this evening. QUEEN'S THEATRE. The powerful photo-drama, "The Woman and the Law," which will be screened for the last time to-night, will be replaced tomorrow by an amusing comedy-drama, "The Troublemakers." The clever Lee children, Jane and Katherine, are the costars in this diverting production. An entertaining list of supporting films will aleo be screened. ALOHA ORCHESTRA. An entertaining programme of vocal and Instrumental items wae provided by the Aloha Orchestra in the Town Hall Concert ChHinber last evening. The instruments chiefly played were mandolins, banjos and guitars, and these In the hands of the Italented orchestra lhad an effect which was both soothing and musical. Vocal items were contributed by Miss H. A. Paul. ■Mies A. A. Abbot, and Me:«rs. W. Smith, Brockman, Maddison, Foster, Jupp, Kelly, and Blrkbeck. Mr. XI. Hunter gave an effective rendering of a guitar solo "The Rosary." which was encored. Other inLineham and I. Allen, and Messrs. W. Smith, Hayes. Saunders. a:irt Boyle. An item, "Freckles," by the Misses Howell. came It for much Dan< ing numbers were given :>y La £Jri> l'i..Uns and M!ss Lill Okalanl. Mrs. Lawrence presided r.t the piano, while Mr. Walter Smith was the eondue'er. Further recitals will be given thi3 evening ami toGRAND THEATRE. "The Tower of Jewels" Is the title, of the beadliner of to-morrow's programme. The film possesses a remarkable theme, presented with a force and power that should create a wide impression. Corlnne Griffiths Is the featured star. "Social Ambition" will be finally screened this evening. OTERA HOJ7SE. The entertaining programme o-f vaudeville and revnue continues to attract full housee. The musical playlet "•Sadie," by the "Walter George Sunshine Players, evokes considerable applause. " TiffE BOTTEES." The comedy-drama "The Rotters" again met with success when X was presented at the King's Theatre by the Allan Wllkle Company last evening. The play will be produced once more this evening and for tie last time to-morrow. BRITANNIA THEAHBE. The leading, feature of to-night's programme will be "Impossible Suean," starring Marguerite Fischer. AitiCA'DIA THIEATiRE. Ethel Clapton is the star In the photodrama "Sporting Chance," •creening tonight.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 3
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979AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 3
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AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 3
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