NORTH SHORE CLUB. » The annual meeting of the North Shore Cricket Club wae held last night, there being about twenty members present, Mr. - i G Hemus occupying the chair, in the I absence of the president. Dr. Bennett. The • report and balnnce-«heet were read and i adopted and the latter showed a credit hnlanceof £4 15/, Which, considering the : eeS was Started with a debit of some • £W odd, was Terr satisfactory and en- ! Co ssf e ßi ffiiowin ß new members were enT rolled:—Messrs. Robertson, Splcer, Clist ■ and Bottrell. , , Dγ Bennett was unanimously re-elected as ■ president, and several vice-prwidents were ' elected Mr. Rankin and Mr. It. Doble » were elected ac secretary and treasurer t T6 Tife only dlecouraciug item was the posir tion with regard to the Domain and the - need for good practice wickets, but the ' club is hopeful for thp hearty support or 5 the Borough Council, and a committee was 1 appointed to deal with this, matter. A ' vote of thanks to the chairman brought • a successful meeting to a cloac.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 3
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 3
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