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PROPERTIES FOR SAKE. -V T .K-\V L.YXX.—3 Acres, grass: 'House. S •*-' rooms, conveniences. £14Oi>. A Rtn. Terms. Curium. CllHon 'Bides. 10M OPAKS .fJi, l'ousonby und i.\lt. IKden; •£7OO to £1.400. for private sale. —iSI, ■Hriiwii St.. I'onsi.iiiiT. VVj I.M-.mT-.iII'I AThi "Possession.—.Hernu ißny. - ."i-romiipil House, ■furnished or unfurn.. all ™nvs.; jnniil soil, frnlt trees. IV-poslt £250: £.~.~j. — 'ir-ho-ne MS. I£B TTEXDKIWO'N. - 10 Acres, npplcs, -*■-'- peaches, lemons; I-Tnuse, ."> rooms, conveniences. £isr.(i. Hep. £300.—Uiplton, Union Buildings. ' l(Ki MT. .EDE.V —(J-rooined Bungalow, pertecl ■ condition: immediate possession; inspevtton eveniucs or week-end. —110, Kill-n-, Rd. TO IM.MK'DIATR POSSESSION - MT. ICIVKN. 1?L'"X(!-AI.O\V. ii Rooms, Kltclienette. :\vA iteoepHnn 'Hall; tip-top order: luillt-Iu linen press and cupboards, mill l>.. 11. 4ind c. water, sewer ijraimice: elevated vnl-i-anir section; ft-ininntc from tr.ims. Rcfllitiful views. frjilendld home. I'rlcd £1. -1T.".: terms. H. M. W.II3TK. 12. Woitemiitn 'Chambers. Customs St. 117 RKMI'ERA (Kpsom Slilel—Bl'Xß Al/>W, 1 ilouhle liiinso. Sri-dinssri-dins :ind nil ■■num.. IKirc. li.. -2 patents: level, voliiinic Riw-tlnu: Smlns. trnms. lluusu I'liilt .">«yr:irs, ami in tip-top order. Trice. fi.STiO: JC4«>l> <':>sb. 11. M. WHITK, 12, Wnltcmatu Cliamliois. Customs SI. 11« TYMIIMON , ROAD. - SK.\«I-IIfN(JAI.(i\V, •U H rooms. Nice order. All conveniences, lnrlucilm; pore, buth and basin aiiU hot water service. Car 1 minute. PRICE, £i:i2Q. TKUMS. .1 U H N 8 A N D !•'!! A X X S, The Method Men, r,ei 37, lI.M. Arcade. CHEAP HOMEST - T>AIHIAIN |>KK'ES. Deposit. Prjcc. Idioms. locality. £luO £8,10 s" Uevonport. £I.V> ilirHi \i . Kpsom. £:>.<V) .". Ck'umore. i;:«K) £130i> T i;icnmore. dl-sf)*> £i:{."i() T ML. Mdoii. £i2o £117.-. :. Kpmnrrn. !£475 £1(«r. .'. Mt. Kdcll. £775 JEKIOI) . .". Homilpru. £IIW> £K/3« •") • Mt. liden. LIONEL IbT TAYLOR, 1. iI'AIyME.nST.ON BTTTLDIXnf. Opp. (r.P.O. lIS YOUR OPPORTUNITY M'SOM. TIICMnCRA. Tl thk. (i rooms and bathroom: fowlhonse and run; also atablps. House is rully fnrnished. Immediate possesslou. PinCß OXtit Usir>. TERMS, £700 CASH. HARROP AND MEDLEY, 15, SHORTLAXD STItEET. TX> LEONARD COAKLEY, LTD. W EPS* - £550 (?**■ Just Off Oar Line. MAGXIFICE'NT POSITION. SEMH3TJXOALOW RDSTDKXCE, 6 rooms nnd sleeplne porch, every cony.: city drainage; vcr.v laree section, 70 x 300. In best part oi Mount Kden, elevated, iiealthy position. IMUCE. 0-VLY £ 1 550. v OFFTCE: 03, QL'EEN 'STJirEET. I'honc 2001 A. JXO GRAFTON FREEHOLD. MODERN BUNGALOW. FBETTT 'BUXGAIX>W of « ,Mcc Rocnu and every modern convenience. Just off Carlton Core (Roari, in. a sunny street, within 15 minutes' -walk of city. Two easement bar "windows, largo vestibule, diningroom, 3 t>edroanre, cosy brealiJast-j-ooai. kltc/hen Trtth range, gas cooker; bathroom, pore, fcafh, basin, h. and c. miter, nice scuilleny: wosh-house, c. And it., all under one roof, linen press, built-in dreaeer, cupboards and safe; antique copper £as fittings. Interior fnmlshlnßS In oiled rimu. art papers and friezes, panel doors. bea«itiful decorartUons -throiiKbout. -Section x 80, nicely laid out, concrete and aspuait paths. •'Price, £1450, -with £550 cash, badance arranged on mortgage at 0 per cent. Owner living In the louse, and will R-lre prompt posseesion. ORATTOX. 82, ■STAB. |W3 • rfITY TTOM-ES. T>ONSOXBY (Close Tram) -- 7-UOOMED A HOUSE, bath, p.'.v.o. £S7D. VICTORIA PAIIK—ATLLA, fi rooms, pore, bath, callfont, tiled fireplaces, gas range. £825. C T( 'TOUI'WAMSOX AXt> pO., G4 f QUEEN STREET. ]SG roiorsE kow emptt—semi-buxg-a- --- LOAV, 7 rooms, beautifully finished; best part of Mt. Eden; delightful position and views; juet off tram. £3300 or near offer. "JI/TODE-RX BUXGALOW. fi rooms, near •"*• part of Epsom; pore, bath, callfont, tiled roof; harbour view; volcanic section; choice residential poeLtlon. £^3i50. C. R. WILLIAMSON AND CO., " 64, Q.UEEX STREET. 13(J REMUERA BARGAIN." REMiTJEBA WATE'RSIDiK. — £2300 — 1 XiO-VELY MOWBRCV 7-KOOMKT> BU.N[JALOW, 2-storey, best locality; ]nagnlfl<-eut views of ibartoiir. Kooms large and wellappointed. Diningroom, sittingroom, 4 bedrooms, kitchen, scullery, wasuhouse, copper md tubs, 2 patents, t>athroom, oalifont, h. and p. water, range and gas store. Seetlou, almost half an acre. Freehold. pretty garden. Tennis la-wn, Irult trees, fowlrun. A Great Bargain at f2500. Terms, £8W to £1000 cash. B. L. BAGNALL AND CO. DOl, X.Z. IXSURAXCE BLJ>&S Phone 2514 A. Tjet us know your requirements, ive bave Houses and Sections In all mihurhs. pip MT. EDEN HOMES" ■piftftfH M °DE!RX BTTXOAI.OT\', in 3jiOl>U , I)eet , part Mt Ertcll Freehnla section, e» x 170. gundy trmns. Xix large rooms, -modern papers, scullery, range an<l gas store, 'bathroom (callfont) bouse (copper and tuTra); motor sued. Blouse in perfect order thronhgout. Insurance, A ■CHEAP HOME AT fISOO. TETOrS AURAXGBD. X?"IFInA'— SEMI-BUXGA-LOW, of c large c * p,J -'-* t ' , -' rooms, pore, bath, callfont p.-w.c, range, washhoose (copper and tubs)' Fine large sectdon, 70 x 300. Freehold. Recently papered "irouglvout. PRICE, £1550. £550 CASH. Call Early to Secure This Bargain. B. L. BAGNALL AND. CO. 501, X.Z. IXSUHAUCE BUILOIXOS Pbxme 2314 A. "eio
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 2
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765Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 2
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