OOOKE.—In loving memory of my mother, Eliza Cooke, who passed peacefully away in my arms, Sunday, September 3, 1918; aged 71 years. Ever remembered. Inserted by Annie. OOLB.—In loving memory of our dear son ■HfrctoT, wuo "passed awny, September 2, 1916; nged 18 years. God takes tlie lov<-d oue from our homes, But never from our Jiearts. Inserted by his loving parents and tirottier. HiAiDL. loving memory of our dauphter. Dnls.T- IHall. who died at t.he Auckland Hospital, .September 8, 3011. In oar thouphts j-our memory llngere, Tender, fond and true: There's not a day goea past, dear one. But what we think of you. Inserted by , her loving parents, F. J. and ■r;. Lawrence, and her sisters Violet and May. SMITH.—In loving memory of our dear fath-er. who departed this life .September .1, 1019. "Th,v will be done." "Ood knows bow much we miss him, He knows the tears we shed, And whispers, 'Hush, be only sleeps. Your loved one is not dead.' " Inserted by bis loving wife and family, 19, King Street, Newmarket. SMITH.—In loving memory of our dear father, who departed this life .September 3, 1010. "Thy TvUl be done." Do not grieve for those who leave us, They're not lost, but gone before, Joyfully to give us welcome. When we reach the heavenly shore. Inserted by his loving son George, of tlie Mercantile Marine. SMITH.—In lovinjr memory of Charles Angus Smith. wJio 'passed away, September 2, 1917. Only a memory of bygone days, A Bigh for n face unseen; A constant knowledge that God alone. Knows bent "whut might have been. Inserted bj* Oils loving wife and daughter.
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 10
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