When money talks, wise men listen! Try Smeetons NEW PLYMOUTH BOROUGH COUNCIL. SHORT-DATED MUNICIPAL LOANS OF £72,080 AND £57,000. DURATION OF LOANS APPROXIMATELY 13 YEARS. 5| PER CENT FREE OF EXCHANGE IN NEW ZEALAND ON BOTH PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST. Applications invited for the purchase at par of any number of the Debentures, which are for £100 each. For Brokerage allowed »Sharebrokers see Pamphlet. Early application necessary, as it is anticipated that the Debentures being short dated will be quickly taken up. Pamphlets containing full information and application forms obtainable from any branch of the BANK OF NEW ZEALAND, or from the undersigned. F. T. BELLRINGER, General Manager, New Plymouth Borough Council. L.i'iv J)ON'T always blame your dress>^3Bt(l^^|f.- |i 'Btv maker if your gown does not fit "2&*jßbc&±. perfectly—frequently in such cases 4 "* , '* '' *^ c corset it at fault. /I m&lilWS&slt ensure a figure moulded accord- ' n 8 '° dictate* of Fashion, yet S^\** — B ' ve * feeling of genuiae freej kn !™lk dom, com f° rt ' ant * support. \J) Warner'* are obtainable in back rr/7 /y?.?/*- 'c and front lacing and are g'uarani> in y/b teed not to Rutl, Break or Tear, g iKust-ProcfCorsets-^
Our Great Anniversary £■% Jft H J— Our Great Anniversary #M P ■ * Our Great Anniversary * ™ """ Iβ Still Booming ! Week-End Sale Bargains! — Men's All-wool, smart style Tweed Suits .. Reduced to 117/6 Week-End Sale Bargains! — Men's Fashionable Fawn Raincoats .. .. Reduced to 69/6 Week-End Sale Bargains! — Ladles' Pretty Fawn and Brown Raincoats . . Reduced to 38/6 Week-End Sale Bargains! — Ladies' Splendid Black Imitation Beaver Coats 155/- Reduced to 119/6 Week-End Sale Bargains! — Ladies' Beautiful White Silk Blouses .. .., 19/11 Reduced to 16/11 Week-End Sale Bargains! — Ladies' Strong Tweed Skirts, medium size .. 24/6 Reduced to 16/11 Week-End Sale Bargains! — Ladies' Lovely Cream Wincey Blouses ... ... 17/6 Reduced to 13/11 -Week-End Salo Bargains! — Pretty Jap. Blouse,. Silk, WJiite, 2J7in Reduced to 4/6 yd. • Wook-End Sole Bargains! — Ladies' Stylish Tweed Coats, all-\vool .. .. 112/6 Reduced to 79/6 Week-End Sale Bargains! — Men's Dark Striped Hard Wear Trousers >~ Reduced to 18/11 B*~ If you can't call, shop with, tie by Poet. ""•& — ■ : 4—
For Real Enjoyment ill. Days in the Year Capstan Navy Cut A Sterling Tobacco
Page 8 Advertisements Column 5
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 8
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