A SKIN TONIC* "Q-tol" Is the most pcrroct hand emollient and bcnllnß ngent. Dtepels dandruff and other skin Irritations. Makee ebavlnc n pleasure.—(Ad.) 5
jT-' jtfle f«yy*^ EE&itislvh Vie CMlnc beeaiwt »**s#r'£l it «f.<ruu*» tl« . B?/vS§iMi2*$\ oomplpxkmTTom ex- ' I _ ffSKi'g poaanaadkaerath* Sic .ii for Ch< Cook *m 4 Comfort for Ike Family. THE ORION OPEN-FIRE RANGE Give* perftet reunite in Cooking and BaWlnc. In the Evenings it can be t.r»n»f«Miued into a delightful open Fire-Place thereby eeonomieAN ''"oRION" WII,L BURN LIGNITK OK ANY OTHER FUEL. B I. SHACKLICI Hi. A>«k!..<! D»<4i> m%4 W.lli.»lo«.
THE KAUSr TIMBER CO., LTD., A\ Little XA ] Goods ■to* I Little People The correct style and fitting of children's footwear is as essential as the air they breathe. We are CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR SPECIALISTS and are now showing a special display of Spring goods, from the dainty pumps to the Serviceable School Boot. SEE WINDOW. A.J.FERNANDEZ The Shoe man 155 Upper Symonds Street.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 8
Word Count
Page 8 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 8
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