Tears aso science proved that the diffusion of heat brings relief to those part* of the human body affected with Rheumatism or other klndrca troubles nil of which aro more or less forms of coneestion. But when the seulus of the discoverer of. Wawn's Wonder Wool gave to the world a new method of applying the healing and comforting effects of hent a step further" was accomplished. Indeed the Rplendld properties of Wiiwn's Wonder Wool have been widely recognised by Doctors and Nurses as possessing curative powers of great merit, and as a valunhle ntront In lessening pain. When Wnwn's Wonder Wool Is applied It diffuses its impregnated heat right through the skin Into the congested painful parts. This stimulates circulation, and relieves conception In Rheumatism, Sciatica Lumbago Gout. Neuritis, etc. Wawn's Wonder Wool Is luvaluable^—lt Is easy to apply and can be placed on the skin without Inconvenience. It Is sure and speedy In action and Ls cleanly. Mr. William Hnvrker writes: "I had nn attack (severe) of Rheumntic Fever. Medicine, etc.. pave little or no relief, so I applied Wawn's Wonder Wool and Rot Instant relief and eventuallycomplete cure." 2/6 at chemlste and stores, or post free from N.Z, Agents Salmond & SpragEon. Ltd., Wellington.—(Ad.) As little children enter grow, Among the things they seek to know, Are sordid truths we dare not tell; An>l camouflage la Junt v well But simple facts»need no dlsgnlee. Plain terms with such axe safe and wise A child with croup, of course. Is enia Xo knew ot Vtocds , Great Peppermint Cm*.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 8
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