HE BENT I 2000 WILES FOR BAXTER'S LUNQ PRESERVER. A man had so much faith in the unrivalled merits of Baxter's Lung Preserver thut he sent from Western Australia to New Zealand for this famous medicine. He wrote:—■ " Enclosed find fl. Please send mc Rome bottles of your Lung Preserver. Kindly send us soon as possible, as I have a rather bad cough, and your Lung Preserver cured mc of asthma when 1 was in New Zealand 14 years ago." You can obtain Master's Lung Preserver by calling nt the nearest chemist ot grocer. You will iind it the best remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchial troubles. Its soothing, healing effects are immediate, even with deep-seated colds and chronic coughs. In addition it builds up strength and vitality. Good for children —and for their grandparents. Don't take risks with coughs and colds when " Baxter's " is aole to keep them at hay. Get a bottle to-day—keep it handy— take a dose regularly yourself, and give It to the little ones. 2/6 spent on a big bottle is the best Investment you can make.—(Ad.) 11
A distinguished lawyer assert 3 tsat the most powerful brief he ever used for the prosecution of colds, coughs, and lung complaints was Baxter's .Lung Preserver. "Baxter's" is a rich, soothing mixture, pleasant to the taste; always efficacious for bronchial and lung complaints. Also valuable for toning np the system. Invest in a large boitie to-day; 2/6, at all chemists. D
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 7
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