-OECOMH A QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT. xi. " -~ - In the world of commerce there are two , distinct classes of workers—the Qualified and the Unqualified. Anyone can Join in with the latter, but the question is, •'What is there to prevent YOU mingling with the former,?" To-day the cry is for the Specialist the qualified Man. Great opportunities liberal salaries, and increased material joys await the "men who know." The Accountancy Profession holds great prospects for all who take it up with ambition and enthusiasm. In New Zealand ' ' alone there are scores of excellent position* waiting to be filled by thoroughly efflcleat accountants. Give thought to your future, become eligible for the big job with the big pay. Diligent study will quickly lift you froi» , the mass and put you on the upward track i START STUDYING AT ONCE. s Commence this winter, and you wtji rapidly realise the treat benefits receive^ • TTEMINGWAY AND T>OBERTSO2i'» CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, LTD. "T>BE' ACCOUNTANCY SPECIALISTS, , * Union Buildings, CUSTOMS ST. £~ B P.O. Box 516, AUCKLAND. p&MIXGTOS AM) "OONEO. ; {"IOLLEGE, REMINGTON CHAMBERS, 1 244, QUEEN STREET. CJHORTHAND. f£IYPBWEITIJI(\ AND /-COMMERCIAL T>OOKKBEPIS(J • ARE TAUGHT TO STUDENTS Off • BOTH SEXES. Instruction Iβ individual, end the greatest care la taken to develop tit* capacity of each Student for Commercial Work. Parents who wish their children to enter upon 'business liteafter the Christmas Holidays, shouldenrol them now. DAY CLASSES: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.| Mondays to Frldayi. EVENING CLASSES: 7 to » p.m.s Mondays and Thursdays. TEKiI BEGINS AT DATE OF Prospectus on Application. Principal MBS. MARTIN, Managing Director.. H. B. HOBDAIZ TLTAKE TJSE OF ■yOUB T/ytNTBR TPVENIXGB. LEARN A PROFITABLE PROFESSION Don't waste these long winter evenings. "Cut out" the pictures and the dances for just one season, and get down to swatting. It's worth it. You'll have plenty of time for "taking it easy" when you've landed that £500 per jeer Job. WHICH HIGH-PAID PROFESSION SUITS YOU BEST? MATHEMATICS, MECHANICAL DRAWING, or iENGINEERINGI Write or Call for Prospectuses. A Full Staff of Certified Teachers aways in attendance. TERMS: CASH OR INSTALMENT; TJOWER'S -gXGIXEEHING OCHOO^ ; COLWILL CHAMBERS. SWANSON STREiET, AUCKLAND P.O. Box 50. (And at WelllngtorJ:^ DRAPERY AND CLOTHING. J£OW TO Q.ET THE jVfOST "pOR THE T EAST? : fJTHAT JS rpHE QUESTION.' J fJULKIXG A BOUT jirEXS QVERCOAT.S. , ■ jgCARCE AS aOTEHEIGXa, LIKELY TO BE SCARCER STILE "QEABER, mOO, AT fpHAT. 1 We JiaTe several hundred* of ; jyjEN'S AND JJOTS , QVEBCOAII* WHICH WE HAVE MARKED DOWX TO QUICK AND JJtJSY pRICES, IX CONFORMITY WITH OUR USUAD QLBAX gWEEP pOLICY. SEARCH THE WHOLE OF THB DOMINION. IT THINS jy£OORE QLOTHING p;o., ■ WRONG SIDE KARANGAHAPE KOAl* HAVE THE NOBBIEST PATTERNS, RELIABLE MAKE*. And MOST EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS IN ||£EN'S AND JJOYS' .QVERCOATS ALL OF WHICH HAVE BFFV DISCOUNTED IX PRICE AT THELK J£,ND OF jgEASON gALE. Whether It be Heavr Tweed Coits 1 Medium Weights, or Ugh t Rainproof Coats, we have them in ALL WEIGHTS AND SHADES With or Without the Belt at Waist. PROCURING A rpHOROUGHLY TTELIABLE QVBRCOAT AT J£NT> OF gALB pRICE*, rpHE QLOTHING 00. gIDE, J£ARAXGAHAPE "ROAD. NOTORIOUSLY THE CHEAPEST STORH IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE ; -\IH » """""""^' ."tOCOA is more than a beverage-tt's a food. Contains all essentials for bun* re muecle and bone. Especially VAV NEW SEABOX-β SUITINGS.—We n«Te r J'V" S^fX* 1 np J* ,oTel y lln e «* the Latest Suit n ß s. The very newest In Blue". Browne, Oreya. etc.—Write or e«ll ; £>«■ pattern*: prices bedrock.—McßßUXE. iTlie Taller. 11-18. Victoria St. ■ acett g^j
Page 6 Advertisements Column 9
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 6
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