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AUCTIONS. UNDER CONDUCT OF THE jIEGISTRAR OJ..' TUB SUPREiiE COURT AT AUCKLAND. AT THE REQUEST OF THE 'MORTOAC'BK. UNDER MEMORANDUM. OF MORTGAGE so. sasoo. mO-MORROW. g'EPTQMBE-B Q 1020, AT VJ NOON. yAILE AND QJONS, T TD., Have been Instructed to Sell, at their Auction Rooms, Valle's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland, oil the above date. ALL THAT KUI3HHOLD PROPERTY, situated in Station Road. Auckland, containing 1 atr« 'i roods* and 20. 'i perchen, being Lots 7 and 8 on a plan deposited In the Lund Registry Office at Auckland, under No. 8730, whloli «ald parcel of laud is portion Allotment 121, Parish of WatkoiuWi, and la tlie whole pf the land In i'crtUicale of Title \oluuic Folio 250, Auckland RefflKtrj-. Tbs .Mortßagve's application ar.'l es(imoli< of value may h<- Inspected at the Jillce ef the Reg-lstrar of 'the -Supreme Court unrlns ofllce hours, and at the Auctlm ltt>.im mi the morning of tlie salt. CondKioi:? of <ale iuuy be lnspei-Uil at the otflocs of rhe ttoueera or of the soltcito. 3, >lessrs. Stanton, Johnstone jnJ Spruce, U. purttciilars may be obtulned. l,i r>ITY "pREEHOLD TVLOCK. rim. ryKLLF.SLEY AND -pEDEUAL STREETS. JPOCR gHOTS AND TOWELLING. mO-MORUOW (FRIDAY), AT O P.JI -*• id gAMUEL -y-AILE AND OONS, T TD., Will Sell by Public Auction, at their Rooms, 83, Queen Street, VTERY FINE COIINER ni.OCK, comprls » Ins Wooden Muildllig, divided Into Two Shops, Nos: 53 and 37, Wt'llesley Street. Also, Two-atorcy Brick Hulldlng, containing Two Shops, Nos. 30 and til. Also, Two-storey Wooden Dwelling, No 111, Federal Street. Freehold Section fronting WELLKSLEY SXttIKKT WEST. .->3ft «ln. and FEDEJIAL .STREET, 00ft. (EXCELLENT roUNHU POSITION, frontiiid one of main city tramlines; close 10 Jlolwon Stree"!, nm! nlthlu few hundred yards of (Juoeu Street. Would make splendid site for warehouse, jiarujie, or other wholesale bualuesß, Eusy terms given, viz.. Quarter Cash, bal. ."1 years at U per cent. 1 OLOSE TO A VOXDALE QTATION. •\/-ILLA AND J ARGE SECTION. qpoMonnow (Friday), at <> p.m. gAMUEL AND OONS, T TD., Will Sell by Public Auction, at their Land Sale Rouuis, sa. Queen Street, TTTW.T.-nrn.T and attractive *■» VILLA irf ."« rooms, bathroom and large pnntry; built nliont 5 years; bay window and vcniU'laii from, also small, back verandah; range, gas, h. uuil c. water; detached wahhhoiise (c. and t.'s). Freehold section, front Ing Robertson Itoad, l.'lift by louft Very hiindy n> stilt ion. school, etc. Will sell House with (JOft, and vacant Lot dift l»y 150 ft. o TJ."-' "\rOKNINGh-lDli. CECTION TN T-\iECEASBD rpO-MORROW (FRIDAY), AT 4> P.M. QAMCEL "VTAILE AND QONS, T TD., Will Sell by Public Auction at their Rooms, S3, Queen Street, in Estate of Josepn Henry Selby (deceased!. TTOLCANIC SECTION fronting GORDON - ' ItOAD. and containing 1 rood 3S.U perches. Sonic useful stone. Very handy to cars. Must be sold to wind up estate. :J /-IOTTAGE AT /"VNE'HUNUA. TO-MORROW (FRIDAY), AT O P.M. CAMUEL -yAILE AND OONS, T TD., (In Conjunction with A. W. HEAD & CO.). Will Sell by Public Auction at their Rooms, 83, QUEEN STREET, SMALL COTTAGE on freehold section, situated In I-ItI.\'CKS STHKKT IiAST: Only 5 minutes - wiilk from cars. Good opportunity to secure a cheap little cottage ;,s owner is prepared to sell at low Ht;uro. 4 YyjESTEHN GPHIN'GS "R. OAU ' jITOUNINGSIDE. ■piIjEJVATDIJ T>UILDING QITE. .rpO-MORROW (FRIDAY), AT O P.M. QAML'EL "yAILE AND T TD, Will Sell by Public Auction at their Rooms, S3. Queen Street, on behalf of owner who is leaving fur Australia. -\T-EItY FINK HOME SITE in highest part » of WESTERN SPRINGS RD., having frontage of COft by average depth of 314 ft flin and containing 1 rood 14.0 perches. Fenced all round, hedge planted on two sides, number of fruit trees In bearing; lovely views of ranges, upper liarbour, etc. This is a particularly choice home site, r, L AX ' D S- ALEQTAHUHU - JJKACH JJOAD. RI'I'KI.AND'S ESTATE CLOSE To RAILWAY STATION rpO-MORROW, TjIRIDAY, AT i> nr\ r.M Instructed by ibp Vpndor, we will Sell SECTIONS 7. S AND !1 OF THIS POITLAU BPRDIVIHIUN (total area, about Si acres freehold). These are line ItesUlentlal Areas (volcanic soil). Each Section has Good Road Frontage, also frontage to Manukau Harbour Good Terms. Plans on application The Property I« Flagged. A LFRED TgUCKLAND & QONS, T TD. 47 T IIE H" AYMARKET - rno,-MORRow cfriday), qept. q gUCKLAND & gONS, J TD. Will Sell AT 10.30 A.M. TTAIRNICSS. iSA'DDLERY. VEHICLES *-*- 'HORISES OF ALL CLASSES. "I GIG, «OR:SE. AND HARNESS, first- -*■ class turnout. -1 FURNliritl-: WAGON, carry 13 ToDc -*• (measurement). AT 12 NOON. -j GREY MARIE, oyrs, by Royal Nerve— -*- Arab mare;'good Jumper. -| BROKEiN MARiK. by Extractor, dam St. - 1 - Rrlde: real good linck. i} ACTIVE YOUNG HEAVY DRATjGHTiS, ** 4yrs and Cyrs. O UNBROKION MEDIUM DRAUGHTS, ±j 4-year-olds, from South Head. Also, ,On Account of Takapuna Borough Council: 9 'H'EAVT DRADG.IPTS, right out of work, give any trial. £ LFRED JJCCKLAND & QONS, TTTD. < 1 ""' ~ — *
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 6
Word Count
804Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 6
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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