I (To the Kiiltor.) Sir.— Dr. Fletcher Tclford, speaking at n conference at Christehurch, informs us that we may yet have plague brought t;> the Dominion tliroiigli rats. Auckland in ulroady rat-infected. and even it nt jpresent they arc not spreading the I plugue liea they may be spreading other ! infectious diseases, and it is time some I urgent measures were taken to exterI minatc thorn. I have even found rat rlirj in thr bags of oatmeal delivered by retail pracer*. Tim whole business U revolting. — J am. etc., HOUSEWIFF.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
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