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LOST AND FOTJNB. LOST, »v Tuesday night, Koll of £1 Notes, In city.—Notes, »7U, STAR. to LOST, Suit Case, Iα Victoria Street; reward.—Aurora Hotel, Victoria St. 74 TOST, Friday, Wristlet Watch, vicinity Shortlaud St.; reward.— J. (J. Tole, 30, Short 'andJSt. sa ■ LOiST, _loon_touo IPeudant, circular shape, ■ Tuesday; valued us -•evpsakc; reward. ■ Address at 'STAR. 103 LOST, «helly~l{each Rd., Pun-el contaiuliig boy's shorts.—liiudly return. Whit-c-orabe and Tombs. 003 i LOST, Meerschaum 'Pipe, bet\ve7_ Vie- ' toriii St. null Karaugahape Rd.— Howard nt Aurora 'Hotel. 5 L"TJST\ ~ —la" c" k Sp a uTel Pup, lierr StT, Devoupon, Sunday. Reward.—ll, Qnaen'B Parade, Dgvonport. 21. LOST, from TW47~Manukau Kd., Browii I'ersian Cat (female); reward.— US4, MttTKikuu ltd.. One-tree Hill. IK* LOST, baiurduy last, returned soldier's Badge, No. 11475.—Finder rewarded returning to Conductor. 300, Jipsoui. 575 LOST, Tlciuity Dominion ltd.. Postcard Photo.; greatly rained, (deceased). — Plense return to 1H.8.. 081, STAR. 68 LOST, Buy Muro, on Sunduy, from Epsom; white face, newly shod;' reward.—Mt. Eden Forge, Phone 4227 (It rings). 577 LOST, Black nnd White 'Spaniel Bitch, named Lady, on Sunday evening.— Eewnrd n,t No. 4, Seafleld View Rd. 2 LOST, Blue Belton Setter Dog, blacU head, white on top, well mottled. Answers name of Kuos. Howard.—Address ut STAR. UO LOST, Tuesday evening, bet-ween National Pictures and Parnell, l<l terminus, rarcel, containing music.—Reward at STAR. US LOST, Lady's Short Raincoat nenr Three King's Store, Mt. Albert Kd., Wedneadny mornine; reward.—Finder kindly leave It Three Kincs Store. 572 LOST, Lady's Hand'bng, containing money and handkerchief, between Prior'e THnlngroom, Princess Pictures. Eeward. — Richardson's, Ltd., Qneen St. 72 4?9 REWARD—LOST. Grey Perslnn Cat, °~ w marked fawn, name Tui. from Greenwood's Corner.—23, Tawera Kd., Greenlane. '_Phone 1111 {3 rings). 535 JfVOTTXD, Gold 'Brooch; owner can have ~- same by describing and paying advt.— 00, St. Stephen's Ay., Parnell. 46 PERSONAI,. would like to meet musicians, with view to joining in orchestral practice.—Enthusiast. 3, STAR. 121 DEAR Ella, —Anxiously waiting your answer; undying lovo always.— iDiek. 203 fTEALTHY Baby Girl for Adoption.— •*-*- Nurse Bonner. S. jSheilv Beach Rd. s"l> JOHN COURT'S Corner—My efforts to meet you fa-Hen , . Is it final parting? Money waiting for you.—Address STAIR. 45 T ADY, desiring spend some months' In •*-• Samoa, offers Services companion; excellent needlewoman; pay own fare. — Reflned. 004, STAR. rnAKArUNA—Sorry did not see you. Bad ■*■ with flu. See yon to-night, same place Ponsonhy. 219 George Croon cafi for Box. 31. »» Anne St., Devonport?—lf not, will tie •old In 14 days. t>7 MATRIMONIAL. MAN, young (31), would like to meet young lady (21-25), view friendship and matrimony.—Genuine, 23, STAH. 221 PROPERTY SOLO AND WITHDRAW*. ■ A GENTS.—Take notice, my property, 20, Arlkl St., Grey Lynn, has been sold.— J. Stormont. 560 'T AiNtt) Agents.—i Please note, my property -I- 1 In Parua .Bay is sold. —M. Lovieh. 79 T AND Agents—Tnke notice, _at any 'Farm J-< nt Parakakau, 29G acres, is sold.—B, T. Balp-h. 73 LAND Agents.—Take Notice, I have Sold my House, 15a, Noraua Arr, Kemuera.— G. Altken. 505 T AND Agents—Please note, my property, *-i 37, Windmill Kd., .Mt. Eden, is sold. B. Bedggood. 104 T AND Agents.—Take notice, my house, 30, ■*—' John St., has been withdrawn from lale.—M. Mackle. 13 5 LAiNID Agents.—Please note, my house, 110, Valley Rd., withdrawn from sale. <Blg_od) X. ijjpper. 13 LAiNID' Agents.— Mj-s. Sjnlrh's property, ,No. 0, lEldon .St., Parnell, lias beau sold fey Johns and Franks. a<l4 T AND Agents.—Take Notice, my Property ** at MeadowTmnk, Kemuera, i 3 'Withdrawn from Sale.—Wm. 11. Pountney. i>l LAND Agents.—Please Take Notice, my House in Selkirk Rd., Mt. Albert, Is •Withdrawn from Sale.—A. Brown. 30 LANiD Agen-ts. —Please notice, mry property, 13, Crooks Ay., has been sold by K.Z. Tlome /Builciers. —D. TVaClace. _d T AJnID Agents.—Please take notice that U ray property, Inkerman 'St., Onehunea. U withdrawn from sale.—lt. 'S-horley. 5U6 L~AXID Agents—Please >"ote, my Property, 2, atarain a Ay., ihns been Sold by Sindßlr Yates. Please withdraw same. —TV-. G. Bnrre-tt. 101 fTO Land —Rents,—My Property, situated *■ 68, Burnley Terrace, has been Sold.— A. Tyue. S3 WANTED TO RENT. fIJUNGALOYV, 5 or 6 rooms, for 0 months, •D near beach; furnished or nufurnished. — Particulars to House, l>7B. STAR. 521 BONUS £2.—Unfurnished Cottage, 2 or 3 rooms, by youug ni.c; uo children; permanent.—Address at Star. 31 />OTTAGE wanted to Lease or Rent by '-' m.c ,no clilldren. —Reply, stating terms, A.. 900, STAR. ] - COITAUJi, 4 rooms, eonvs., for long term; handy ferry, Devonport; possoaBlon few weeks. —E.M.. Devoiiport P.O. I'M TtiiLAT, 2 or 3 rooms, furn., self-contained, ■■■ bath, convs., pood locality, required, by bachelor; term 3 months.— M.N. , 0:"_, BTAR. ; 137 HOUSE, C to 8-rooined, wanted to Reut or Lease, up to £2 10/ week, by nurse. Xunfe, 010. STAR. ? 4 OVSIE S to 10 rooinn. wanted to Lpase or R»nt; first section from wnarf.— Particulars to 8.M.. «H). ■■STAIt. }± HOUSE, 5 or 6 rooms, furnished or partly furnished, wanted by business man; children must not He Miected to; every care taken; adva-ce rent; references if required. Advance. OPS. 'STAR. f E~iToll or Lock-up Shop wanted, suitable for dressmaker.— Reply Dressmaker. .Mt. Albert P.O. *3 CJIIOP, with living room: nny good loP ciillty.—atetumed, STAR. O,f BONUS.—3, 4, or 5-roonied House, ~O within 3d section: m.c; good referencf3.—Cnreful. 001, STAR. 18J r-O BONUS given, for a 4, B. or G-roomed House to Rent; any locality.—Address at STAR. cl BUSINESSES W ANTED. BAKERY wanted, suburb or country: cash ibuyer.—.Baker_Jffi___g_A_ 00 FISH, or Other 'Business, with Uv-lng rooms; or Lease of Shop and Dwelling. Leane. Mti, >STATC_ f≥ 1 BILLIARDS, Halrdresslng, Confectioneir, Prult, others, from £100 to £5000. Clients waltlnp.—Reddaway, Agent, 20. Karangahape Rd. lv * FOR I.EASE. PEILDING.— Baker'g Shop, v/lth good Bakehouee, and aleo living rooms, Bltu«ted In the Square, Feiiding. May be Leased at a rental of £2 18/ per week. —Alex. J. Oeory. Agent. Pelldlng. " lrf TJESIDEN'CE, gentleman's, commodious, ** for 3 years or longer; garden In flrsteuse order; close beach. Rent, £4 a week. , W. Eadaile and Co., Takapuna. CO2
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 1
Word Count
990Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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