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■yorn FrnxiTrr.E . . J- IS IT FK'KE FROM WOOD BOREH? Arc you lotting your Furniture crumble awny to dust the unchecked ravages of the wood borer? .lust think Rnon your piano. tables. clialrs. t-t >.■.. will lip more shells, unci utiwiliiti'ly Viihu-loss. Stop i his deterioration now: OMalji tip. .il,l of the surest, speediest, nnd moat seuslblp tnrtlioil — tlic ONLY effective pcuipily — IJI.AI'irS TJATENT |~< AS This modern process never fails. iPpnetb« wood-borer secretes Itself. 'Works silently nmt effectively, wltliout harming flip furnishings In the least. Don't waste rime and liionpy. and damage your furniture by experimenting with solutions und p.m-ders. Write, call, or phone for information about this swift, safe, aud certain method TU-IiAV. jrji.Aiii:s pATE.vr /^ias "pf Ml GATING pO., i-'T. SIIOUTLANP STREET, AUCKLAND "Phone 117::. 'KB Mγ own "special method of I'AINI.ESS EXTKACTION Possesses Many and Great Advan.tage£ Which are Distinctive. IIEUK AKK SOUK, AMONG OTHERS: 1. NO PAIN. i\ SO NEKI) to pome back the second time or ofteiipr, as mider other methods. 3. EXPEHT EXTRACTION. Xo broken teptJi or stumps left In the gums. 4. PEiRFEK'TLY SAKE for all ages. I can safely use It ou a patient of 80 Team. .">. IK VOr HAVE) A WEAK HEART, or suffering from other complaints, it will not Hffec.t yon. . t>. XO PAIXKCL PHICKIXG. T. NO SWOLLEN GUMS. 5. ABSCESSED TEETH also painlessly extracted. 0. EXTRACTIONS FREE when teeth are ordered. Also. The Most Marvellous Discovery In Dentistry of the age. You can have your teeth drilled, tilled, prepared for crowning, bridge work pivots, etc., without the slightest pain whatever. Yon are conscious, yet unconscious to pain, and 1 have proved this most wonderful machine to be an absolute success in every operation. Therefore patients who are nervous need no longer fear the dentist. 'Painless Dentistry at mv rooms is not a Myth, but a Fact. TVEXTIST ri -VTUNROE T^MANUEL, FIRST 'FLOOR. ENDEAX'S BUILDINGS (Next GjP.O.). Open Every Evening, also Saturday Afternoon. Telephone 1604. Take Elevator. D LEATHER GOODS. — Remember, we manufacture Trunin. Hat Boxes. Suit Oases, Attavlie Ca3es, School Bags Music Cases. Tricee rigtt. quality right. Also see our new Department for Ladles' and Gent'a High-grade. Footwear. It will pay you to Inspect. L.EDIARD AND KINGSFORD, Leather Goods nnd Sports Specialists, 164, Queen St., 184, Knrangahape lUI. B 1920. 1920 TTEMSTITCHIN6, TJUTIOXS, ■DDTTONHOLE3. A CCORDEOX ■pi/EATING, T>I'NSIXO. We are fullj equipped with Machines and Stork to execute orders of iaj size from town or con«t^ K^^ K _ W. P. O GILriE - 316. queen street. tht tost all drink craving Xj "I bless tbe day I got 'Drinko' Powders My husband baa lost all craving fur drink,, so I think after two years' relief from th< worry It gave mc I can testify to 'Driuko's' worth. Though my husband lias latelj had an illness und uad to have a little alcohol dally, he does not long for it any more." This from a fanner's wife in Oamaru. Original testimonial shown t* any genuine Inquirer. Save your friend or relative from thr I grip or drink through "Drinko." Write for Free Booklet. Inquiries confidential. Plain envelopes used. Lady Manager, Drtnko Proprietary. 21331, Lainbton Quay, Wellington. RD), FOB COMMERCIAL AXD SCHOOL STATIONERY, Paper Bags, Wrapping Tapers, Carbon Paper, Greaseproof, Twines, Household Brushware, etc., etc., try CHAS. L. STEVENSON, LTD., Wholesale Stationers and General Importers, Exchange Lane (opp. Fort St.), Auckland. Thone 1720. Established 1899. B NEVER late for breakfast when they catch a whiff of a jug of steaming VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA. A foundation for the day's toil, too! Start to-morrow. Sold at your grocer's. rj T ADiEtS , and Gent's IJelt and Velour A-' Hats renovated as new.—lutt'u, tijmonds St. rpAXIWHA.—Tue Purest and Beat Soap J- manufactured. B IiLAYS ARE DANGEROUS.—Order your suit now. Take delivery when you like. We will be only too pleased to send you patterns.— .MoßßlDE, The Tailor. 11-13. Victoria Street. ttps VyiJOD-MILNE U'JBBER HEELS cost ' » little more than inferior rubbers, but they give , 100 per cent more wear They are British made from best Para Rubber. Get them. (1.42) ritHAT weakly child—that peevish grandpa X Make them healthy aud brizbt. Give them VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA morn and night. See the reanlt. p QK/— HAVE ion Seen Out &AIXCOAT OOJ at 03/? The best value ever offered. Sizes, 3 to 7. iIcBRIDE, The Tailor. HF3 U.-13. Victoria Stret -KTKW ZEALANDERS' favourite bTelk"--x>l fast drink Iβ VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA If drinking other brands shunt on to VAN HOUTEN'S right away. Goes further— more delicious. q *• JTTANIWHA " Soap has Revolutionise"! X the Art of Washing. i mUROUGU long, long years of sick room J- sen-Ice our T'NIQUE) HOT WATER BAG has firmly established its wonderful Quality.' Warms our *bed every nlirhr. Specify North British T'NIQtrE. ■ TMPOIRTANT. TO MEN. - Tailor-made -•- Ready-to-Wear nnd Unclaimed Suits, in all colours and sizes; also, Navy Serges, guaranteed fast indigo dyes.— Bros.. Ltd., 210. 217, 210, Queen St. B "rjVANIWHA" Soap has Revolutionised ■*- the Art of Washing. B "MO RUBBING" Launrlry oeet ■*-* scientific preparation for washing clothes without injury; price 1/. —Wheeler's Stores. b
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 4
Word Count
837Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 4
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.