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AMPS] THE GREATEST PHOTO-DRAMA OF •VTATIONAL PICTURES. XX ATIONAL -C ICTUKKS. Til "VJ-ATIONAL "pICTUREa. 21( •J-' ATIONAL A ICTL'UES. William Vi TT7IW.IAM fTIARNTTM, The Illgliest-poU »» ILLIAM - 1 - AR.NI'M, Male Motion \\ T II.LIAAI IMclure Actor ''ILLIAM ■*• ABNJJM, In the World, Recommended tiy Censor More I A Romance of the rpFIE T ONE CJTAR T3ANGER. J IIK -LONE K->TAR XVaNUHiu. miJK TONE UTAH -pANQKU. J -HE -LONE Xi AN(;EU rpHK TOKH CJTAU "IJANGKR. J-UH -L'OM-: OtAR i-wANORK. A I'lny of Sn-lft and Tense Dramatic Acti< i lure. In which n Man of Iron Nerve "Tuts < I a Hrave Jinn takes Desperate Chances ai jto the Wall. A Border Life Story from 7,1 CJUNKUINB pOMEDY. A Ijiugh 1 KjfXKHINE V-'OMEDY. Kvery Seen't miss this. The lUst Comedy of that does ever} ; The Blcyclf Rnco Mutt and Jeff. i NATIONAL ORCHESTRA. Overture. "Light Cay SESSIONS : 1 EVHYDDY'S." T7UREWELL VRVBDVS." J-lAREWEI.L ' At ° ' H " Attend the 0 o'clock 1 "-LTrYU'DY'S." Ensure a S " TTIV'HYB'DY'S." "-"VltrB'DY'S." Or « XJvuYU'DY'S." .T>OOK Your < EVIJYIfDVS." JJOOK > VHYIVDY'S." EVHVI'.'DY'S." Uont Miss this Rema VIIVU'DVS." EntYii'DY's." mo-NiGHT x ritYlt'UY'S." J-0-NIGIIT -I " 7.,-U HYBDY'S." mO-MORROW.—iFrIt "■L'VKVU'UrS." J- u-.MOIUUIW. • i/VIJYU'UY'S." HRSTII - VvicYii'DYS." AT AH "•L'riiYß'DY'S." JJJ - •■ V UYIfDY'S." •• rnlll? s~t\ •■-PVRYBDY'S." XSb C ■• -CiVKYB'DY'S." IIE EV'RYBDYS. ,, THUMB PRINT COMI VRYBDY'b." MAX " TpVIIYIfDY'S." »JJV"BTH'I)Y'S." Secure as many Thum Frlends-"-IKVRYB'DY'S." "Tj'V'KYB'UY'B." trninrrrinv« •■ XL/ riiYU'DY's." • ' niructions. EVKYUIiY'S." Tal:'e a piece of CI VItYB'DY'S." ball of tho thum EVRYB'DY'S." ItLACK Ink. press V'RYB'DY'S." on the paper, tal "TpV'KYB'DY'.S." " Impression. BBWO THE Til The n num7ers d or" EVRYBDY'S." VItYB'DY'S. ,, EVRYB'DY'S." NOTE.—THUMB PRI YKYBDYS." ARE WANTED. . " XT'V'RYB'DY'S." \ the theiitre to take •■ J-'V'RYB'DYS " tllp Flnser l'rint " TflY'RYB'DY's!" assistants as flnal. .. J-J V'RYB'DY'S. ,, pET AS TITE V'RYB'DY'S." (j A l>l V'RYB'DY'S. , ' a S ■•XT'V'RYB'DY'S." A. :S?:gSS?t: " There ' s more In ( •••HiV'RYB'DY'S." VOC ARE URGENT EVRYB'DY'S." -L THE SEARCH VRYB'DV'S." GOOD REWAR IN MEMORIAM. •McKrLLOP.—In loving memory of Margaret, wife of the late Private William ■MrKillop (Main Body), who died September 2, 1018. To-day recalls sad memories Of our loved one gone to refit; And we who think of her to-day Are dhose who loved her best. Inserted by her loving mother, 13. , Dines, and sister, E. Clarke, ami little eon Willie. McQUILLAN.—In loving memory of my dear wife, Lucy, who passed away on September 1, 1010. • Rest, dear -wife, thy work Is o'er. Thy willing hand.s will toil no more. On earth there's strife; In Heaven there's rest. We miss yon most who lore yon best. Inserted by her loving husband and daughter, Charlie and Rose. (PARKER.—In loving remembrance of our loving son •Frederick Augustus, who died 'September 2, 1910. In our hearts yonr memory lingers, Tender, fond, and true; Not a day goes by, dear Fred, But what we think of you. and sisters. WHITFOTtD.—In loving memory of ofir dear mother, wiio departed this life on September 1, 1919. . i Till tie day break, and the shadows Pee away. Inserted by her son and daughter-in-law, Fred, and Olaggic. WHITFOiUD. —In fond and loving memory of any dear mother, ila-ry Ann Wbitford, who "departed tills lile on September 1, 1019. Xo-t gone from memory, not gone from lore. But gjue to the heavenly iliome above. Inserted by 'her loving eon Tom, and granddaughters Hetty, '.Evelyn, and little 'Mary. BEREAVEMENT CARD. M»S. A. J. AGAR, of iHelensvtil'le, wishes to thank all kind friends who sympathised with her In her recent sad bereavement; iilho for card«, letters,. telegrams, and floral emblems received. MRS. ANDERSON AND FAMILY, of Coromnndel, wish to thunk all kind friends aud floral emblems received. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. LITTLE AND SONS, LTD., Under. V-/'» takers and Embaluiers, "Marble Arch," Hobsmi St., Auckland. Phone 001. D [XKATXOSY SIBbW, Undertaker anil '» Einbalmer. Phone 534 A. Newmarket and SymonUs St., Auckland. Official Undertuker to N.Z. Defence Department. U XXTLSK& AND HALL, Undertakers and ' > Embalmers. Shortland .St., Auckland. Phones: Bus. 33'J; Private, 1907 aud ll)- , " a , D ry\ J. McIVOK AXD SONS, Undertakers ■*■• nnd lOmbaliners, 1!>8, Karangahape ltd. Motor or Horse Hearse. Phones CBO, (2 rings). .D TVESTERN PARK FUNERAL CO., 70l ' » Ponsonl.y k<l. Jas. Weir, Manager. Funerals Furnished. Town or Country. Motors. Phone IS3B. l> JASi JAJIIESON, Belgium St. (late Upper Queen St.), near Newton East School. 'Phone 253. B LEGAL NOTICES. X G. QUARTLY and X. R. W. THOMAS, **-• LL.B., having returned from Active Service, have entered into Partnership as Barristers and Solicitors, at Imperial Ctaumbers, Vulcan Lane. Money to Lend on approved security. jj M v K. N. H. B^ OWNi; SOLICITOH (Late Local Deputy Public Trnstee Dnupdin nnd Auckland) HAS COMMENCED THE PRACTICE OF HIS PROFESSION 50, ™™Btr^Uw g n QUEEN Telephone 24G3A. " " -^g J)R. FITOHETT AND MR. REE? (Late of Napier, Fltchett, aud Rees), HAVE NOW COMMENCED PRACTICE TN CO-PARTNERSHIP As XprrCHETT AND "DEES, A T THE BRUXSWICK BCILDIXGf (Second Floor), No. IT4, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 10
Word Count
797Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 10
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.