HR.V.IAMix -On Juno -':'.. ill Hie Ihimiltnn H ■.-p!t:il, nfier :\ snort illness. Alllol ilo.-irly'd only nliilcl of l.ntii-i-loi Ambrose an.l ivy Btiljnmiu. Xn. -. I'ri.koi Avfiiui-. Kiiiwlainl, Aurklaiul: iisi-il -I yours 7 miHitlis. SiilV in the anus ..f .lenns. will le.ivp Hie residence of C. Tl:i,:n.-1.1. (liinlen Mi. Al'v.ti mi 1 p.m.. Saturday, .lime vii. r,.r Walkuiiietc. Friends,- ui-i-epi tills intini.itinn. FI.KTriiEK.. on Juiw 2::. ai Hie Aiwldand Hospital, \ellle, ihe hel.ivoil daughter i.f I'rcl. FlotiJuT. Scaview It,, Avuiulalc; ased -Jl years. I'riends ineel at Cliun-li of Christ. Frlilny. :ir 2 p.m., f,, r sliurt scrvi-e. IKJYTK. (Hi June 1»J. „[ !■„.,■ dau-liter'.s r,, ' :|| l -c (Mrs. c. 11. Turner. Stanley Bnyi. Klejluor. reli.t c.r 11. C. Hoyte l;ite Iniirnnj:!!, ninl Dublin, IreUunl;' in lier plghty-fmirtli year. Interred T.iitningn, Juno .4. UeTONXKILL.-Ou Ju-ne in. at the Military Hospital. Sydney (after long sutTeriu-i (Frederick, dearly ]~ve,l y«uu e cat sou of the late Thomas aud Catlicrluu Mi-Conuell. tHy eiililel. MOON.-nn June 2.1, u>2o. at his dautfh\7u f osi,lo ."'e-lMr a It. 11. Btirrell. 17, .Malilsti.uc Street), William '.Mixiii- axed 7') years. ' " Partly missed. Private internjeut. Wangamii papers please copy.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 12
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 12
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